Community > Posts By > Alterego1961

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:41 PM

my mom died of cancer a couple years ago I'd bash him what a jerk !:angry: :angry: mad

I lost my dad to cancer about 4 years ago. I understand what you are all saying, but it's her choice to be with him... I would never degrade myself or another like that though... noway

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:33 PM
You'll never be alone cause you have all of us flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:31 PM

What's the matter with shaved heads? devil

Nothin on my end. I had to help her shave it though cause he would have made fun of her...

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:28 PM
My ex had her first radiation treatment three days ago and her hair has already started to fall out in large clumps. Because of this she decided to shave her head and wear scarves and wigs. After shaving her head her boyfried told her she looked exactly like her father. Then he asked her if she was safe to touch because she might be radioactive and get him sick. I know she has chosen to stay with this person who makes "Shallow Hal" look like a saint, but come on. Could any of you ever do that to another person? I certainly hope not. I don't wish cancer on anyone, but if he could be in her shoes for even a day he would probably have a nervous breakdown. I feel sorry for her when I am totally out of the picture in a few weeks... The only way I could get him to stop making bad jokes about her was to put on her wig and stick out my tongue at him :tongue: . I may be attracted to redheads, but it is definitely not MY color :tongue: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:25 PM
We gotta get the juices flowin'??? noway embarassed sick

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:23 PM

Why is asking to much to ask for a guy that keeps promises and a guy that will love me for me no matter what???grumble

Because unfotunately most men think with something a little "south" of their brain all too often... ohwell

that is true but there has to be a guy willing to travel the world for the right person isnt there

Yeah, but finding eachother is like finding a needle in a haystack. I thought I found her, but something happened and now I don't know where I stand... It just takes time and patience. Lots of patience... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:16 PM

Why is asking to much to ask for a guy that keeps promises and a guy that will love me for me no matter what???grumble

Because unfotunately most men think with something a little "south" of their brain all too often... ohwell

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:14 PM
There aren't many of us out there, but if you can catch one of us don't ever let go. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/23/08 10:09 PM
Only in my Batman suit bigsmile

Alterego1961's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:30 AM
Good morning. I hope your day is great. I'm getting ready for work tho... sad laugh laugh laugh

Alterego1961's photo
Sun 06/22/08 06:29 AM
The pics or the girlfriend would be gone. If they want to keep the pics more than they want to keep me then they have no place in my life. noway grumble grumble

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 06/21/08 11:40 PM
At least a year, probably two. :smile:

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:59 PM
Would you in a truck?

Would you (BLEEP) laugh laugh laugh

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:58 PM
Would you in a park?

Would you in the dark? bigsmile

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 06/21/08 09:54 PM
Edited by Alterego1961 on Sat 06/21/08 09:55 PM
I helped her be her best, and in the process suffered her worst. grumble grumble grumble

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 06/21/08 12:17 PM
Nectar of the gods... bigsmile drinker drinker drinker

Alterego1961's photo
Thu 06/19/08 10:12 PM
About the only thing that makes me really happy right now is making other people happy. I've got lots of people left to go. :smile: flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Thu 06/19/08 10:02 PM
I started writing this post in my mind a couple of days ago, but wasn't sure about posting it. Now I don't think there will ever be a good time to post it, so now's as good a time as any...

Have you ever done something on the sly with the explicit intention of not hurting or upsetting someone, yet eventually you realize it may have happened anyway. How do you apologize for that? Can you ever regain the trust that was lost? How do you live with yourself if they can’t forgive you? Let’s find out, shall we? (You already know who you are if I’m right…)

In sight of this forum, my newfound family, I most humbly apologize if I have upset you in any way. I never intended to deceive you. I knew eventually you would figure it out, so I purposely left a few clues behind for you so you wouldn't wonder. I knew we would probably cross paths here on the forums occasionally as well, but I tried to treat your posts as if they were by any of the great people on here. Since I think you know by now my personality is pretty atypical of most men, and you know a large portion of my past as well, I shouldn't have been that hard for you to spot anyway... I was trying to give you all the time and space you asked for, even if I stood little chance of winning your heart, but I wanted to play here and make some new friends too. This place is truly awesome with some of the most amazing people to be found anywhere. Since I have been forced to distance myself from my entire family, and have lost my wife and stepdaughters partly because of them and her family, I find I have a huge empty spot in my heart they once occupied. I’m just hoping to have some fun here and maybe fill in a little bit of that empty spot for now. I hope you can understand, and eventually forgive....
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Thu 06/19/08 09:26 PM
I went to the website to check it out a few months ago. I've been doing those things most of my life. I shoulda wrote the book first. :wink: drinker drinker

Alterego1961's photo
Thu 06/19/08 09:18 PM

Did you adopt by any chance? I hope so...

A great resource for all guys is the National Fathers Rights site at Hope that helps! flowerforyou

I have been looking ALL OVER for that! THANKS!!!

Glad it helped someone, Spaceman. flowerforyou Hang in there Alterego ~ our thoughts are with you & the girls!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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