Community > Posts By > bluesunflower

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 12:21 PM

i had a beautiful choc lab mix named midnight. but had to give him away to move into my house. :cry:

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:37 AM

I spent 5 1/2 years waiting for "proof" and all I got was the 3 kids. (Personally...I got the better end of the deal..)

In my experience...waiting on insurmountable proof just isn't worth it. You'll make yourself sick trying to "set traps" to catch the person, or talking to any/all mutual friends to try to catch the person in lies, or waiting until they say they're going somewhere you know they arn't so that you can show up and then prove they weren't there. It's just too much stress, energy and time for little bits and pieces of "proof".

Your best bet: Sit down and talk to them about it. Watch how they react, if you still get that "sick" feeling in your's not worth investing a lot more time into the relationship. (jmo) You can't be in a healthy relationship if you're constantly waiting for your partner to slip up, can't trust what they say or them, and go through every day with that god awful feeling knawing away at your belly. It's not fair to you. To the other person. Or to anyone else directly affected by the relationship.

congrats on getting the better deal out of your situation. kids are wonderful.

thank you for your advice it makes alot of sense

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:16 AM

gmorning val flowerforyou

wow congratulations suzette flowerforyou flowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:12 AM

If they are a game player and you already know it by feeling it, by the time you were to have found proof, they may have gotten the better of you and you may have forgotten to pursue the proof if they are good at the game.

Wow, that sounds loopy, but I know what I mean!! laugh laugh laugh Research sociopaths sometime for a real eye-opener!!

morning suzette flowerforyou

that wasnt loopy it made perfect sense. i will add sociopaths to my reading list...sounds interesting thanx

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:11 AM

What kind of games?

relationship type things...i would explain it if i could.

bluesunflower's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:01 AM

do you think it is better to call someone out if you think they are playing games?

or would you rather wait to call them on it till you have proof?

just curiousflowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 05:15 PM

mesh thongdevil devil devil

devil dirty :wink:

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:42 PM

i :heart: korn

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:04 PM

kirk fran is right.

good luck

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:33 PM

oh yes frying anything with it makes it yummy.

very unhealthy but yummy.

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:47 AM

hi john

this is jmo of course but-

the first variety i would say no kids are kids they usually grow out of it like you said or grow up to be serial killers jk

the second yes i believe that it is a religion however i know no one who follows it. i know a few who know stuff about it.

the third i had to look up and i must say it seems interesting. i have no thoughts on it as far as being a relgion or not. would need to read more.

Well you know me. I am the most curious person in the world. Just want to learn more and more. It is something to look up in, but don't end up slaughtering poor goats or anything. I heard it is a very dangerous belief system, yet again I know little about it.


yeah ive noticed your curiousty. i think its wonderful. no i dont belive in killing animals so i dont think i could ever slaughter a no i will stick to my agontisic beliefs for the time being. :smile:

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:37 AM

hi john

this is jmo of course but-

the first variety i would say no kids are kids they usually grow out of it like you said or grow up to be serial killers jk

the second yes i believe that it is a religion however i know no one who follows it. i know a few who know stuff about it.

the third i had to look up and i must say it seems interesting. i have no thoughts on it as far as being a relgion or not. would need to read more.

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:22 AM

oh i did awful i scored a 45% i need to bone up on my history.

bluesunflower's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:07 AM

hope you have a wonderful day too val


bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 07:21 PM
very good writes. i like.


bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 07:13 PM

i would tell her. i would have to.

bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:56 PM

welcome flowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:55 PM
independence day martina mcbride

bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:56 PM

I am dealing with a Bipolar person right now. I understand your side and you must understand our side we are helpless when it comes to helping you we do not know what to do how to calm the situation down. So is there answer I don't know but with the right medication and faithfully taking it the situation will be soooo much better.

We cannot help you unless you help yourself.

Don't give up

i agree totally with you. my dad went through the not knowing what to do with me so i understand both sides.

best of luck to you dealing with your situation flowerforyou

bluesunflower's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:40 PM
Edited by bluesunflower on Tue 07/01/08 05:42 PM
if they are acted upon not just a thought


if just talk i think they maybe should be

my typing to night blows i apoligize

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