Community > Posts By > glad2meetu236
Totally agree. Makes my day when a woman sparks up a conversation with me and then we end up exchanging phone #'s. Hasn't happened very often.
Not all guys are closed minded idiots. I'm not going to sit here and put other men down just so I can look higher. When guys do that, they're just making it obvious of their conspicuous "L" on their forehead. I do read what you have to say, because it gives an idea of what's inside your heart, and alot of guys do the same. Not all, granted, but some none the less. I (think) I understand the point you're trying to make. Some women have different views of "hook ups" as you say. You want a real relationship with a man that pays attention to you and values your opinion, not be used as a human condom. Question is my friend, can you reciprocate the attention and respect?