do you have an open mind
. But using an on-board battery to split water to use the H2 to power a car is totally ****ing stupid. ahh now im getting somewhere please tell me oh wise one why it is so stupid please.....if you could read my run on sntnce i want to produce just enuff oxy-hydro to assist in turning water in cylinder... to steam....internal expansion steam engine...plz think twice or 3 times before insisting im a f....n dunce I described an action, a strategy, and said it was totally ****ing stupid. I never said that you or any particular person is stupid. I don't consider myself stupid, but I do a dozen stupid things every day, and I even sometimes intentionally use stupid strategies. I don't think this makes me stupid, just human. fair enuff i sit corrected |
ha ha when i heard it he had a hard round coin in his pocket good to see classics dont die fairly sure you have a interesting life thank you rynn. how does the coin in the pket version go? well ha ha i cant remember i believe teach was asking class questions like i spy something and johnie got annoyed cuz he was wrong so he says hey teach i got something in my pocket thats hard and round ..what is it ? and of course she thought the wrong thing and he says no a quarter but .i like the way you think..sorry i cant tell it right but heh 51 now im sure i can blame my failing mem.. |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
learning from history.
off the wall thrun the roof his mind is not quite there upside down back and forth hither hither there where he stops nobody knows or has ever seen it he's got A.D.D with a hyper flair and narcissism thrown in great minds think alike much ado about nothing 2 heads are better than one so add schizophrenic rob tomorrow to pay today like aseops grasshoppers way pave the road with good intentions we doubt hell make it to heaven doesnt do for others what he wishes for himself his habits a second nature he tries something and then forgets out of mind out of sight not just the cart before the horse no road,no map,not loaded he can't make an omlette without cracking something and then forgets the pan and burns the bottom of it a scalded cat cold water hates he's got less sense than that blond jokes he lives them up but with a twisted flair and often goes in for stiches idleness the mother of sin we actually beg to forgive that no news is good news or bad he is trying to hide it take everthing he says with a big bucket of salt sometimes not even he believes it but still the bull comes out the more things change the better he likes it just doesnt consider his socks grass hopper grasshopper please change your ways ...ran aotta time again |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
yes i know ----but i just havta sometimes
she sits on a chair and sttares a bemused grin in eye head cocked slightly the posture says why? are you doing that that silly way what are you not thinking why?why?why? what is wrong with a pot and a stove to go with it why are you making noodles in my nice new coffee maker "i do not have the time to sit around and wait the watched pot boils in minutes 7-8 by the time i get my noodles its gone past eleven but with our! nice new coffe pot its 4 minutes straight" a look that i have seen before is wrinkling on her face astonished confused bewilderment it will soon go away when she eats up all my noodles and tells me make some more and hurry up cuz while the pot is good and hot she'd like some coffe in it ha ha why am i on a dating site you ask funny so do i kinda like a porqupine going to a social |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
love is not a dud
or that to be amusing love is not to scoff or grudges holding love is no diamond perfect crystal clear love can be annoying whats that dear? love is always flexing shared give and take love is always sharing lifes litle cakes love is never easy a tough path to take love will never die life for the human race |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
like a ball in amachine
aiming for pins i rarly hit the target no high score name not recorded no flashing bells just push my buttons and fly off again caught in a maze richochet around hit a few good combinations adding to the score i thoght by now id be better at this rather perplexing miss miss score |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
...... NICE TRY GUY...
.with credit card paperweight.. she pauses and considers,a lonely day children gone,man at work,dog at vet no calls ,no appointments,hair cut tomorrow spic and span,mr glad and muscle have been and gone what is that strange sound she hears she considers its silent merit and with a shrug of her mighty shoulders she decides to go bake a cake go figger ehh!hasnt she heard of the mall? Happy mothers day!your hair looks great . P.S. thers a game on tonite can you pick up some beer? she pauses and considers and makes up the couch |
a nite w no smokes//// IM?IM
note wish i had time to finish eddie&john wish it made more sense
oh well ....kep up the good work lonely sentinels gathered breathing our poisons in cleansing the air that we breathe of the smoke when they burn sheltering us w/o branches or leaves keeping us fixed without thier roots the trees of life the tree of knowledge bringer of news when reduced to pulp bridges chasms....walk that plank picks your teeth....holds icy treats plied together finger jointed mitered and coved when put back together bugged to death and make way for the fields just keep doing your job and ignore our downsizing |
do you have an open mind
Why don't you simply build yourself a home made steam engine. Add a lil red wagon to it and call it a day. You'll reach your goal if you want an alternative to the internal combustion engine. that would be quite boring...why on earth would i wish an easy way out you never try for more than what is i do not understand why people will settle for what is instead of what might be do not mistake me i do not know it can be done is just an earworm haunting me i do know from trying that water can explode and gain volume ..that is the basis of the I.C.E. is it not maybe if you cant dream you could go back to sleep but this is a good excercise for dealing with other peoples opinions also i have built a steam engine lottsa plans for them the challenge is the carrot |
do you have an open mind
There is no free lunch in the laws of thermodynamics.
Exactly. Having a knowledge of thermodynamics doesn't make a person closed-minded. and here again we take a law and insist that is it have you heard the saying the law of airodynamics say bees cant fly nobody knows everything and we are fools if we take for granted any info without extreme thought and practice i am not a genius i am not an idealistic idiot who blindly wishes for fantasy to be fact i am open minded i wanted to converse with people who would consider laws to be questioned i wish to obtain info without depending on teachers insisting i stick to proven facts thank you |
do you have an open mind
Perhaps he is underestimating the amount of energy that is required to split a water molecule. There are a lot of people out there that think water can be used as a 'fuel', but breaking it into H2 and O2 and then recombining it. You hit the nail on the head. Many of them think that recombining the H2 and O2 can yield more energy than it took to break them apart in the first place. i am not one of those peoples i wish to break it in cylinder of motor and use it as an assist...have read article that states hertz rate changes amount of water "cracked" as i need to use a 120 volt alternator for juice i can adjust rate by increasing rpm.....i am told |
do you have an open mind
Hydrogen as a fuel is an excellent idea, however trying to produce hydrogen on demand is tricky. If however instead of using hydrogen for combustion you can also use it to create current for use in electrical motors. Fuel cell. Honestly what has been presented sounds like word soup. Cant make heads or tales, he seems to be saying that hydrogen would be created, but then talks about expanding steam, then goes on to talk about electrochemical energy conversion such as used in fuel cells. Dono, sounds like someone having a go at playing at science without any of the long hard work to actually learn the basics. That is what I was thinking. Is the author of the OP talking about the use of steam to drive a piston, or is he talking about using hydrogen as a source of combustion? Perhaps he is underestimating the amount of energy that is required to split a water molecule. it is more like since i havnt a clue how much it takes im asking i wish to use oxy-hydro-or browns gas to help expand water vapour into steam...if i am not wrong the expanse quotient?from water to air is approx 270-1 water is explodable 12 volts dont do much 24 is better i have not been foolish enuff to try either 36 or 120 i wish to know more before i attempt this i read much but info on this subject seems very scarce |
do you have an open mind
. But using an on-board battery to split water to use the H2 to power a car is totally ****ing stupid. ahh now im getting somewhere please tell me oh wise one why it is so stupid please.....if you could read my run on sntnce i want to produce just enuff oxy-hydro to assist in turning water in cylinder... to steam....internal expansion steam engine...plz think twice or 3 times before insisting im a f....n dunce |
do you have an open mind
I think you need some periods in your run on sentence kind sir ha ha lol story of my life but im?im and ive gotten kinda used to it not much time for punctuation 2 many ideas spilling over |
do you have an open mind
Hydrogen as a fuel is an excellent idea, however trying to produce hydrogen on demand is tricky. If however instead of using hydrogen for combustion you can also use it to create current for use in electrical motors. Fuel cell. Honestly what has been presented sounds like word soup. Cant make heads or tales, he seems to be saying that hydrogen would be created, but then talks about expanding steam, then goes on to talk about electrochemical energy conversion such as used in fuel cells. Dono, sounds like someone having a go at playing at science without any of the long hard work to actually learn the basics. sounds about right ..playing at science without all the school time i have the basic idea in head ...whats wrong with asking questions why waste learning what other people know ask instead????? |
ha ha when i heard it he had a hard round coin in his pocket
good to see classics dont die fairly sure you have a interesting life |
What's Your Favourite Word ?
~ story on a rope
i like this ...i fear i may be a coward as i would pick the door as to escape certainty that much longer...would serve me right if i had heart attack as door opened ha ha lol nice pce tks
rose are red violets are purplish my love for you is not on purpose its all just an accident hormones lost over surplus couldnt resist |
Where are all my "steamy" poets?? ![]() forgotten dreams...war of the sexes....part one her eyes glisten sparkle glint invite...lips form a seductive mocking lilt...curves no man would tour with speed...her breath gives her away...she seeks sport...a kitten on the prowl..are you a man or a careful she will devour you...irresistibly deadly this way...flowing dance she moves in ...all fluffy steel.. you are on her court now..serve well steel in velvet her touch...your arms seek and fail...a mocking laugh as she teases away...a counter move...positions change...the prey seeks offense...quicksilver lightning she evades...counter strike kiss are too slow...amused are safe .think quick...on your toes,tango at aloof...tricky,working,nice play your voice a kiss...true endearments...your hands,her back a dance floor her feet have left...carressing her to your body as the unheard song plays...a kiss stolen given away...dancing in place now. curiousity has this kitttens cap..brave mouse you may yet live... your kiss tastes the offered nape...her perfume a narcotic...sensous rythm develops...bodies sway in ancient rythm...brakes tested, hold. a circular dance she the much can you discover...which touch where...gaining knowledge...the slow game...connect the dots sometimes like snakes and ladders,steps go artful form...a body sage...both take pleasure...her hands not idle,shirt lost brakes still holding...driving faster ..still slow curves...kisses now gain fervour placed everywhere...hands beginning intimate everywhere...a hip check...a button pushed...dots become a line...her weight supporting.she is yours luscious treat tasting...her skin tantalizing..that taste...dress floor. brakes fading overheating..who cares...touches full,bodies bare... sensuous skin glides muscles flex she rises...your arms an alter.she accepts the spot is safe. your questing tongue. everywhere from head to toe...arches hisses scratches.delivers dessert,arms demand not let feet touch floor...your arm, her back support...moving swiftly you hear the next attack...brakes tearing rivets,an unheard sound...heartbeat thunders.. the hallway serves its purpose..this room,this rack of pleasure no surrender offered...thump steady growing...load unbalance a support.legs twine you are caught..hands free..held in place... your strategy a masterpiece..eyes open wide startled pleasure...a ride like no other..the machine sets the pace,you are free to offset it...brakes? le petite mort approaches |