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Tue 08/05/08 09:33 PM
did you ever wonder what life would be like if you could talk to god and what would you ask him?
I'd probably ask him too many questions and then he probably might want to ask me to shut up.
You can talk to God any time you want!!He is always there!!
did you ever wonder what life would be like if you could talk to god and what would you ask him? And actually get an answer??? Well, that would really be cool. At my current age I wouldn't have much to ask other than when I'm getting out. Had he actually answered when I was younger it's truly hard to say. I imagine life would have been quite a bit different. I can only imagine that it would have been much better. After all, I most certainly would have taken his advice. In fact, I already did take what I was taught to believe was his advice. But that turned out to be totally bogus advice, at least it didn't seem to produce anything positive in this life. Some people claim that I will be rewarded for my 'obedience' in the next life. I never really thought of it as 'obedience'. I always thought of it as simply following what I felt was the best advice. I read the words that were supposedly from God (according to the religion I was brought up by). I agreed with them completely (as least as they were supposed to apply to me). In fact, I can't even truthly say that I learned much from them because he seemed to be asking me to do the same things that I would have done anyway. All I had to do was be myself to 'obey' him. Pretty easy. But like I say, it didn't seem to lead to anything very profound in this life. Maybe there is some truth that in the next life they'll be a reward or something. Who knows? I didn't do it for that reason, but if that turns out to be the case it will be like a big surprise, I suppose. In the meantime I'd just like to know when I'm getting out. It's a simple question. |
i belive in a higher power but not no invisible man in the sky
You can talk to God (the universe or self) and actually get an answer. Ask and it is given. Be careful what you ask for. But you have to realize that the language of spirit comes in any and every conceivable way. The answer will come to you, the information will show up, a book will fall out of a shelf, and idea will dawn on you, you will have a dream, see a sign, pull a tarot card, have an experience, read something and see something that brings you your answer. Ask and it is answered. I have always found this to be the case, but don't try to tell the universe how to answer. Just be willing to receive and pay close attention, ask sincerely with intention to know, and keep asking. JB |
i belive in a higher power but not no invisible man in the sky Well what about Santa Claus? He is not invisible. |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 08:44 AM
In the meantime I'd just like to know when I'm getting out. It's a simple question.
Some brutal truth from the High Priestess: You want to know when you are going to die? This is one of the bits of information that our higher self has shielded us from knowing. How and why of our death. I supposed there is a good reason for keeping this information from us. I trust that it is necessary and I don't worry about my time of death. It will come, you can be assured of that. The fact is we will all die eventually and all too soon in my opinion. Life is precious and each moment should be savored. To disrespect it, and waste it is the worst insult you can do to your higher power and yourself. (Your higher power is your true self.) There are many souls who wish for the opportunity to live in the physical body, but only a limited number are allowed. Have faith in your higher power and live your life, each moment, in gratitude for it and for every moment. Don't wish for death, for it is life that spirit wants. It is the little ego that wishes for death and feels sorry for itself and hates life. JB The High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty. |
did you ever wonder what life would be like if you could talk to god and what would you ask him? What I find interesting in your question 'longhaul25', is what it is asserting by that which it is not saying. That somehow, there is this god, seperate from us, and we're are waiting for god to take care of us or notice us in soe way?!?!?! What it is not saying, the corrolate to that assertion, is that there is no god 'out there', separate from each and everyone of us. The very premise of the question, which is the western world's general view IMO, that god is, or might, or could be something outside of us, as your question suggests, or if god is with us, or within us, we still refer to god as 'separate' somehow. I don't pretend to know the truth about this question, but I certainly sense and feel profoundly that the concept of a god that would somehow be 'separate' from each one of us is a fundamental lie which afflicts human beings. God, faith, beliefs, are not concrete concepts. They are not based on facts, and material forms, or material presence. On the contrary, god, faith and beliefs are abstractions, and as such, they are not bound by the laws of the material world of man's logic. If all could simply have faith and trust, WITH NO EVIDENCE (which is the definition of faith), that there is no need for god to show himself to us in a material fashion (no need to see god, actually hear god, or be touched by god physically), IMO opinion we would all be in synch with ourselves. Utopia you say??? Maybe. But the opposite, a separate god, certainly lives for me as the ultimate perversion of god, which is what the world still embraces today for the most part. God is an abstract yet integral part of our being, or isn't at all IMO. So think about this: Next time you say outloud '... I need to talk to myself...' Are you talking about a separate person??? If so, no one here is qualified to help such a person. If not, then apply that to god!!! |
Abra, You can talk to God (the universe or self) and actually get an answer. Ask and it is given. Be careful what you ask for. But you have to realize that the language of spirit comes in any and every conceivable way. The answer will come to you, the information will show up, a book will fall out of a shelf, and idea will dawn on you, you will have a dream, see a sign, pull a tarot card, have an experience, read something and see something that brings you your answer. Ask and it is answered. I have always found this to be the case, but don't try to tell the universe how to answer. Just be willing to receive and pay close attention, ask sincerely with intention to know, and keep asking. JB Well, I can only say that I wish my parents and elders would have taught me that when I was young. How can I ask the universe when I'm getting out? Any suggestions? You have the Tarot cards there, can they answer that question? |
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Wed 08/06/08 02:02 PM
Abra, You have actually made that decision and you (your true self) knows the answer. You are keeping the answer to that question away from yourself. Do you trust yourself? You should. Your higher self knows what is best for you. Trust in your self. If you really want to know, you can know. But what if you did know the exact time and manner of your death? What would you do then? Prepare for it? Try to prevent it? Live your life the best you know how until that event? You can do all of that without knowing when it will happen. Now I would like to ask, why do you want to know? JB |
Abra, You have actually made that decision and you (your true self) knows the answer. You are keeping the answer to that question away from yourself. Do you trust yourself? You should. Your higher self knows what is best for you. Trust in your self. If you really want to know, you can know. But what if you did know the exact time and manner of your death? What would you do then? Prepare for it? Try to prevent it? Live your life the best you know how until that event? You can do all of that without knowing when it will happen. Now I would like to ask, why do you want to know? JB Damn it Jeannie! Why do you always have to tell everyone the brutal truth? Can't you ever humor anyone? Of course I know the answer. I just don't want to face it. I'm going to live for a very damn long time!!! I just don't wanna dew it. You can do all of that without knowing when it will happen.
Now I would like to ask, why do you want to know? If I knew I was going to die soon I could sigh and relax in the comfort that it will all be over soon and I could just wait it out knowing that it won't be long. I don't want to face the truth that I'm going to be around for several more decades. That means I'll have to get back into the game. I can't very well just sit aound for decades waiting to die. I'm just tired of playing the game I guess. |
A game I play with myself is to pretend that I have one week to live. What would I do if I only had one week? That is not a lot of time to do much.
I would probably clean my house and get my business in order, even arrange my funeral or cremation. That's about all one can do. If I knew I had only six months to live, I might go on a nice vacation and max out my credit cards. If I was told I had twenty more years, I would make plans for those twenty years the best I could and live the best I knew how until then. I heard that you should live as if you were going to live to one hundred and spend each moment as if it were your last. Live in the moment and enjoy it. Plan to live forever. JB |
Live in the moment and enjoy it. Plan to live forever. JB I know. I just don't want to bother with the planning part. |
Live in the moment and enjoy it. Plan to live forever. JB I know. I just don't want to bother with the planning part. Yeh, I know what you mean. If I had had a brief summary of my life when I was young I may have done a little better planning. The truth is we are given an empty canvas and we can paint and write our own story. Sit down and write your story from where you are. It must be believable to you. Write as though everything you wrote down in your story was going to come true. Make sure you tell all the details of what you did and how you accomplished it. Write it as though it has already happened and you are now 79 years old looking back. Don't leave out any details. Then you will have your plan for the future. Then you can follow that plan and make it happen. It must be possible and believable. You are the author of your life. Write your story. JB |
Gee I feel like am talking to God right now.
Seriously, I don't mean that sarcastically. Then you will have your plan for the future. Then you can follow that plan and make it happen. It must be possible and believable. You are the author of your life.
Write your story. JB I believe you. Truly I do Jeannie. There's only one small problem. The only story that I'm interesting in living out is a story that I can't believe in. So I'm at an impasse. What good will it do to write a story that I can't believe in? And what good will it do to write a story that I can believe in but I'm not interested in living out? I can write the story alright, but trying to believe in it is the hard part Jeannie. |
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Wed 08/06/08 03:58 PM
Gee I feel like am talking to God right now. Seriously, I don't mean that sarcastically. Then you will have your plan for the future. Then you can follow that plan and make it happen. It must be possible and believable. You are the author of your life.
Write your story. JB I believe you. Truly I do Jeannie. There's only one small problem. The only story that I'm interesting in living out is a story that I can't believe in. So I'm at an impasse. What good will it do to write a story that I can't believe in? And what good will it do to write a story that I can believe in but I'm not interested in living out? I can write the story alright, but trying to believe in it is the hard part Jeannie. In a case like that you use your imagination. You take the story you are interested in living and you get real imaginative and you created the story of how you actually did succeed. Try a few variations to see what works. In your mind take yourself into the future. Imagine you lived your dream the last twenty years. Write the story of how you accomplished it. Make it believable to others, don't worry if you don't believe it. Make it believable, and make it possible. Soon your subconscious mind will start believing it, providing you hold your negative thoughts at bay. The subconscious only gathers the information. It takes it as true and then the universe begins to work to make it manifest. It may not manifest exactly how you describe it, but all the the universe down to the quantum level will begin to bend and shape itself to manifest that vision. You will be amazed. I have done this many times. This is the creative techniques. When you are doing the visualization and writing the story, if you feel excited, then you are attracting it into manifestation. If you feel discouraged and start thinking that this will never happen, then your are holding it away. That is when you need to reword it, and write something that gets you excited again. Thoughts, like "This could happen." are better than thoughts like, "Oh I am only kidding myself.." You have to use the power of your will to direct your thoughts to a more positive statement. It really does work. Try it with a few small things. Create a day or an hour. Then create next week. Write the story and then you will have your plan. Follow it through. This is the law of attraction. This is the way it works. This is the great secret that everyone is talking about. It really works. JB That is what the will is for. It is the power of self direction. It is the power to direct your thoughts and create your reality. Will power is the power to direct your thoughts and your attention onto what you want and take them away from what you do not want. |
Ok. Owl do it. |
I have asked much
and God has answered...... |
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Wed 08/06/08 04:16 PM
I'm going to do it too. I think I will create a week first.
I will sit down and mentally put myself into next week. Then I will write a story of what happened and what I accomplished "last week." Example: Last week I decided to set up my art room and get started painting. I made a goal to paint ten paintings in one week. I decided on the designs and photographed them, and I set out ten canvases. I got all the designs penciled in on the canvases and I set up my easel and started on the first one with the intention to finish it that day and start the second one. To my surprise I got two painting finished per day and by the end of the week I had ten finished. I only worked about five hours a day painting. The rest of the time I did my normal daily chores and got a lot accomplished in my house cleaning. This was an extraordinary week! That is a very brief small sample of how you write your plan in the past tense from a future place. Now you jump back to the present, and you have a plan. Time to get started on that plan. I usually go into more detail. No procrastinating allowed. You can, revise the story anytime you want though. Practice makes perfect. JB |