Dangerous attitudes
He said it best..
George Carlin speaks on class, taxes, etc |
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 06:22 AM
A white man was shot by a cop about 2 weeks ago. Where is the outrage? Was said white person shot in the back, while running away? Or was he facing down at high noon with a gun in his hand? If he was, at least THAT cop wasn't a coward. |
Not to mention illegitimate babies being born for tax payers to support. We can't make thses people be responsible but we can cut the programs. Cut the amounts received on the programs left.
20 to 1 she'll say she's pro-fetus. |
Dangerous attitudes
Sturmbannfuhrer, by your reasoning, why haven't you started pre-heating the ovens? Would you then drive through the neighborhoods that you deem unworthy, and then gather those you deem "thugs", for transportation to those ovens for summary cooking? "thugs are not people they are animals, they dont give a rats azz about human life." At the end of the day, you're no better than them. Comrade Viper, by my reasoning,I dont think you know what reasoning is Comrade, Ive read nothing but ad hominem, strawman and countless other fallacies. Im a realist, I dont live in a fantasy utopian communist society you live in that believe we are all good people and we work according our needs and desires.... how touching , Im about to shed a tear or two , okay comrade while you may think thugs dont exist in your fantasy democratic peoples republic of la la land. we live in the real world with real problems, Thugs are a problem that plagues decent society. Ive never advocated thugs be sent to death camps like the Jews in Nazi Germany, that is just more crap you are making up. If a thug gets shot by police in the course of committing a crime, while running away or not, I say So what and good riddance One less loser wasting tax payers money I rather the victim of those thugs get the help they need like that poor 67 year old woman who will lose the sight of her I think they said right eye. what did she do to deserve being beaten by a thug? Do you weep or feel for her Comrade Viper? and yeah Im better than the those evil scumbag thug P.O.S. I dont go around beating up harmless older citizens or rob people or shoot people. Im a realist, I dont live in a fantasy utopian communist society you live in that believe we are all good people and we work according our needs and desires.... Sturmbannfuhrer, I never said all people were good, nor did I say "thugs" don't exist. I said they were still people. Ive never advocated thugs be sent to death camps like the Jews in Nazi Germany, that is just more crap you are making up. In the camps or on the street, dead is still dead. I rather the victim of those thugs get the help they need like that poor 67 year old woman who will lose the sight of her I think they said right eye. what did she do to deserve being beaten by a thug? Nothing.. Sh@t happens. Do you weep or feel for her Comrade Viper? It is possible to have tears enough for both. |
Dangerous attitudes
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 08:34 PM
Even "thugs" are still human beings, aka "people". As such they have certain rights. They are not "animals" or an "infestation". When you decide that ANY group is subhuman, then you are embracing the Nazis. Comrade Viper thugs are not people they are animals, they dont give a rats azz about human life. The next thing youre going to say that they are not violent at all, like that 28 year old thug that suckered punched a 67 year old woman on the Chicago Subway, let me guess he is an anomaly and a misunderstood "person" maybe didn't get enough hugs and love as a child, no lego and toys to play with ,booo hoooo hooooooo wahhhhhhhhhhh He is a P.O.S scumbag thug, I hope when he gets convicted the lock his azz away for a long time and one of the old lady's kids or grandkids sets up a hit and has the animal whacked. If you are so righteous go on down some of the areas Thugs congregate with your automobile which I assume is a late model vehicle and see what they do to you and come back and report it to us. Sturmbannfuhrer, by your reasoning, why haven't you started pre-heating the ovens? Would you then drive through the neighborhoods that you deem unworthy, and then gather those you deem "thugs", for transportation to those ovens for summary cooking? "thugs are not people they are animals, they dont give a rats azz about human life." At the end of the day, you're no better than them. |
Dangerous attitudes
So, because one doesnt have empathy for thugs being killed means we lack empathy? Good Lord. The Nazis got their start by declaring a class of people as being "subhuman". Today's "thugs" are yesterdays Jews. Jews are not thugs. !!! ![]() Even "thugs" are still human beings, aka "people". As such they have certain rights. They are not "animals" or an "infestation". When you decide that ANY group is subhuman, then you are embracing the Nazis. |
Dangerous attitudes
I am naive about skinheads, I actually have not lived around or encountered them much in life. there are tons of racist skinheads here in Canada, although theyre in pockets and Ive had my battle including physical altercation and this is why Im also a fan of police, when My brother and was confronted by a group 20 years ago I did some damage to one and the police were called, it was a racial strife they started. and we finished it, the police were called all of us apprehended and the police saw it for what it was and asked us if we wanted to have them charged and of course the one wanted me arrested for breaking his nose. if the police were racists my azz would have been arrested even though there was 5 of them and 2 of us. Thank God I was brought up to respect authority instead of saying look what these beepity beeps try and do , we told them we defended ourselves the police saw that we didnt give them attitude and they found a witness that backed up what were saying. my point dont believe everything you hear about law enforcement, most are good law abiding hard working people, sure you have a few azz wipes and maybe the cop that shot him was, I dont know but what I do know is he has the right to make a judgement call his life over that running thug life. Yes you are going be upset with me for calling the kid a thug, I dont know what else to call a 17 year old involved in a prior shooting, I dont care what colour his skin is. yes. there are azz wipes, like the ones that shoot unarmed kids in the back when they run away. What part of 'running away' puts the person being 'run away' from at risk for their life? Let me share some other Azz wipe stories. my eldest brother, playing in the yard with OUR dog, home from college, going in the house wiht OUR dog, having police three cars deep with guns drawn at the door to question why he was there ... could have gone very poorly, and some would insist it justified based on whether they viewed him as 'thug' or compliant enough to warrant not being executed my youngest brother, on a bus and mistaken for 'fitting the description' tackled and detained by UNDERCOVER(not in uniform cops) with guns, also could have gone poorly and excused for some because of whether he was compliant enough to warrant being executed Myself, being in the car with a white male who was pulled over after we left a club and he drove around a pothole, originally pulled over for suspicious driving, and then as the passenger asking me for drivers license and subjecting me to THREE different types of sobriety tests even though I hadnt had a drink. My mom, being pulled over in her Brand New New Yorker at the time, on the expressway, by a cop that saw her 'slow down' before getting on an exit ramp (which you are supposed to do by the way) and then lecturing her about talking to passengers while she drove. My oldest brother being pulled over for being 'suspicious' , even though he is retired military, doctor, who had a book in his hand. but none of this is about azzholes in uniforms abusing authority, just good old people defending their 'lives' I'm sure This is why reversible dashcams are so popular here. A friend of mine was asked by a cop: "Is that on?" When he said yes, the cop told it was illegal. So he PRETENDED to turn it off. Everything went fine, but his attorney said it was not illegal. |
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 12:02 PM
what about the white teen that was killed by police 4 years ago do you know about that case? What about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs? Seen one since? A dead white teen is an anomaly. a one in a million shot. |
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 11:52 AM
The only crime he was OBVIOUSLY guilty of, was evading police.
But even FELONY evading, is not a capital offense. If nothing else, this death sentence is a clear violation of the eighth amendment. |
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 11:46 AM
But if the gun you just shot someone with is in the car, you know you are going to jail for a very long time. Escaping a 30 year prison sentence might be worth a chance of being shot. Didn't the other thug escape? aww ,,, does it feel you with more and more sense of superiority every time you use the word thug? thats so cute. The first goal of Hitler, was to make the Jews subhuman. They were the Master Race, everyone else was "less than".. He gave the German people a target for all their frustrations. Scapegoats are fun! In this context, "Juden" and "Thug" are interchangeable. As long as they are "more" or "better". |
Surely it's for a court of law to decide who is guilty not the police? I agree. So, it doesn't make any sense for an innocent person to run. My name is Cameron Todd Willingham and I declare Shenanigans on this comment. ![]() |
Remember Jack Webb on the old TV show Dragnet?
Every time some kid that he arrested asked him: "What's going to happen to me Sarge?" Sgt. Joe Friday would always respond "Sorry son, that's not my department." |
Somebody already said that..
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What was keeping the black boy from getting a job? he had one ... he didnt have to be there 24/7 though and what has that to do with the statement about anyone blaming 'whites' or constant references to blacks? Where did he work? why does that matter to you? are you serious right now? What are the next questions? How often did he work? how much did he earn? was he on food stamps? smh NOW are you starting to understand why it's illegal for siblings to procreate? Is it because they produce people who aren't smart enough to figure out a person only runs from the police when they are guilty? ![]() yep, and jews only hid from Germans cause they were 'guilty', and people only run from mobs who think they did something if they are 'guilty' because the intent of the person after you has nothing to do with how you respond to that person who is coming ... So you are comparing U.S. police to Nazi's and the mob. Wow. What was your baby daddy convicted of? Did you meet your husband at a family reunion? |
Edited by
Sun 06/24/18 11:25 AM
Okay. Recently Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant after ordering appetizer with her party because they wanted to uphold certain 'morals' they did at least give her the respect to talk to her privately and politely ask her to leave (no police were called) and they did not accept any payment for the appetizers but is this what we come to? Can we not make a distinction of 'relevance' in liking what a person stands for and being willing to simply serve them in a public establishment? This place is getting scarier every day with the exclusion and justifications for it. Nothing new here. There are establishments that use that platform to spread the personal views of the owners. There is a luncheonette in Ca. Owned by Muslim extremists that refused to serve cops... then some folks went there and protested.. who did the Muslims extremists call... yep.. the cops. Don't like them.. till you need them..hypocrites If they had started shooting at them, who would have been called? It would have been... Oh never mind.. The more I think about it, I think Sanders, Miller, and their ilk should be served with great big smiles. That would be the best way for people to express their dissatisfaction... By being "creative" with their menu selections. The kings of old, had people that would taste their food, in case of poison. They don't. ![]() |
You should run a psychic hotline.. Imagine the money!
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Okay. Recently Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant after ordering appetizer with her party because they wanted to uphold certain 'morals' they did at least give her the respect to talk to her privately and politely ask her to leave (no police were called) and they did not accept any payment for the appetizers but is this what we come to? Can we not make a distinction of 'relevance' in liking what a person stands for and being willing to simply serve them in a public establishment? This place is getting scarier every day with the exclusion and justifications for it. I saw that. And the thing with DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (With a name like that, you just know her family came over on the Mayflower..) I think it's awesome. Evil people shouldn't be able to lord their power over their minions.. I think they're lucky, Especially Kirstjen Nielsen. With what she's doing to Mexicans, and then going to a Mexican restaurant, I'm sure the guacamole would have been "extra special" and made just for her! ![]() Remember what they did to the food in the movie Fight Club? |
What was keeping the black boy from getting a job? he had one ... he didnt have to be there 24/7 though and what has that to do with the statement about anyone blaming 'whites' or constant references to blacks? Where did he work? why does that matter to you? are you serious right now? What are the next questions? How often did he work? how much did he earn? was he on food stamps? smh NOW are you starting to understand why it's illegal for siblings to procreate? |
Dangerous attitudes
That way of thinking is getting your people killed. The girls in the slinderman case were only 12 but charged as adults. Pathetic isn't it? If the high school quarterback, had banged one of them, he would be a "rapist", and she would be a "child sexual abuse victim". But somewhere, there's a magic button, and when the DA pushes it, the "child" is instantly and magically transformed into an "adult". Yes, hypocrisy abounds. Age of consent is 16. So that's your supposition is it? They are adults if they kill, but children if they get laid? Hypocrite much? |
And people wonder why these kids turn out like they do. It isn't opportunity. It's their raising. this kid wasnt as much a mystery. he had sympathy and fear and a mom who he wanted to do right, but while she was probably WORKING HARD, like society insists single women do, the ENVIRONMENT had this teen pressured to go another way. ![]() I wonder why people turn out like they do too, especially the heartless and hateful. I don't think it's genetic, although it might be.. Mostly the hate is passed down from parent or Uncle to child, and the cycle continues to repeat. I have faith that people like that are just dinosaurs, too stupid to find a tar pit to stumble into . They're a dying breed, and they know it. That's why they cling to Trump so fiercely. He's their Messiah, and they believe he will lead them to the promised land. The Dinosaur leading the dinosaurs. Eventually, they'll find a tar pit large enough to hold them all. See you are crying racism because you don't want to admit the black kid got himself killed. The police officer was only doing his job. Do you even care about the person this thug shot? Since you are speaking with such authority, I guess it's safe to assume that you've read the reports about the DNA extraction from the pistol grip of the weapon in question, and the final ballistics report is in, and it's been conclusively shown that that was the weapon that was in fact used in the shooting. Care to post those results? |