no choice of words is good enough to discibe whats laying ahead of your family. Let the will of the power be prevail.
you cld not have phrased it any better. I have heard tht good guys are good providers but tend to be too serious and therefore not " fun" to be around with.
I just do not understand how the lady can have 3 abortions and still not learn about unwanted pregnancies.One contributer to this topic goes as far as suggesting that people with IQ less than 160 should not be "allowed to breed". I could rephrase this as follows: In general people that are not economically advantaged tend to have more time breed. Like the reference lady, some may not have the means to take responsibility of their actions. I read of two cases in my local newspaper in which a judge has forced a man to undergo vasectomy on account of fathering too many children and recently, they featured a lady who had started having children at 14. Now at 31 she just had her 12th child. SHE LOVES THEM BUT TAX PAYERS TAKE CARE OF HER CHILDREN. Further, she cant find jobs that pay well!!