Community > Posts By > antimatter_16

antimatter_16's photo
Wed 05/14/08 07:20 PM
Edited by antimatter_16 on Wed 05/14/08 07:21 PM
Well, as far as we know, matter cannot be destroyed or created. You could say the current amount of matter has always existed, in same way that people say God has always existed, but that isn't a particularly satisfying answer to me even.

I've entertained the thought that if there was absolutely nothing... no laws of cause or effect, couldn't something come into being spontaneously? As well as laws to govern whatever spontaneously came into being? But then you ask, why did stuff stop coming into being spontaneously, then? Again, not a satisfying answer.

Issac Asimov wrote a short story that deals with the death and recreation of the universe called "The last question". The last question being "How can entropy (the running down of the universe from a high state of energy to a low one) be reversed?

Here's a link to the story in question.

I won't spoil the end for you, it's good, but not any more plausible than other ideas.

My feelings is that the big bang will probably never be fully understood (But then again, few things are) Science does it's best to answer questions based on what can be observed, and there's not much of the big bang that can be observed at this point. We can only hypothesize based on the knowledge we have of what happens at a quantum level, and other observable discoveries. "Where did matter come from" is just another question that may be unanswerable, like why are protrons and electrons attracted to each other? I don't know, but they are.

antimatter_16's photo
Wed 05/14/08 06:35 PM
I haven't read a great deal of quantum mechanics, but I know enough to say that if all the matter in the universe were concentrated in a supermassive black hole, you'd have an awful hard time getting any matter out of there. One interesting note is that it would be spinning at nearly the speed of light...

However based on the movement of galaxies, it seems apparent that they all passed through, or originated from a single point, the center of the known universe. From wikipedia:
the cosmic microwave background radiation discovered in 1964 provides strong evidence that due to the expansion, the universe has naturally cooled from an extremely hot, dense initial state. The discovery of the cosmic microwave background led to almost universal acceptance among physicists, astronomers, and astrophysicists that the Big Bang describes the evolution of the universe quite well, at least in its broad outline.

Although everything seems to have come from a single point, it's hard to say why the thing blew apart, or if the point at the center of the universe was the only supermassive black hole. The known universe is only some 14.5 billion years old, and we can't see anything beyond 14.5 billion light years out, oddly enough.

antimatter_16's photo
Wed 05/14/08 06:17 PM
I don't lie about my age. I'd rather find someone in my age group, and I'm not past the point to want to lie about my age.

Question 2:
Do you lie about lying about your age? =P

antimatter_16's photo
Wed 05/14/08 02:46 PM
Start it before you go to bed. I understand it contains many improvements. After you install it, tell us how it is.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 11:44 PM
Oh come on... rest is for the week...


antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:42 PM
Edited by antimatter_16 on Tue 05/13/08 10:42 PM
Even if stem cell research allowed us to grow new arms, legs, kidneys, and hearts, I don't expect immortality to ever be achieved for two reasons.

1. The "end replication problem" that cells run into after dividing a few too many generations.
From Wikipedia:
A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of chromosomes, which protects the end of the chromosome from destruction. Derived from the Greek telos (end) and meres (part).

During cell division, the enzymes that duplicate the chromosome and its DNA can't continue their duplication all the way to the end of the chromosome. If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the end of their chromosomes, and the necessary information it contains. (In 1972, James Watson named this phenomenon the "end replication problem.") The telomere is a disposable buffer, which is consumed during cell division and is replenished by an enzyme, the telomerase reverse transcriptase.

This mechanism usually limits cells to a fixed number of divisions, and animal studies suggest that this is responsible for aging on the cellular level and affects lifespan. Telomeres protect a cell's chromosomes from fusing with each other or rearranging. These chromosome abnormalities can lead to cancer, so cells are normally destroyed when telomeres are consumed. Most cancer is the result of cells bypassing this destruction. Biologists speculate that this mechanism is a tradeoff between aging and cancer.

2. The number of brain cells in your head is in constant decline. If you lived long enough, you'd likely get some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 10:10 PM
Edited by antimatter_16 on Tue 05/13/08 10:11 PM
What is the nature of death etc. Does the state have the right to determine when some of the citizens should or should not die?

I'm going to bring Social Contract theory into this. Government gets it's power from a social contract (like the constitution) created by people, willing to give up certain natural rights in exchange for benefits. Take natural man for example, he has the ability to kill, rape, steal, or attack anyone he deems fit to. However, in order to gain benefits that help him to better survive, he and his neighbor make an agreement to defend eachother, as long as they don't attack eachother etc. If they violate the contract, there will be consequences.

So because government gains it's power from the laws that were set forth by the representatives of the people, I would say that the government has the power to enforce a law that has been made and is approved by the people. When someone violates a law such as "Don't murder" the repercussions that are outlined in the contract will tell how to deal with violators. In that sense, government has the right to kill someone when there are laws in place that allow them to do so. Because the laws are made and given power by the people who are subject to them.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:54 PM
Edited by antimatter_16 on Tue 05/13/08 09:55 PM


antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:49 PM
I've never asked enough people who their favorite president is, to notice FDR seriously lacking popularity in that regard...

So who is your favorite president?

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:40 PM
I think there are other sites for people who relate strongly with a particular animal...

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:37 PM
I doubt you offend anyone by not replying promptly, or even at all. I've messaged a few people that have read the message, but didn't respond. No big deal.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:22 PM
Myself, and two of my best friends.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:13 PM
I'm wondering what's the difference between interested in "dating" and "relationship". Isn't dating a relationship?

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:11 PM
He's mentioned it's his ID pic in other threads... Might want to buy a digital camera and put some real pictures of yourself on, adamjason. And in your profile, you might want to talk less about having your heart broken, and more about what sort of person you are and what you like to do for fun. Makes you easier to relate to.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:54 PM
If you're missing someone, and you shouldn't, distract yourself. Call up a friend to hang out, read a book, go for a walk.

If you're missing someone that misses you back, call them up, write them a romantic letter, look at their picture, read old love letters, remember the times together...

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:45 PM

I didn't say nuttin'...I just pointed down and laughed laugh laugh laugh bigsmile

sometimes words just don't do it justice!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
you're my hero, lil

I've never had to worry about that sort of thing. The problem was a serotonin reuptake inhibitor she was on. Never. Horney. Ever. lol

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:42 PM

the girl with glasses is she hott or not*

I think they already have a site for this. It's called "Hot or not".

The girl with glasses is at least cute.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:35 PM
I hope you have a good dental plan.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:34 PM

she got pissed i got drunk she started *****in i said fine it was like having sex woth a dead body any way

Dang... I should've used that... It would've been too true...

finially somebody that knw what i mean

Yeah. But if you aren't connecting physically, it's probably better to move on.

antimatter_16's photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:19 PM

she got pissed i got drunk she started *****in i said fine it was like having sex woth a dead body any way

Dang... I should've used that... It would've been too true...