Community > Posts By > enderra

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 06:00 PM

I wish short shorts would come back in style for basketball, I just didn't appreciate it back then.

I wager you would be a huge fan of rugby bigsmile
damn straight, i watch pitchfork laugh laugh drool surprised it with my hand down my pants.

laugh laugh laugh laugh I don't understand the game but I tape it just for the heck of seeing the guys bending over :banana:
man i wish we lived closer!!! I think we are Soul sisterslaugh laugh laugh

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:56 PM

I wish short shorts would come back in style for basketball, I just didn't appreciate it back then.

I wager you would be a huge fan of rugby bigsmile
damn straight, i watch pitchfork laugh laugh drool surprised it with my hand down my pants.

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:54 PM
I want a reckless love
crazy love
off the wall
i don't care
we can do it anywhere
kinda love

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:49 PM
is this love or just indigestion?

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:47 PM

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:45 PM
I wish short shorts would come back in style for basketball, I just didn't appreciate it back then.

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:41 PM
do they wear tight pants?

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:39 PM
Especially since it is a made up story

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:38 PM
Wow, might as well off myself now since I will never be happy in love. BROWN Eyes

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:35 PM

Hello, testing one two three, I am pretty sure Obama knows that Africa is a continent and NOT a country.

Who do you think I was referring to?

If you want to continue to talk about Obama do it on another thread.

Frankly I would like to know how anyone could reach the heights of the office that Sarah Palin did without knowing some pretty basic geography? In fact my son who is in 2nd grade knows all seven continents. Wow!!!

not to rain on your sarah bashing parade. but you started the political thread first. and heres a little secret. this thread happens to be in the politics forum. oh the irony.

Ahhh...but it's in the political forum and each thread in a forum has a topic. When one gets off of that topic, the thread has been hijacked.:wink:

true but she started a political argument. the topic most certainly wasnt of a geographic nature. it was a sarah bashing.
it is not bashing to be amazed that someone in her position would not know a continent from a country. My Bad

alot of people that voted for obama thought sarah was his vice president.
Well they are in for a rude awakeningrofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:33 PM

if things continue the way they are, we won't have to worry cause we will all have to go to canada or mexico for health care cause no one wants to be a doctor in this country anymore. between the cost of med-school, insurance after you get out it is a lose lose situation. The only people making money in medicine these days are the insurance companies.

I have two uncle who are doctors, they both are very near retirement. One a OB GYN is one of the last OB's left in D.C.
The other is a pediatrician, who is forced to see 3x more children each day than he did when I worked for him over the summer 20 years ago, to keep his practice going.

I'm considering an officer comission in the army to pay for medical school.

Estimated cost of medical schoo is $236,000!!!

Tha's some crazy SH*T

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:30 PM

Hello, testing one two three, I am pretty sure Obama knows that Africa is a continent and NOT a country.

Who do you think I was referring to?

If you want to continue to talk about Obama do it on another thread.

Frankly I would like to know how anyone could reach the heights of the office that Sarah Palin did without knowing some pretty basic geography? In fact my son who is in 2nd grade knows all seven continents. Wow!!!

not to rain on your sarah bashing parade. but you started the political thread first. and heres a little secret. this thread happens to be in the politics forum. oh the irony.

Ahhh...but it's in the political forum and each thread in a forum has a topic. When one gets off of that topic, the thread has been hijacked.:wink:

true but she started a political argument. the topic most certainly wasnt of a geographic nature. it was a sarah bashing.
it is not bashing to be amazed that someone in her position would not know a continent from a country. My Bad

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:29 PM

thanks, hope i didn't upset you earlierflowers

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:19 PM
I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen lonely times when i could not find a friend
but i always thought I'd see you again!

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:15 PM

flowerforyou When i read your poems i can feel your passion for writing drinker very good as usual
wish i could do it all day and night

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:09 PM
I am a fire seeking rain
searching the heavens for rain
burning under a crescent moon
which never changes
only an eternal wind blows through me
while the moon in it's half eaten state
hangs before my fuchsia fingertips
beyond my grasp
but like a ripen fruit it's fragrance lingers
in the air that blows right through me

I consume this scent
the promise gift of rain
that never falls upon my blushing cheeks
imitating the glow of youth
the moon laughs and bellows and moans
while crickets pravance around my orange toes
and all the while within my womb
the barren place
left to waste
it's garnet flesh once more prepares
the moon now cries and sighs and roars at the pitiful flame
that twinkles beneath

And from these tears comes rebirth
the moon's salty tears tickle its stomach
gracefully dripping from its toes
anointing my flammable head
the fire the i dies no longer bound
vaporous floating in the air
caught in giant nightwings
I settle there for my journey
rising and falling and rising again
till a furious beat to reach the moon spits me out

Like a spiral staircase
I circle the moon's curves
fill in the empty spaces
we are whole shining for the world below
now i am the moon and the moon is me
forever full
illuminating the night
and hiding in day
Life and Love
and Immortality

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:46 PM
love it, thanksflowerforyou flowerforyou

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:42 PM
light out
but he urn sits still
on the stairs
bouganvillea gather wind
smokey sings
love is here standing by
red light blinks out
in 3/4 time
and the neighborhood is watching
the temps
my girl
whose girl
wine glass little less
than half full
car passes someplace to be
what can't be seen is heard
wind chime holding it's own
some demon has escaped tonight
poppa was a rolling stone
son's a close second
wondering why
the white-out is out
can't afford to make a
and when he died
all he left us was alone

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:35 PM

enderra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:22 PM
I am scared to death
of her eyes
they see the me i used to be
but how can i be like that

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