Detoxification . . .
Tribo - It's good to hear you have your health again. I haven't personally tried the pads so I can't say with certainty they didn't help you...I think it could just be when you buy into the claims that it works, you expect it to work. You used them expecting to feel better in the morning and because you saw the pads turn dark you thought it was them that made you healthier and feel better. I think the mind is the body's most powerful healer.... THAT WAS A SPOOF MY LADY - A CANARD A MISTRUTH, A SARCASM OF THE 3RD KIND, COMEDY RELIEF, A PUN INTENDED, |
Edited by
Wed 11/26/08 01:19 PM
New Age Energy
Because science works. Because if new age energy worked it would be science.
As far as I am concerned, it is science. Just not your kind of science. I really wish it would work. IF you can make it work show humanity how and make it science otherwise it is 100% fantasy. The most amazing thing is that which helps those that need help, if we could heal using some kind of as yet unknown energy source, THAT WOULD BE FABULOUS. I do not toss away anything that has value, but if you cannot demonstrate, or show, or use something . . . then is it really there?
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody observes it, is it really there? And even if it is, but has no use, cannot be demonstrated . . . then what good is it . . . it has no value. Even if the only thing you say is that this energy makes you feel better, well maybe we could find a way to use it as an antidepressant and get kids off these drugs . . . but again, when we study it, it has no lasting effects that are not demonstrated by taking a placebo . . . . You cannot understand it simply because individuals are individuals. You demand on everything be consistent, but each person is unique. What medicine works for one person may not work for another person. A therapy that works for one person many not work for another person. Even drugs work for some and not for others. Its all about numbers. The mind, the attitude, the belief of a person has the power to heal. This is a very well accepted fact. I received email about a tiger mother who had lost her cubs. Her health was failing because she was depressed. They looked for some new born animals for her to adopt but all they could find were young pigs. They dressed them up in tiger coats with strips. They did not know if she would adopt them or eat them. She adopted them and nursed them. The pictures are awesome. If it works use it. The end result is that this is the science forum, and I am fine with people believing in whatever they want, but if we are going to talk about things that can make a difference then it must be scrutinized enough to find out how to make use of it.
This is the science and philosophy forum. You CAN find out how it works but if you do not believe it works it will not behoove you to even try. This belief works for any kind of medicine and therapy where belief is strong. I was caring for an elderly lady and she was doing fine until she went to her doctor for a checkup. He told her how very sick she was. After he finished convincing her how sick she was she came home and within a week got very ill. She was convinced she should go to the hospital She ended up in the hospital and died within two weeks. I honestly think if she had stayed away from that doctor she would have lived longer. It is the power of belief and the power of suggestion. jb i have to agree with you JB, even my own mother has outlived all the doctors expectations she has been diagnosed to die several times in the last decade and is still going strong!! its a mind set, she refuses to listen to the garbage, her attitude is when its my time to go ill go and not before!! she does not dwell upon it or give it reality in her daily life, dad was that way also, they gave him two weeks to live with his liver and rectal cancer - he lived for 2 yrs past that. ps: i think it should be called Ne-wage not new age. - |
The brain vs the mind.
"Dain Brammage" has always been my biggust feer!!
Detoxification . . .
I'm a living testimony to the effectiveness of "Kinoki foot pads"
say what you will but i'venever felt more healthy in my life since i've been using them!!! since my liver and kidneys were removed last year it was very difficult for me to rid my system of toxic materials , but then i found these pads and it changed my life and gave me a reason to eat and move again!! i cant say enough about these miracle pads, i think everyone should use them and buy them by the gross!! Tribo, C.E.O. of the Kinoki foot pads corporation and founder of the eternal wellness foundation of america. 1.00 off cupon on your first order to all the mingle customers - err.. - i mean friends - |
New Age Energy
Edited by
Wed 11/26/08 10:00 AM
Well i think i can simplify this, we will just call it >>>"Emmergy"<<<!!
the definition of Emmergy is: ""that unknowable substance that can be tapped into by people to do paranormal things."" Em = U2 Emmergy = Unknowable substance squared there that'll work!! - |
typing impediments
Edited by
Wed 11/26/08 08:59 AM
adj4u wrode: if ya can tell what the post is saying what is the dif
?? - whad iss >> dif<< sea dis iss whud eye meen usse yur spill chiker pleece!! - eyem guttin deze! id's bgauze uf a lak uf foowd - tumarrowe whean yu eadt, yu wheel feal bedder, awl dat turgey an stuvinng an mawsh podadoes weil feel yu ub, nod do mejun the pumbgin pyee - |
typing impediments
Edited by
Wed 11/26/08 07:34 AM
adj4u wrode:
if ya can tell what the post is saying what is the dif
?? - whad iss >> dif<< sea dis iss whud eye meen usse yur spill chiker pleece!! - |
typing impediments
frumm mee ann muy annzesturs, habba graydt tangsgiffing ebrywan!!! Ead lods uff turgee am drezzing,am pompkinn pi ogay?? - |
typing impediments
Eye sea sow menee tiebing misdakes on thiss foreum, eye wundur if itz juss mea?? Am eye juss haloocinating? Ore dew udders alsew no whut eye'm speaging uf? iff sew pleece respooned wit da corekt spillig sew thatt eye cann undur standd ewe - oo kka?? if ya can tell what the post is saying what is the dif point is the point not the type dis bi awl eem foon yu arr rite muy ladee habby hawlidaze!!! |
typing impediments
Edited by
Wed 11/26/08 06:23 AM
Eye sea sow menee tiebing misdakes on thiss foreum, eye wundur if itz juss mea?? Am eye juss haloocinating? Ore dew udders alsew no whut eye'm speaging uf? iff sew pleece respooned wit da corekt spillig sew thatt eye cann undur standd ewe - oo kka?? if ya can tell what the post is saying what is the dif point is the point not the type ??? ??? waree ar yu frum? eye camnot reab yur wurds?? dis iss da resume eye starded da posst sodat paoble wuld you'se spill chiker!! yura prfeegt eggzample uf whud eye'm toggin aboud!! - |
typing impediments
... Uh starewai tu hivun nd thez wun... Dizmun taykz uh trawlee tu duh mauwrkit playse Bize uh twunny kerit gouldin ryng Taykz et bek tu mawlee waytin et hur playse End az hee gevs et tu hur shee beagenz tu seng … (don’t even need mistypes of this one. ) ewblahdee,ewblahda lif gowson bouy law law law law lif goewsawn - |
Edited by
Tue 11/25/08 09:15 PM
Well, I know some people thing that I'm emotionally angry or that I get emotionally upset with other people. Truly I don't. I may get 'frustrated' about the topic itself, but I don't get emotionally attached to the dialogs. As soon as I'm done typing I turn around and do something else entirely different with no emotional attachment at all to what has previously been said. And you're right, I am the devil's advocate. I could go through the Old Testament and find lot of really great stuff to say about the biblical picture of God. There are good things in there too. But that's irrelavent. The only point that I'm truly trying to make is that it can't all be the word of God. Some of it is truly dispicable and clearly did not come from God. Christians need to realize that the entire Bible just can't be the word of God. Of course, that flies in the face of the very religion. I don't believe that the religion can be salvaged to be quite honest about it. This is why I moved on a totally different pagan picture of God. I still see it as worshiping the creator of this universe. I just see it as a more positive picture of both God and humanity. I probably shouldn't even post my disagreement with the biblical picture of God. But I feel compelled to do it for some reason. And I'm not even sure why. In some ways it does seem like a total waste of time. Maybe it's a total "waist" of time and your the belt that keeps the pants up - |
hmmm? get a grip james, jesus most certainly did support the OT laws, he said so. Mt 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. jot and tittle meaning not even the most minute part of the law shall pass away. This is where Christians are truly blind. They just accept that the gospels are the verbatim words of Jesus himself. But they aren't. Jesus was long since dead by the time the gospels were written. They are more than likely filled with demagogurey. That's my whole position Sam. So when you quote the Bible of what Jesus said it's meaningless to me because most of it is most likely demagogurey from the authoritarians who used a dead Jesus as their Marionette doll to revitalize their own version of a dying religion. They certainly wanted you to believe that it was Jesus who said those things. And clearly they've pulled the wool over the eyes of the masses because that's precisely how most Christians believe. They cherish ever word like as if it came from the mouth of Jesus. But it clearly didn't. Jesus was crucified the first time on the cross. He was crucified a second time when his martry status was used by authoritarians to create the gospels that people today believe are the words of Jesus. No God could be as disgusting as the Bible claims Sam. It simply isn't possible. Do you honestly believe that Jesus lusts to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and have every knee bow to him and ever tongue confess that he is Lord? What do you think God is? And egotistical pig? Why would the creator of this universe lust to be worshiped and served by a bunch of totally pathetic unworthy humans (that what the Bible claims we are!). Clearly the story makes no sense at all. What kind of a God would not be able to forgive sins without first being appeased by a blood sacrifice? Yet this is what the Bible claims the God of Abraham is like. Christians say, "With God All Things are Possible" EXCEPT! God can't forgive sins unless he's appeased by a blood sacrifice. Hell, even humans can forgive without being appeased with a blood sacrifice. God couldn't just forgive men? Doesn't that fly in the face of the idea that with God all things are possible? Moreover the Crucifixion was God's idea, not man's. Jesus was supposedly born of a virgin for the express purpose of being the sacrificial lamb of God. Any attempt to prevent the crucifixion would be an attempt to reject the will of God. The men who nailed Jesus to the cross would have being doing God's will! It was God's idea to appease himself so he could forgive man of his sins. I don't know about you Sam, but from my point of view this is most absurd mythology every written by mankind. And it's most CERTAINLY not the first that has Gods who demand blood sacrifices. That was common in Greek Mythology too as well as all other Mediterranean mythologies and even mythologies from around the world. But all the different Gods wanted to be appeased for different reasons and they had different laws, etc. So they can't all be from the creator of this universe. I put it to you; what is the chance that the real creator of this universe would just coincidentally be appeased by blood sacrifices just like almost every other manmade mythology. I don't believe any real divine being would be appeased by blood scrifices, and I also don't believe that any real divine being would have ever asked men to nail his son to a pole so he could find it in himself to forgive them of their sins. You think I need to get a grip? These people who think that God is truly like the Bible claims need to get a grip. If the bible is true, God is truly one sick puppy. Not only is he a self-confessed jealous God at the beginning of the Old Testament, but he also lusts to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords over his own creation. A creation that a fallen angel seems to have the upper hand in, by the way. This same book claims that Satan wins the vast majority of souls that the biblical God creates. That's supposed to be a great picture of a God? Please. Surely even the Christians themsleves would have to jump for joy and celebrate if they were to discover that the entire Bible is a lie. That would mean that God doesn't lust for blood sacrifices. It would mean that mankind didn't fall from grace from his creator. It would mean that God never told anyone to stone sinners to death or murder heathens. It would mean that no one is guilty for the death of Jesus other than the men who actually murdered him! What's not to celebrate? Who in their right mind would WANT the Bible to be true? Seriously? Who would want such a horrific picture of God and humanity to be true? And if we don't want it to be true, then why are we believing it on PURE FAITH? Why would we place our FAITH in a horrific story that we truly hope is not true? There are MUCH BETTER pictures of God to place your faith in. happy turkey day james!! |
typing impediments
hawl boud dis swon -
dares a laydee dat tinks, awl dad gliddurs his gowld, anshee's byink------------? |
typing impediments
Edited by
Tue 11/25/08 07:29 PM
Idz uh gerl meye lowrd inna flahtbead fowrd! sloin douwn tu tage a luug adt me!! high skype hooger, thngs four joynik inn agin!! |
typing impediments
Edited by
Tue 11/25/08 06:49 PM
uu, uu, or diz wan?
takid eeeezzz, takid eeeezzz done led da sownd uf yur owen weeelz mag yu grazee?? will i wuz wrunun dowin du wroad dryin tu loozen meye lowd god seben whemin awn mie mynd remimber datwan? |
typing impediments
ore mahbee dis won,
purdy wumin, woggin doawn du stree purdy wumin,kynd eye ligh tumeat purdy wumin, downt wog away yay dew yu remimber dat wan?? |
typing impediments
eye jus herd diz gnu sawng frum da pasd, dew yu remimber thiz?
wan peell mages yu lawger, an wan peel mages yu smawl, an da wan thad mudderr kives yu don dew anee ting ad awl, azxk awlice, wen cheese den feed tawl. dew yu wremimber thad sawng?? sawrree, der seams tu bee sumding wrawng wid dis gnu trazlazion suftwere i dawnlowded. I'd kame frum sumwere odor c's. bud da guud pard wuz dad hit wuz fwree |
typing impediments
will id zeems too mee, thair jusst our knot meny peoble heere woo seem tu kare aboud dis? whud ashaym, ough will, eye weel keebit goinn jus en kace summ wun elze wunz tu rebly. ubdayte ad elebun - |