Travel Ban Upheld
Edited by
Tue 06/26/18 05:39 PM
I'm thinking the travel agency that he used has stopped trips to NK since his incident. No, Donny did it. When he put them on the list, they put us on a list. We're not allowed anymore. I believe the phrase is "persona non grata". |
Travel Ban Upheld
Come on... nobody goes to North Korea or Libya. Why in the world would they? I know a lot of people and I have never even heard of one going to those places. NK = Move a picture on a wall and get sent to prison. hard labor, then taken out comatose after getting the hell beat out of you everyday and flown back home to die. Is that in the travel companies " things to do in NK " pamphlet? Libya = a desert in Africa.... that's it. no kidding eh? some people are just full of shite, I mean come on who in the hell wants to visit north Korea of all places. His kid brother , who apparently he doesn't want to help financially but can afford to go Pyongyang I looked it up what it costs to travel to North Korea, its about a 1000 dollars U.S. for 5 days and 4 nights. You cant fly directly, so fly into China, then switch and take Air Koryo which Im guessing isnt part of the initial costs. Yeah, someone is full of shite. Did I ever say I only had ONE brother? Care to explain how Otto Warmbier ended up in a coma? Too much bourbon at Mardi Gras? Not everyone has a compulsion to rearrange the furniture in their hotel room(s). _____________________________________________________________________ And for that you get thrown in a hard labor prison?.. you think that acceptable? Otto Warmbier came back to the U.S a vegetable. sever brain damage. Unable to even speak. He was in NK custody when this happened. NK gave no explanation for this. The man died because of the treatment he received in NK Do you think one just wakes up one morning with severe brain damage? How are you not appalled with what happened with him? Why do you justify it because of " moving furniture in a hotel" Point is, he was part of a tour group. Oh wait.. Tourists don't go there.. Must have been the aliens. |
And New York, and New Mexico, and Arizona, and Oregon, and Washington state.
Travel Ban Upheld
Come on... nobody goes to North Korea or Libya. Why in the world would they? I know a lot of people and I have never even heard of one going to those places. NK = Move a picture on a wall and get sent to prison. hard labor, then taken out comatose after getting the hell beat out of you everyday and flown back home to die. Is that in the travel companies " things to do in NK " pamphlet? Libya = a desert in Africa.... that's it. no kidding eh? some people are just full of shite, I mean come on who in the hell wants to visit north Korea of all places. His kid brother , who apparently he doesn't want to help financially but can afford to go Pyongyang I looked it up what it costs to travel to North Korea, its about a 1000 dollars U.S. for 5 days and 4 nights. You cant fly directly, so fly into China, then switch and take Air Koryo which Im guessing isnt part of the initial costs. Yeah, someone is full of shite. Did I ever say I only had ONE brother? Care to explain how Otto Warmbier ended up in a coma? Too much bourbon at Mardi Gras? |
Travel Ban Upheld
What is both ironic and funny, is the country that didn't make the list. Saudi Arabia Pop quiz: what country did 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers come from? At a guess I'd say it may have something to do with the billions of dollars in arms that they buy ![]() Yep! We have the best president money can buy! ![]() |
Travel Ban Upheld
Edited by
Tue 06/26/18 03:01 PM
Guess some didn't know there was a world outside of the US...
Tourism in Libya is an industry heavily hit by the Libyan Civil War. Before the war tourism was developing, with 149,000 tourists visiting Libya in 2004, rising to 180,000 in 2007, although this still only contributed less than 1% of the country's GDP. There were 1,000,000 day visitors in the same year.[1][2] The country is best known for its ancient Greek and Roman ruins and Sahara desert landscapes. Libya is not issuing tourist visas now.[3] Libyan borders with Chad, Niger, Sudan and Algeria are closed.[4] In reality these borders are not controlled by the Government but by Tuareg people and Toubou people.[5] ![]() ![]() ![]() NK = Move a picture on a wall and get sent to prison. hard labor, then taken out comatose after getting the hell beat out of you everyday and flown back home to die. Is that in the travel companies " things to do in NK " pamphlet?
Not everyone has a compulsion to rearrange the furniture in their hotel room(s). |
Travel Ban Upheld
How do cnn, msnbc, and all the liberal pundits manage to stay on air when all they have to say is Trump and his supporters are nazis or he's a dictator or any of the physco babble coming from their desperation, now they are spouting the results of a poll taken that says 8 out of every 10 people are concerned about the future of our democracy. What they aren't telling us is that 8 out of 10 are worried about our democracy because they see the liberals tearing it apart with every chance they get. The far out conspiracies they subscribe to makes it near impossible to take them seriously. I truly hope that with the dangerous confrontations that auntie Maxine is inciting and the hate filled delusional lies they are broadcasting does not get someone seriously hurt. God says turn the other cheek , well we only have two cheeks, believe me you get in my space with your crazy childish antics and I will remove you from my space. Period. ... If the democrats were smart they would save some of their brain dead plans of attacking Trump for after their loss in November . Just saying. Time covers say it best.. ![]() |
Travel Ban Upheld
My kid brother and his friends.
Family counts. ![]() |
Travel Ban Upheld
Edited by
Tue 06/26/18 02:23 PM
Libya and North Korea had pretty decent tourist trade revenues. I'm sure they still will. I don't think they'll enforce any Christian/Jewish ban on the EU. They'll probably be tailored specifically to the US, just like China with their soybean tariffs. and how many people do you know that has traveled to North Korea? Besides the dead teenager they sent back? Personally, only about eight, but I know there's a tourist company that was doing a pretty brisk business. Apparently, there quite a few.. North Korea Tours | Young Pioneer Tours DPRK (North Korea) - North Korea Tours | DPRK Group Tours - Koryo ... Uri Tours: North Korea Tours and Travel - North Korea Tour Operator Lupine Travel - North Korea tour |
Travel Ban Upheld
What is both ironic and funny, is the country that didn't make the list.
Saudi Arabia Pop quiz: what country did 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers come from? |
Travel Ban Upheld
Edited by
Tue 06/26/18 01:43 PM
Libya and North Korea had pretty decent tourist trade revenues. I'm sure they still will. I don't think they'll enforce any Christian/Jewish ban on the EU.
They'll probably be tailored specifically to the US, just like China with their soybean tariffs. |
Travel Ban Upheld
A major Supreme Court opinion was released on Tuesday morning upholding Trump's travel ban. In a vote of 5-4, the justices affirmed that the travel ban was constitutional in the case of Trump v. Hawaii. Based on wording from the ruling, do you think a way will be found to apply it to the southern border based on the lack of being able to vet many of those trying to enter or claim asylum? The court upheld the POTUS right to restrict entry based on National security beliefs What do you think the reaction will be, should those countries retaliate by instituting a Christian and Jewish ban? Shoe on the other foot anyone? |
I was out in Ca. awhile ago doing some work in warehousing distribution. All manned by Illegal Latinos. Most did not speak English. But almost all of them drove to work. They were given a drivers license by the state of Ca. They are illegal.. but given a license. talk about a oxymoron. Here in New Jersey I have to show 11 "points" of identification to get one. birth certificate, passport, social security card, old license ect ect... can't produce that.. no license All of which a illegal does not have... but they do have a license none the less. no.. nothing wrong with that picture.. That's pretty consistent with a "first issue" driver's license. If you take your New Jersey license into a California DMV, all you'll have to do is produce the license to get a California license. |
Maxine Waters
Harmony gave herself away when she posted something from occupy democrats. Viper, just another silly post from.... wherever. Go there at your own risk. You Trumpanzees are a real hoot.. I already said I would serve them... Ala fight Club. Their food would be ... special. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 04:20 PM
This is one of the many reasons why we need to enforce our Boarder Security Laws!
Because it would have been totally cool if a white boy had knocked her up... Right? Patronize home industry! |
Maxine Waters
A question best answered by contemplating a mirror.
Maxine Waters
Comrade Yuschevich Viperovski Why do men and children fart and women poof? Have ever wondered why male dogs lick their balls? I can see you cant tell the difference between "insulting" someone vs telling people to harass people. Anyone with more than a modicum of intelligence or a single digit IQ understands the difference. Sturmbannfuhrer diserli Von Geoebbels Are you implying that it's only harassment if it's continuous? How many times has Donny said: "Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Ted Cruz, Low IQ Waters, Slow Jeb Bush and Fake News"? He's the Stalker In Chief. |
Maxine Waters
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 12:08 PM
First Amendment? We don't need no stinking First Amendment!
But when Donny does it... Trumpanzees are.. "Special". Comrade Yuschevich Viperovski, when did Trump say go harass Democrats or anyone please post proof comrade. Sturmbannfuhrer diserli_geoebbels Oh wow! Really? Everbody knows Donny doesn't farm out jobs he would rather do himself. Let's start with the stuff from today.. Trump insults restaurant that booted Sarah Sanders Trump tells Fallon 'be a man'; 'Tonight Show' host responds by donating to refugees And now, a stroll down memory lane.. ( I don't have enough space to post them all, but here goes. The 472 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List Bashar al-Assad President of Syria “a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” “Animal Assad” “Animal Assad” ABC News “Fake News” “knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’” “worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast” “have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!” “Fiction writers!” “Fake News” “Fake News” “Fake News” “fake news” “totally wrong in General E.” “totally biased” “fake news” “Such dishonesty!” ABC News-Washington Post poll “Just about the most inaccurate” “they haven't changed (get new pollsters)” “just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” “disgrace” “Very dishonest” Huma Abedin Aide to Hillary Clinton “was a major security risk” Jim Acosta Chief White House correspondent, CNN “Crazy” New 747 Air Force One “costs are out of control” “Cancel order!” "All Business: The Essential Donald Trump" Documentary film “a total waste of time” “A joke!” John R. Allen Retired United States Marine general “failed badly in his fight against ISIS” “his record = BAD” Amazon Online retailer “States and Cities throughout our Country are being cheated and treated so badly by online retailers” “Very unfair to traditional tax paying stores!” “costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money” “Only fools, or worse, are saying that our money losing Post Office makes money with Amazon” “not a level playing field!” “use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy” “doing great damage to tax paying retailers” “if @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag” “@washingtonpost scam is saving it!” “no profit company” The American delegate system “rigged” “RIGGED” “totally rigged!” “totally rigged” “the system is rigged” “rigged” “rigged!” “rigged” “the books are cooked” “totally rigged” “rigged!” “Don't let the bosses take your vote!” “The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race in June because the pols and their bosses knew I would win with the voters” “great people being disenfranchised by politicians. Repub party is in trouble!” “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians.” “totally unfair!” “I win a state in votes and then get non-representative delegates because they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Bad system!” Anderson Cooper “360” CNN News program “a waste” Arrested Saudi Notables Prominent Saudi Arabians arrested in a consolidation of power by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “have been ‘milking’ their country for years!” Assault allegations Allegations of sexual assault brought forward by several women against Mr. Trump “false accusations and fabricated stories” “FAKE NEWS!” “totally phoney” “100% made up” “already proven false” “made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED” “Totally made up nonsense to steal the election” “100% fabricated” “made-up” “pushed strongly by the media and the Clinton Campaign” “may poison the minds of the American Voter” The Associated Press News organization “false” “has one of the worst reporters in the business” “dishonest reporting” “always looking for a hit to bring them back into relevancy—ain't working” “Reuters is a far more professional operation” “an organization that has totally lost its way” “reporting is terrible & highly inaccurate” “now irrelevant” “they have lost their way and are no longer credible” “should change their fraudulent story” Attorney-Client Privilege “dead!” B Jerry Brown Governor of California “not looking for safety and security” Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court justice “an incompetent judge!” “has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me” “Her mind is shot” “resign!” Matt Bai National Political Columnist, Yahoo News “dummy” Alec Baldwin Actor “dying mediocre career” “terrible impersonation of me on SNL” “Alec, it was agony for those who were forced to watch” “impersonation just can't get any worse” “portrayal stinks” LaVar Ball “just a poor man’s version of Don King, but without the hair” “Ungrateful fool!” “unaccepting of what I did for his son” “Very ungrateful!” Bandon Dunes Golf Resort Golf course “a toy by comparison” Steve Bannon Former White House chief strategist “Sloppy Steve” “cried when he got fired” “begged for his job” “Sloppy Steve” “has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone” “Sloppy Steve” “leaker” “Sloppy Steve Bannon” Michael Barbaro Reporter, The New York Times “should resign” “the author of the now discredited @nytimes hit piece on me” “The writer of the now proven false story” Elizabeth Beck Lawyer “People like lawyer Elizabeth Beck and failed writer Harry Hurt & others talk about me but know nothing about me” “knows nothing about me” “I loved beating her” “did a terrible job against me” “easy for me to beat” “she wanted to breast pump in front of me at dep.” Glenn Beck Television personality “endorsement means nothing!” “crying” “dumb as a rock” “failing” “lost all credibility” “irrelevant” “wacko” “sad” “failing, crying, lost soul” “very dumb and failing” “has zero credibility” “irrelevant” “mental basketcase” “viewers & ratings are way down” “irrelevant” “wacky” “a real nut job” “always seems to be crying” Samantha Bee Comedian and television host “no talent” Paul Begala Former political adviser to Bill Clinton “dopey” “has knowingly committed fraud” Joy Behar Television host “fired from her last show for lack of ratings” Lisa Belkin Chief national correspondent, Yahoo News “low-life” The Benghazi hearings Congressional hearings “a total disaster for Republicans & America” “The Bias-Free Language Guide” Guide to politically sensitive speaking “an outrage” Joseph R. Biden Jr. Vice president of the United States “Crazy Joe” “trying to act like a tough guy” “Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically” “He doesn't know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way” “Don't threaten people Joe!” “not very bright” Big-game hunting “horror show” Michael Bloomberg Former mayor of New York City “Little” “never had the guts to run for president” “his last term as Mayor was a disaster!” Charles Blow Columnist, The New York Times “dishonest reporting” Richard Blumenthal United States senator “a phony Vietnam con artist!” “Never in U.S.history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal” “cried like a baby” “begged for forgiveness like a child” “I think Senator Blumenthal should take a nice long vacation in Vietnam, where he lied about his service, so he can at least say he was there” “a joke” “devised one of the greatest military frauds in U.S. history” “cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness” “should be the one who is investigated for his acts” “never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie)” “misrepresents” Cory Booker United States senator “If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future!” “I know more about Cory than he knows about himself.” Brent Bozell President, Media Research Center “begging for money like a dog” Donna Brazile Interim Chairwoman, Democratic National Committee “Totally dishonest” “chokes on the truth” John O. Brennan Former Director, C.I.A. “one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington” “Not good!” Britain “trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem” David Brooks Columnist, The New York Times “a clown” “dummy!” “one of the dumbest of all pundits” “he has no sense of the real world!” “is closing in on being the dumbest of them all” “doesn’t have a clue” Frank Bruni Columnist, The New York Times “dope” Brussels “a ‘hell hole’” “a mess” Mika Brzezinski Co-host, “Morning Joe” “dumb as a rock” “was bleeding badly from a face-lift” “low I.Q.” “Crazy” “crazy and very dumb” “had a mental breakdown while talking about me” “crazy” “very insecure” “clown” “off the wall” “neurotic” “not very bright” “mess!” “has gone wild with hate” George Bush Former president of the United States “no more Bushes” George W. Bush Former president of the United States “the WTC came down during his watch” “no more Bushes” “wants $120,000 to make a boring speech” “not nice!” Jeb Bush Former Florida governor “failed presidential candidate” “no honor!” “low energy” “just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late” “hypocrite” “Just another clueless politician!” “has no clue” “failed campaign” “How can @JebBush beat Hillary Clinton- if he can't beat anyone else on the #GOPDebate stage with $150M?” “lightweight” “lightweight” “spending a fortune of special interest against me in SC” “desperate and sad” “Weak” “Jeb failed as Jeb” “gave up and enlisted Mommy and his brother” “Weak” “no chance” “has gone nasty with lies” “by far the weakest of the lot” “Not a leader!” “Sad!” “failed campaign” “A pathetic figure!” “desperate” “zero communication skills” “weak candidate” “spent a fortune of special interest money on a Super Bowl ad” “total disaster” “had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me” “will do anything to stay at the trough” “low energy guy” “at the bottom of the barrel” “low energy” “he should go home and relax!” “sad sack” “chances of winning are zero” “did poorly last night in the debate” “weak & ineffective” “campaign is a disaster” “low-energy individual” “low-energy 'stiff'” “has no chance” “a sad case” “a total embarrassment to himself and his family” “took millions of $'s of hit ads on me” “spent $59 million & done” “failed candidate” “ridiculous” “SO SAD” “poor” “he's bottom (and gone), I'm top (by a lot)” “really pathetic” “phony” “weak” “low energy” “campaign is a disaster” “a loser” “can't win” “terrible on Face the Nation” “a basket case” “weak” “ineffective” “false advertising” “campaign is a disaster” “puppet” “puppet” “cratered” “if Jeb Bush were more competent he could not have lost the skirmish with Marco” “stupid message” “VERY weak on illegal immigration” “campaign is in total disarray” “paid ridiculous amounts of money” “if he can't manage his campaign, how can he manage our countries finances?” “had a tiny 300 person crowd” “totally lost” “too soft” “our country needs more energy and spirit than you can provide!” “pathetic” “doubled Florida State debt” “has been confused for forty years” “policies in Florida helped lead to its almost total collapse” “100% CONTROLLED” “a failing campaign” “just can't get it right!” “weak on illegal immigration” “bad on women's health issues” “no more Bushes” “is miserable” “fell more than anybody” “just doesn't get it” “will never secure the border” “will NEVER Make America Great Again” Jeb Bush campaign “a total waste of money” “too much staff being paid way too much money” Jeb Bush campaign staffer “arrogant” “questioned me in such a nasty fashion” Jeb Bush supporters “everyone of those people who contributed are getting something to the detriment of America” C Chemical attack in Syria “vicious” “mindless” “atrocity” “Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever” “SICK!” The Comey Memos Memos released by the former F.B.I. director James Comey “dumb” “phony memos” “self serving and FAKE!” Carl Cameron Reporter, Fox News “consistently fumbles & misrepresents poll results” “has been so wrong & he hates it!” Alisyn Camerota Co-host, “New Day” “disaster” Ben Cardin United States senator “It's politicians like Cardin that have destroyed Baltimore.” Ben Carson Retired neurosurgeon “incapable of understanding foreign policy” “very weak on illegal immigration” “many lies by Ben Carson” “Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it?” “VERY weak on illegal immigration” “has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse)” “very weak on illegal immigration” Graydon Carter Former editor, Vanity Fair “no talent” “will be out!” “a total loser” “sloppy” “grubby” Bob Casey United States senator “a do-nothing Senator who only shows up at election time” “loves sanctuary cities, bad and expensive healthcare” “weak on borders and crime” “our great Military and Vets mean nothing to Bobby Jr.” Catch and Release Policy in which undocumented immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing “disgraceful practice” “ridiculous” “liberal” CBS “Fake News” “knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’” “worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast” “have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!” “Fiction writers!” “Fake News” “Fake News” “Fake News” “FAKE NEWS” “the enemy of the American People!” Lincoln Chafee Former Rhode Island governor “Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.” Chain migration “outdated” “hurt our economic and national security” “horrible” Chicago “totally out of control, Chicago needs help!” “If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible carnage going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!” Chief executives on the Manufacturing Council “For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place, Grandstanders” China “playing the Currency Devaluation game” “Not acceptable!” “Caught RED HANDED” “they do NOTHING for us with North Korea” “just talk” “Terrible!” Amy Chozick Reporter, The New York Times “third-rate-reporter” “totally in the Hillary circle of bias” Chris Christie New Jersey governor “spending all of his time in NH” James Clapper Former Director of National Intelligence “lied about (fraudulent) Dossier leaks” “a lying machine” “one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington” “famously got caught lying to Congress” Bill Clinton “'doesn't know much'” “Wild Bill” “There's never been anyone more abusive to women in politics” “Highly overrated!” “What Bill did was stupid!” “the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history” “hypocrite” “terrible, failed badly” “was called a racist” “DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM” “so inappropriate” Bill and Hillary Clinton “the real predators” The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation Philanthropic organization “a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” Hillary Clinton “Crooked” “totally Crooked Campaign” “totally Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked Hillary” “Crooked” “corrupt” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked Hillary” “Crooked Hillary” “Crooked H” “Crooked” “Crooked H” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked Hillary” “Crooked” “went down in flames” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked H.” “Crooked Hillary” “Crooked” “Crooked” “totally Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “the worst (and biggest) loser of all time” “Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!” “Crooked” “Crooked H” “Crooked” “paid for and stole the Dem Primary” “Crooked” “bought the DNC & then stole the Democratic Primary from Crazy Bernie!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “played the press for fools on Russia” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a bad candidate!” “Crooked” “blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss” “lost the debates and lost her direction!” “in the end, had no game!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?” “gave our country away” “Crooked” “colluded” “Is she allowed to so collude?” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a terrible candidate” “Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!” “no enthusiasm!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “unfit to serve” “decades of lies and scandal” “Crooked Hillary's corruption is closing in” “Crooked” “Guilty - cannot run” “a big mistake” “Crooked” “Crooked” “should not be allowed to run for president” “Crooked” “Crooked Hillary” “unfit to be president” “Bad judgement!” “We must not let #CrookedHillary take her CRIMINAL SCHEME into the Oval Office” “Crooked” “launched her political career by letting terrorists off the hook” “Hillary said she was under sniper fire (while surrounded by USSS.) Turned out to be a total lie. She is not fit to lead our country” “Crooked H” “Crooked” “wants to take in as many Syrians as possible” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “FAILED ALL OVER THE WORLD” “loves to lie” “She'll say anything and change NOTHING!” “Crooked” “a Wall Street PUPPET!” “Crooked” “has never created a job in her life” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a foreign policy DISASTER” “you have failed, failed, and failed” “too weak to lead” “no solutions, no ideas, no credibility” “the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency of the United States” “If we let Crooked run the govt, history will remember 2017 as the year America lost its independence” “So CROOKED” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Such a dishonest person” “crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “SO CORRUPT!” “Crooked” “should be in jail” “Crooked” “PAY TO PLAY POLITICS” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Fraud” “Crooked” “Crooked” “disgraceful behavior” “unfit to run” “Crooked” “Hypocrite” “Hypocrite!” “nothing Hillary has said about her secret server has been true” “If I win-I am going to instruct my AG to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation” “there's never been anything like your lies” “Crooked” “has only created jobs at the FBI and DOJ!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors” “Owned by Wall St and Politicians” “Crooked” “Crooked” “suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT!” “Crooked” “terrible!” “failing for 30 years” “not getting the job done” “Crooked” “failed all over the world” “a typical politician” “all talk, no action” “taking the day off again, she needs the rest” “copying my airplane rallies” “puts the plane behind her like I have been doing from the beginning” “Crooked” “Crooked” “said horrible things about my supporters” “SO INSULTING to my supporters” “Crooked” “very dumb” “totally confused” “Unfit to serve as #POTUS” “just gave a disastrous news conference” “Lyin'” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “doesn't have the strength or the stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” “doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “brainpower is highly overrated, decision making is so bad” “has BAD JUDGEMENT” “Crooked” “Crooked” “called African-American youth “SUPER PREDATORS”” “Crooked” “will NEVER be able to solve the problems of poverty, education and safety” “CORRUPTION” “SABOTAGE OF THE INNER CITIES” “only knows how to make a speech when it is a hit on me” “No policy” “using the oldest play in the Dem playbook” “using race-baiting” “all talk and NO ACTION!” “pandering to the worst instincts in our society” “She should be ashamed of herself!” “crooked” “lies” “fear-mongering!” “LIE!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not a talented person or politician” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not fit to be our next president!” “Anybody whose mind 'SHORT CIRCUITS' is not fit to be our president! Look up the word 'BRAINWASHED.” “Crooked” “Very dangerous!” “bad judgment” “unfit to serve as President” “incompetent” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!” “Crooked” “100% owned by her donors” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a formula for disaster!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a lose cannon” “extraordinarily bad judgement & insticts” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “very long and very boring speech” “Crooked” “very average scream!” “no one has worse judgement” “corruption and devastation follows her” “owned by Wall Street!” “unfit to lead the country” “Crooked” “Crooked” “wants to flood our country with Syrian immigrants that we know little or nothing about” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “incompetent” “a liar!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “betrayed Bernie voters” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “judgement so bad” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not at all loyal” “Crooked” “BAD JUDGEMENT” “Crooked” “killed jobs!” “Crooked” “destroyed jobs and manufacturing” “Against steelworkers and miners” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “look at all of the bad decisions she has made” “Crooked” “led Obama into bad decisions!” “Crooked” “bought and paid for by Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests” “will sell our country down the tubes!” “has made so many mistakes” “Crooked” “Crooked” “embarrassed herself and the country with her e-mail lies” “a DISASTER on foreign policy” “Crooked” “Crooked” “negative ads are not true” “email lies” “fraudulent” “Crooked” “Having ZERO impact” “Sad!!” “Lyin'” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not qualified” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not qualified!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “WEAK leadership” “lies” “Lyin' Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “lied to the FBI and to the people of our country” “sooooo guilty” “Crooked” “dishonest” “incompetent” “very bad judgement” “Crooked” “Not fit!” “Crooked” “unfit to serve as President” “Her temperament is weak” “BAD JUDGEMENT!” “Crooked” “As usual, bad judgment.” “A total disgrace!” “Crooked” “guilty as hell” “Crooked” “will NEVER be able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “As Bernie Sanders said, Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!” “sellng out America” “Not capable!” “Presidency would be catastrophic” “ill-fit” “bad judgment” “Lying” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “no sense of markets” “such bad judgement” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “bad judgement” “Disgraceful!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “All talk, no action!” “Crooked” “would be a disaster” “may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency” “Crooked” “will be a disaster for jobs and the economy!” “defrauded America” “Corrupt” “dangerous” “dishonest” “judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy” “failed policies” “bad judgment” “Crooked” “Crooked” “totally unfit to be our president” “really bad judgement and a temperament” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “will be a disaster” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “total fraud!” “Crooked” “record is so bad, unable to answer tough questions!” “unfit to be president” “bad judgement” “poor leadership skills” “very bad and destructive track record” “Crooked” “Not honest!” “Bad performance” “Crooked” “Reading poorly from the telepromter!” “doesn't even look presidential!” “Crooked” “no longer has credibility” “too much failure in office” “Crooked” “Lyin'” “Crooked” “has made so many mistakes” “Crooked” “BAD judgement!” “Crooked” “zero natural talent” “temperament is bad” “decision making ability-zilch!” “Crooked” “fraud” “very stupid use of e-mails” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “bad judgement and temperament” “Crooked” “CROOKED” “Crooked” “Crooked” “suffers from plain old bad judgement!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “not qualified” “her judgement has been proven to be so bad!” “Would be four more years of stupidity!” “Wrong!” “reckless and dangerous” “Crooked” “very dishonest” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “has no chance!” “zero imagination and even less stamina” “ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “a fraud” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts!” “Crooked” “Liar!” “Crooked” “can't close the deal on Crazy Bernie” “Crooked” “Crooked” “has bad judgment!” “Crooked” “pushing the false narrative that I want to raise taxes” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “corrupt” “ZERO leadership ability” “bad judgement” “Constantly playing the women's card - it is sad!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “said she is used to “dealing with men who get off the reservation.” Actually, she has done poorly with such men!” “Crooked” “Crooked” “perhaps the most dishonest person to have ever run for the presidency” “one of the all time great enablers!” “Crooked” “unqualified to be president” “incompetent” “has been involved in corruption for most of her professional life!” “Who should star in a reboot of Liar Liar- Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz? Let me know” “a major national security risk” “not presidential material” “such bad judgement” “lied last week” “doesn't have the strength or stamina to be president” “totally flawed candidate” “stupidity” “pathetic” “LIED at the debate last night” “SAD!” “We need a #POTUS with great strength & stamina. Hillary does not have that” “lied” “disloyal person” “weak and ineffective” “no strength, no stamina” “does not have the STRENGTH or STAMINA to be President” “won't call out radical Islam” “will be soundly defeated” “afraid of Obama & the emails” “SHE HAS NO STRENGTH OR STAMINA” “corruption is what she's best at” “weak” “totally incompetent as a manager and leader” “no strength or stamina” “she looked lost” “her record is so bad” “the trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it!” “100% CONTROLLED” “Just can't read speeches!” “Crooked H” Club for Growth Antitax political group “a dumb group!” “trying to extort $1,000,000.00 from me” “tried to extort $1,000,000 from me” “Disgraceful!” “Phony” “tried to shake me down for one million dollars” “They are total losers!” “a very dishonest group” “They represent conservative values terribly & are bad for America” “asked me for $1 million. I said no & they went negative. Extortion!” “went hostile w/ a series of incorrect & ill-informed ads” “crooked” “total frauds” “falsely advertising” “Phony” “Little respected” “phony” “Total hypocrites!” CNBC News organization “crazy” “fictitious polling numbers” “sad” “continues to report fictious poll numbers” “pushing the GOP around” “ridiculous debate terms” CNN “Fake News” “Fake News CNN is dead!” “have typically written false stories” “Fake News” “Fake News” “Just about the most inaccurate” “they haven't changed (get new pollsters)” “Fake News” “knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, ‘Fakers’” “worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast” “have done so much dishonest reporting that they should only be allowed to get awards for fiction!” “you can’t get a job at ratings challenged @CNN unless you state that you are totally anti-Trump” “get back to honest reporting!” “Sinclair is far superior to CNN” “Bad ratings” “got scammed when they covered the anti-Trump Russia rally wall-to-wall” “They probably knew it was Fake News but, because it was a rally against me, they pushed it hard anyway” “really dishonest newscasters” “Fake News” “big ratings loser” “Fake News CNN” “Fake News CNN” “I seldom, if ever, watch CNN” “Fake News” “Fake News” “made a vicious and purposeful mistake” “gross incompetence” “a fraud on the American Public” “There are many outlets that are far more trusted” “Fake News” “Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!” “we should boycott” “Fake News” “Dealing with them is a total waste of time!” “Fiction writers!” “Fake News” “going out of their way to disparage our great First Responders” “Not fair” “#FakeNews” “Total lie!” “Fake News” “ratings challenged” “#FraudNewsCNN” “#FNN” “I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!” “#FakeNews, #FraudNewsCNN” “phony stories” “FAKE NEWS!” “got caught falsely pushing their phony Russian stories” “Ratings way down!” “Fake News” “Fake News” “Fake News” “Fake News” “their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster” “has become a joke” “Sad!” “FAKE NEWS” “the enemy of the American People!” “unwatchable” “FAKE NEWS” “FAKE NEWS” “Considering it is CNN, can't imagine it will be great!” “a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS” “ratings are tanking since election” “credibility will soon be gone!” “they don't have a clue!” “FAKE NEWS!” “I thought that @CNN would get better after they failed so badly in their support of Hillary Clinton however, since election, they are worse!” “is so embarrassed by their total (100%) support of Hillary Clinton” “they don't know what to do” “still doesn't get it” “They will never learn!” “Fraud” “Really pathetic” “totally dishonest!” “the worst” “fortunately they have bad ratings” “everyone knows they are biased” “so negative” “really bad” “bad product” “(Clinton News Network)” “little watched” “just doesn't get it” “ratings are so low - and getting worse” “Boring anti-Trump panelists, mostly losers in life!” “unwatchable” “Their news on me is fiction, a disgrace to the broadcasting industry, an arm of the Clinton campaign” “so disgusting in their bias” “Ratings challenged” “Constant phony reporting” “failing” “turns everyone off” “Totally dishonest” “low ratings” “anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people” “will soon be the least trusted name in news” “laughable!” “SAD!” “panels are so one sided” “Don't watch CNN!” “low ratings” “the worst” “dumb, one-sided panels” “the Clinton News Network” “people don't like” “all negative” “Guests are stacked for Crooked Hillary!” “I don't watch” “few people are watching” “dead network!” “softball questions” “all negative when it comes to me” “I don't watch it anymore” “Clinton News Network” “losing all credibility” “totally biased” “so biased” “Shows are predictable garbage!” “one big lie!” “Clinton News Network” “getting more and more biased” “so negative, getting even worse” “Don't watch CNN!” “I no longer watch” “working hard to make me look as bad as possible” “Very unprofessional” “bad television!” “so negative it is impossible to watch” “Terrible panel” “angry haters” “really one-sided and unfair reporting” “so sad” “dishonest reporting” “paid a fortune for an Iowa Poll, which shows me in first place over Cruz by 13%, 33% to 20% - then doesn't use it” “When will @CNN get some real political talent” “totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring” “bad reporters” “only says negative” “just plain dumb!” “ratings starved” “does not cover me accurately” “why can't they get it right” CNN International “a major source of (Fake) news” “they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly” “The outside world does not see the truth from them!” CNN panelists “a joke” “biased” “very dumb” “Boring” “mostly losers in life!” Read the rest at the link.. Maybe he should be arrested. Oh wait, Bobby Mueller's working on that. |
Maxine Waters
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 11:44 AM
Needs to be arrested for inciting violence. She appears to be the (big) mouthpiece for Obama's declared revolution. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First Amendment? We don't need no stinking First Amendment! But when Donny does it... ![]() Trumpanzees are.. "Special". |
Dangerous attitudes
Edited by
Mon 06/25/18 11:35 AM
Tears for the thug? WTF
are you serious? Sturmbannfuhrer, Are you stating (for the record) in your mind that if one comes across a bona fide "thug", it's perfectly ok to do whatever one wants to them? After all, "they're not human." One might want to act out a few scenes from the movies "Hannibal" or "Hostel" on them, and that would be perfectly ok with you? Now wouldn't it? They're just "animals, POSes, and scum" that don't have mothers, brothers,fathers, or anyone that gives two farts for them, so just have some fun! I stand by my original statement, you're no better than them. They most likely grew up in a world of sh@t.. What's your excuse? |