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Tue 08/12/08 03:50 AM

glasses in jello even!! :tongue:

Distrust kewl tats dude! devil drinker

Alone, what is that pic???

I'm pervin everybody this mornin :tongue:

oh lemme go perv Fear too!! :wink:

yeah i like um .....but i need more more more

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Tue 08/12/08 03:48 AM

i forgot about that maybe i should go check it out

SO....See anything yet?

not yet but im not sure which direction to than up i know that muchlaugh

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Tue 08/12/08 03:34 AM
i forgot about that maybe i should go check it out

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Mon 08/11/08 08:43 AM
winking :angel: waving :thumbsup: tongue2 surprised shades smile2 scared shocked ill asleep slaphead sad2 whoa rofl spock oops offtopic smitten :laughing: think what biggrin drinks drool flowers pitchfork :banana: tears frustrated rant

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Mon 08/11/08 08:18 AM
we don't really do activitys but i see my momma every day for at least a couple never know when you might lose someone unexpectedly

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Sun 08/10/08 01:40 AM
i could really go for some snowboarding right least you don't have to wait a couple more months for some coffeelaugh

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Wed 08/06/08 01:43 AM
to each there own....don't think ill go there again though, at least not way olderhappy

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Wed 08/06/08 12:25 AM

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Tue 08/05/08 11:59 PM
Edited by ahealthydistrust on Wed 08/06/08 12:00 AM
i loved my coffee grinded and digital scale....intell the DTF confinscated umsad tears

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Tue 08/05/08 10:44 PM
i belive in a higher power but not no invisible man in the skylaugh

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Tue 08/05/08 01:44 AM

world class ski resorts all packed into a valley, witch happens to be full of mormons... its conflicting but i deallaugh
LMFAO! I hate mormons and their lil suits and bikes too! Oh btw, that reminds me, you spelled "which" wrong!rofl
yeah i spelll many things rong theres just so many buttons to chose from my simple mind can't handle all the choices at times

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Tue 08/05/08 01:37 AM
dismembered and molested between the sheets

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Tue 08/05/08 01:29 AM
I've done it before but i don't know if i ever would again

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Tue 08/05/08 01:18 AM
world class ski resorts all packed into a valley, witch happens to be full of mormons... its conflicting but i deallaugh

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Sat 07/19/08 10:42 PM
devil driver, lamb of god, cattle decapitation, otep, dry kill logic, smokin

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Tue 07/08/08 02:23 PM

i be here to.....i think

never ever waste 1 of your first post on me
its the second so, i have tons more post to wast who wants umdrinker

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Tue 07/08/08 02:19 PM
i be here to.....i think

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Tue 07/08/08 02:00 AM
its all about willpower if you really want to do something you will. i stoped smoking for 8 months for my girlfriend once and didn't really mind at all. course i've also quit meth cold turkey after doing it every day for a year and a half so uh try hypnotisim:wink:

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