the iron is dead. the shirt stays wrinkled. i pray because i know i am thankful. here as; two hands two eyes two feet two ankles. where as; one knows ones brain and hearts unreplaceable. the pilot is burning. the iron, remains dead. |
always, out of Love
HA! your baaaaad
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conclusion after conclusion
..and than he died ..after she walked home ..and no one saw ..after they checked |
GTFO of my head already!!!
why can't i learn to be addicted to things i don't know? i am tired. hungry and thirsty. at best i regret the worst me! |
octopuses facinate me
GTFO of my head already!!!
so why move about under one dark cloud i can't resist my anger? my sadness is just no success how shall i evade this danger? |
GTFO of my head already!!!
arms down s l o w ly unfisting my fingers i tell myself to breathe because i cannot longer lingerr pacing about i tell myself to wait why should i stay here? knowing if i go or stay either way i am in danger. |
always, out of Love
i wrote the wrong poem for this pic
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octopuses facinate me
writing this
as i speak. how i don't know why i think. hungry i eat thirsty i drink. tired i sleep hung over weak. |
fire and ice
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The Disc
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first one
![]() ![]() very cool man! i liked it alot! |
always, out of Love
she sits down. we hold hands. she says, its over. i say, NOTHING because there is, NOTHING left to say. |
most favorable position
Edited by
Thu 10/28/10 01:39 PM
favorite position?
here it is! out in the open a smile with style i know when i go in g getting r ready o ooooooOH? w what n now when I'm there hitting the target like a spear i steer and steered back & forth entering the exit course where she attracts me i feel just as :D as 8^) non-guilty i am drilling funelling myself as i fondle herself around her hips either side one hand trips sTumbles s tt uuu mmmm bbbbb llllll iiiiiii nnnnnnnn ggggggggg on to her most intimate and devious sides i skim skimming per'say around her trim'say here is the tunnel there goes the worm at play a safe spot for my____ today... i wonder what would i do without me and knowing that these are the moments i love most i cant explain my love for sex just that my sex is love whether with or without a glove i choose meaning; with or without a con- dumb i abuse where am i going or getting with this back & forth fondling her **** **** and lips Oooh, what trips! my little me dip slides throbs heats gets beat poor meat a victory wore in 2 defeat stretching me from heads to feet this is where i love to stand my ground. letting my knees rock back and forward i look around her body in awweee! ha! words fingers at there best feeling the ones you are wantings curves a love i love forth and back the sounds her cheeks and hips sound smacked this is; more vulgarity than poetry but really; who is weighing? in on the subject falling down two holes one for fun where the other be/cums prego |
i dont want to do drugs i know better i say in dismay as i shrug, "build me up" i've had it i'm tired of breaking me d o w n for? the? cAwwwz? eyes know why where i see my flaws no longer in shock closed jaws licking one index to the sky because i don't wanna be l o s t working dead end jobs never easy what i really need is to find a new lead for a mouth to feed daily knowing love is life and life is struggling i have a seed that is going to need water this is my soon to be son Connor your not even here yet and i am already acting like your father if only you knew how much you make me stronger without you my thoughts are guttered as a goner why am i so lost god, i am lost wanting to be the best never felt so refreshed half of me feels so blessed except i can't accept i dual between one man becomming too different people sooooo looooost one good the other evil trying to keep it real except i accept i knoooow gaaaawwwd is god and how he heals just i cant move forward with no sword, just a shield exhale... |
1/2 Breathes
dont let it get you
take the best of you lose the rest of you make a mess of who? you know who you are rolling in your car alone you go in circles getting no where far acting bizarre spending too much time staring up at the stars i seem to think there is a soft side behind what is hard i think i would be one of the unplayed jokers if i had to choose the who of whom to explain how i become or became one of those cards (sigh) i hate this part where i give myself too much space squinched eyes in the shape of fists punching every mirror in my way grumbling under mumbling lips where the good and evil eyes split seatbelted to a tangent pushing down a gas pedal so rampant oh poor me most times i wish i could ignore me as i pour me a drink so tragic this is the part where my flesh turns to plastic trying to explain the cracks in the mirrors eyes see and how much i fukn hate beer mostly and how it takes me away from ME and how much better life is when i think less sin fool in dreams |
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Edited by
Wed 10/06/10 09:38 AM
exhausted. from all the nonsense. i have been rich until now since, i am spent. struggling. using muscles i didn't know existed. nor, whatever for, ever invisioned. hustling. for something more than the crumbs i keep crumbling. humbling. me now, from then. than shall we con- tinue? where now my digestive system can't win. i used to stare out now i stare in two this window. grumbling. yadda yadda blah blah. each leg standing balancing. thanking God for this see saw. pummeling. these fists so pist i clench on to, nothings. as poor as can be my hope gives me, something. inspired by: |
thank yous!
gossip bgeorge johnny |
her moans are whore moans the way she screams through a screen spreads across the oooohhhh zoooone i know when she does she vibrates my poems MMMMmm she groans EWWWww she gets boned AWWWww she explodes her moans are whore moans as she spreads her lips and legs she twitches like a bittch unleashed un con trolled MMMMmm she groans EWWWww she gets boned AWWWww she explodes with a rush so intense she emits through her tones MMMMmm EWWWww AWWWww pull aside my panties! touch me through my bra! biting her lip nails grip what a trip she has claws |