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If Yahweh's Wills
Shalom everyone. I am about to embargo on the journey of my Life. As many have seen the pic of my Fiance she is a Philippino. Sweetests woman I have ever met. Weird how my life as gone accussed of a false crime and well known how fast your won will turn on you. Had a Dream to go west and ended up in a valley the Indians call The Valley of Heaven for who knows how long. But I did not know this for several months later.. To me this is where Yahweh said follow and go. Now following and in love and learning so much about the Philippines have a strong desire in the next few year hopefully starting to address the importance of a father in the scriptures. so many young women with nothing as soon as their bf or husband learns they are pregnant they leave. Horrible grieves me greatly. This is not right. They need to know what Yahweh says about anyone who does not take care of his family is an Imbasol.. useless, the scum of the earth. and its everywhere over their. Hige catholic nation but starting to get westernized and they are going downhill fast. The respect in family is starting to leave. sex the sexual revelution is very destructive to culture. No one I know of is preaching this message of respect for yourself. and they being almost all catholic and the Pope backing off its opening a world to these super poor people to make easy money through sex shows also.. when u are making 50 a week and they pay u that or more a day in a poor nation they are being assaulted and I do not care if u r gay or straight 19 20 or so girls are prey. I Pray I can reason and it spread their values are important. when it says to forsake all others when does that begin? Whats an Engagement for? to be silly? Time to forsake all others and focus on your bride or groom this is who you are getting ready to be with 24/7. your engagement announcement IMO is when u start forsaking all others to get ready for marriage. They are just sex is much easier than working and u have a much better life. Men don't seem like leaving their child and forgetting about it as no child support hardly ever.. the poor can not afford the lawyer. The Scriptures from beginning to end is about Family. Pray I can help keep families together thanks and Shalom |
God vs. Santa
I was going to bring up the Santa Satan thing and say that maybe being do make sacrifices to Santa. lol All the customs that Yahshua did we now say are old and let old pagan mythology take over. We are told Satan is the g-d of this world. 3 times in the year Yahshua kept the Feasts of Lev23. the fall feast the Feast of Tabernacles is a coming together to a sight where Yahweh chooses for you to travel and live in tempory dwellings, tents, rv's ect. we know about the 1 tithe that is in the churches yet their are 2 tithes every year and a 3rd tithe every year for the poor. The churches are big on the one that goes to them. But what is the 2nd tithe for? Its for your expenses to the Feast of Tabernacles when the Fall Harvest has come in. It is an 8 day feast with the 8th called the Last great Day symbolizing the Great White Throne Judgment. This 10% u r to save u r not to go home with. so what do you do its not your money its Yahweh's What u do not need you give to your brethren as u see need so than they can also have an excellent feast along with you and feel the love for one another as the scriptures says. The 3rd tithe 10% every third year every week month when u see someone in need use your 3rd tithe its not yours. You are an ambassador to show people you love with out wanting anything in return you just love. This is what the churches have hidden the wonders of Yahweh which is all Prophesy is one Blessing you get from it. Just like Pentecost when The Gift of The Holy Spirit was given to all men. That feast means 50 which is still counted from the holy regular Sabbath after Passover. But it is know in the OT as The Fest of FirstFruits. Yahweh's vive life blood to us. all lost in preferring Pagan feasts over Yahweh's Feasts. same as before I'm wondering what religion you are? I've never heard reference to Yahshua nor it seems like most of the religious figures you mention. We are known to ourselves as Yahwists. Meaning Yahweh's Wisdom as is said My People Re Destroyed for lack of Knowledge. Many churches may refer to us as The Holy Name Movement and usually will say we are a cult because we believe in If Yahshua did it then we do it. The main thing we do not do is Sacrafice as Yahshua being Sinless and had no need to Sacrafice yet he did pray. He kept the Torah perfectly and in Math 6 he says Matt 5:48 48 Therefore you shall be perfect , just as your Father in heaven is perfect . NKJV Therefore if Yahshua is our example and because of him keeping this example he suffered a horrible death release us to the same Holy Spirit he had. then we should do it. Most people have no idea what the master Prayer says and what he said for the rest of the chapter. if you study Isa 58 closely u will see exactly what the masters prayer is telling u what to do. so we keep the 7th day Sabbath. keep the feast of Lev 23 and basically all the rest of the laws except sacrificing animals as Yahshua gave us an example not to. Health and food laws ect. many people do not realize Grace was in the old Testament. as this verse shows you Ps 51:14-17 14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, The God of my salvation, And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness. 15 O Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise. 16 For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart — These, O God, You will not despise. NKJV He desires Prayer and the asking of forgiveness he never desired animal sacrifice. A Broken heart he will not despise.. That a Promice and verse 14 Speaks of yahshua The Elohim of Salvation. Is that not Yahshua in these verses talking? Yahshua in the Hebrew which this name has been proven as his actual name. Yah is the family name shua means Salvation. the name means so much. The name tells us to put up the good Fight Yahweh's Salvation is coming = Yahshua ........HalleluYah |
God vs. Santa
I was going to bring up the Santa Satan thing and say that maybe being do make sacrifices to Santa. lol All the customs that Yahshua did we now say are old and let old pagan mythology take over. We are told Satan is the g-d of this world. 3 times in the year Yahshua kept the Feasts of Lev23. the fall feast the Feast of Tabernacles is a coming together to a sight where Yahweh chooses for you to travel and live in tempory dwellings, tents, rv's ect. we know about the 1 tithe that is in the churches yet their are 2 tithes every year and a 3rd tithe every year for the poor. The churches are big on the one that goes to them. But what is the 2nd tithe for? Its for your expenses to the Feast of Tabernacles when the Fall Harvest has come in. It is an 8 day feast with the 8th called the Last great Day symbolizing the Great White Throne Judgment. This 10% u r to save u r not to go home with. so what do you do its not your money its Yahweh's What u do not need you give to your brethren as u see need so than they can also have an excellent feast along with you and feel the love for one another as the scriptures says. The 3rd tithe 10% every third year every week month when u see someone in need use your 3rd tithe its not yours. You are an ambassador to show people you love with out wanting anything in return you just love. This is what the churches have hidden the wonders of Yahweh which is all Prophesy is one Blessing you get from it. Just like Pentecost when The Gift of The Holy Spirit was given to all men. That feast means 50 which is still counted from the holy regular Sabbath after Passover. But it is know in the OT as The Fest of FirstFruits. Yahweh's vive life blood to us. all lost in preferring Pagan feasts over Yahweh's Feasts. same as before |
God vs. Santa
In one of the threads someone asked what the difference is between "God" and "Santa." Here are some suggestions for starters: Santa is not said to send people to "hell" if they do not worship him People do not hate and condemn each other over differences in Santa beliefs Wars are not caused by differences in Santa beliefs Elaborate Palaces of Worship are not constructed for Santa Offerings collected for Santa are typically limited to cookies No sacrifices (animal or human) are made to Santa Santa believers do not generally consider themselves superior to those who do not believe or worship True but 1 very important fact I do not like about Santa. We teach our children if someone does not know any better and trust u it is ok to lie to them for fun. Our children are taught to lie from Santa and Christmas. Because 1 day they find out their parents lied to them and if your parents lied to you , u get the 1st thought about lieing just like in the Garden of eden.. Funny how u can move the 1 n letter and it becomes Santa---- Satan |
As most of you know, Pascal's Wager (or Pascal's Gambit) is a suggestion posed by the French philosopher, mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal that, even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should wager as though God exists, because living life accordingly has everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Some assert that since there have been many religions throughout history, and therefore many potential gods (man has worshipped 2800 gods), all of them need to be factored into the wager, in an argument known as the argument from inconsistent revelations. Believing in one god would lead to a high probability of believing in the wrong god, which destroys the mathematical advantage Pascal claimed with his Wager. Richard Dawkins argues for an "anti-Pascal wager" in his book, The God Delusion. "it could be said that you will lead a better, fuller life if you bet on his not existing, than if you bet on his existing and therefore squander your precious time on worshiping him, sacrificing to him, fighting and dying for him, etc." (An interesting side note.....Blaise Pascal also wrote) "Men never commit evil so fully and joyfully as when they do it for religious convictions." So the question is what to do ??? 1) live with faith (or fake it, act like you believe (which was OK to Pascal)) in one god, like Jesus 2) try to cover all bases and act like you believe in all 2800 known gods 3) do like Dawkins and spend your time doing other things besides worshiping god or gods 4) take the time to write this post instead of being outside enjoying this beautiful evening LOL A lot of that is true in the sense that following the Bible will bring u a happy life. Just as we see 1000's of denominations who are not loving one another. That is a sign of Yahweh's people Their love for one another which if you love one another you will love others also because deep love of Yahweh is in you. We have to many fakes and fakes are those who claim a religion but does very little with it.. The world of selfishness and the society of me. me . me. as we live in shows. Like what true minister needs to be a millionaire? Or people who claim special knowledge given them from the creator profits off this in books and many other ways. If he was freely given this from Yahweh then he can not sell it or it was never from Yahweh. The scriptures says in may places that the Dead know nothing. Yahshua said let the dead bury the dead. Their are days of Morning 30. But this is private morning and anyone knows when u lose a loved one you morn for a while. U miss them. So treat them good while they are living show your love and care then. All the good people in the world their is a judgement. They are judged by their works. It does say no murderer ect will not make into the kingdom and these are the ones who never repented did not care about how they treated people they live in our Me.Me. Me society. When they see someone in need they do not help. Gen 1:1 - James 4:17 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say,"If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." 16 But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. 17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin . NKJV These are common good people verses. Help when u see a need and u r able to.. do not wait for someone else to help when its in your power to. We all know people who will give their shirt off their back to help someone. are these people condemned to hell? Rev 20:11-15 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. NKJV See just believing means very little Actions show your faith.always remember this and wether u believe or not its very good advice and Yahweh says he will honor these actions. The Perfect Law of Yahweh James 1:21-27 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. 26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. NKJV |
Can it be true?
If you doubt that supernaturals dont exist,come to Africa and one old man in the village would turn you to reptile in seconds.I'm saying what i've seen happen many times.There are powers that make things to happen,including convincing some people to doubt the existence of God,heaven,hell,etc.Doubt no more! You have seen men turned to snakes multiple times? Could you go into that a little farther? If he can do that surely he can feed the people with just a little food and give them good water.. Sia baba in India they claim can do that |
Prohibiting worship of "graven images" and "taking the lord's name in vain" seem contrary to the freedom of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Prohibiting "Coveting" (defined as: to strongly want something that someone else has) anyone's mate or possessions is a violation of individual freedom to want something (provided that no criminal act ensues). It is also irrational and unrealistic – providing that it is a thought, not an action. As long as those are self-imposed sanctions, there is no objection. However, if they are imposed upon others without their consent, there IS objection. what about if I have a church and I need a secretary and my belief is homosexuality is dead wrong. Should the Govt. make me hire a gay person and have to watch what I say or do because this employee may see this as discrimination. Now this has happened many times. Believers are the ones being forced legalized discrimination against churches against businesses against individuals. yet u will say that's ok. That's called Legalized discrimination forced upon us by our own Govt. Shalom Miles, It's been a long time. If the Church has legally declared it's religious standing, by becoming a non-profit organization, then they have the right to discriminate in certain practices, such as hiring. Notice the Catholic has not female priests or male nuns. Many parochial Schools have fired teachers for being gay and sometimes (in the case of one of my relatives) they are fired simply for supporting something like gay marriage. Now, when a huge non-profit organization, such as a hospital, has an open door policy in accepting both, clients and employees from the general population, then (in my opinion) they don't have the right to enforce the personal beliefs of the hierarchy on those people. I believe that is what you are referring to and that is still being battled out on that big hill with white palace with any number of revolving doors. Shalom my friend, may this new year be filled with joy. Shalom Red. I agree on health care and all those things because we have a right to those things. I do believe that the gay community could be a little more compassionate themselves. Their are plenty of Hosp. to go to.. You do not need to go to a catholic hosp or Jewish for something they disagree with in their beliefs. When these Hospitals opened it was for the good of the people and to show their faith by action. Employers that have say a Board of Directors a publicly traded company. No I believe they can not refuse anyone its a company and a company is not a church or individual. Churches and solely owned companies I believe have a right to follow their beliefs without any resource. I believe in these trying times we could all be more compassionate to everyone. I believe IMO that the gay communities go out of their way to cause problems when a church or whatever business to say " You will do as I say" and the news gets ahold of it and the next thing you know we are having protests ect and all this is hurting our economy and our love for one another. We should not bother each other if we can not get along. love one another comes in many forms. Take care Red always Glad to see you Shalom In cases of emergency people are taken to the closest hospital. Gay people, transgender people don't wear tags with their sexual orientation on it and Hospitals don't put signs up refusing to treat people who have different religious values. If a hospital employs anyone from the population and accepts anyone from the general population, there should never be an exception to a person being treated like a human being. Most of the hospitals around me are religious focused and they are all different. I have had great experiences with wonderful caring staff and to my knowledge there has never been a question over my sexuality. It just wasn't ever brought up. Thousands of people are treated in such hospitals, everyday with no problem. So when a problem arises, it makes the news and of course then it seems like there is always a problem. It's not so. Do you know, I once had a priest, in a Catholic hospital, ask me if I wanted to pray with him. I simply said "No, but I do appreciate your concern". He was concerned and he even asked me if there was some other religion I took comfort in so that he might find someone for me. Imagine that. I took his hand and said that what I took comfort in was the fellowship of caring human beings. He squeezed my hand and said he would check on me. You see, not one person I know who is gay is any different than me, in fact I'm an atheist and most of my gay friends are Christians or Jewish. The only problem that exists is when a person is PERCEIVED to be different, as with my transgender friends and some of my friends gay friends who are in committed relationships and make it known who their partner is. That's when prejudice rears its ugly head. I have no problem with any medical center or hospital hanging out a sign and saying we don't hire XXX or treat XXX due to our religious convictions. I have no problem with that, but you know what, where there's money to be had, there are few who would make such restrictions. So as far as I'm concerned, there should NEVER be a time when the religious hierarchy of any organization doing business in the private sector should be allowed to enforce behaviors on other simply because it coincides with religious convictions of the hierarchy. Shalom I understand and can relate to what you are saying. u very well may be right because I know very few gay people. basically u and my landlords son. He lives in Australia and was home this summer and I liked him very much. No hosp should be able to refuse an emergency I believe that is the law. I go by what I see. I just get tired of it. The News is a big culprit because they are out for ratings and controversy makes them money. Yet when a lot of people do not even know a gay person and their belief system they have had all their lives says its wrong and u see so much on TV they actually are doing the gay community a wrong by making big deals about stuff. I have confided in you what I went through and believe me it was rough and I wish I could go fight but I will be just blasted no one will listen even though me moving to the west coast I find out I was set up. u know what I mean. I understand being discriminated against. its horrible. But I still believe in what I have studied and can not change that just as I can not change you. yet u and me get along good and have respect for each other and speak openly. So you are my friend u always will be. I hope u do not see me as some Gay Basher. I believe what I believe is a desire to want to follow what I believe. I know over the years u have seen me have more respect for the non believer than the believer for 1 reason. they speak openly even if they are running down religion. I like to learn. Hope and compassion is really what I wish the world was about but it never will be for now at least. I respect u Red as a person and a good Friend and I hope the best for you. I hope I did not insult u or anyone else in any fashion. If I have please accept my sincere apologies.. You are a very nice person and I have learned a lot from you Take Care and May Yahweh's Shalom Be With You Always |
Honestly Miles keeps posting his christian b u ll s h i t and has all biblical crap wanting it to be legit,good luck with that you xian fool. You are not a Religious scholar. I have studied 1 book more than my job and I was very good at it. I have studied the Bible for 35 years at least. 1 book wanting my own conclusions. I have traveled all over the country talking to churches on my own dime my own vacation. The Bible is not something you read and just say oh this is what it means. Its no different than say your job. Living what you have studied comes full circle around that ojt and experience living it shows you so much more than just studying. Like I had a guy in my field who was the 1st person to ever ace the whole course. But on the job he had no common sence. You have to live what u believe to know what it really is. No book will ever take you their. Just guide you in the right direction. why the hostilities towards me I do not know. But my dad told me something and I have always remembered because if I forgot I remembered real quick. That is most people who have to cuss do not have the vocabulary to use a descent word. f this and f that .. how many teenagers have we heard that from. what do u think as an adult when you here a child speak such things? It's not good.. Shalom and May Yahweh's Shalom Be Upon You |
I Am no proponent of homosexuality,, however, I would much rather see peoples sexual preferences be a private matter that they leave at home,, we don't go to work to have sex so why should anyone need to know our preferences? none of my employers knew the kind of stuff I like,,,,lol just my thought,,, yes but they don't. they want u to know. their proud of being gay. that's their right but to flaunt it like they do is problems and no church should have to be forced to do such a thing or possibly be shut down. who's discriminated against? Discriminated,shutdown WHAT? Right now Churches enjoy favorite status which actually is unconstitutional! churches have had to hire gay people in protest. But for 1 reason only. They have become a 501c not for profit organization which gives the govt. oversite for that tax break for its members. Favorite status exactly what is that? 501c is 501c no matter what. Personally I believe ALL churches should give up their 501c tax status. If a member to give to a church needs a tax break well their heart is no in the right place. I do not believe in any govt. involvement. Then u can do as u wish u r a private club as far as the govt. is involved. The country club people pay dues and its private (alot r). basically the same thing. To me a lot of these policies could go away if charitable giving for a tax break would go away. 1 thing for sure we would have way more tax money coming in. If u need a tax break to give just don't give |
Prohibiting worship of "graven images" and "taking the lord's name in vain" seem contrary to the freedom of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Prohibiting "Coveting" (defined as: to strongly want something that someone else has) anyone's mate or possessions is a violation of individual freedom to want something (provided that no criminal act ensues). It is also irrational and unrealistic – providing that it is a thought, not an action. As long as those are self-imposed sanctions, there is no objection. However, if they are imposed upon others without their consent, there IS objection. what about if I have a church and I need a secretary and my belief is homosexuality is dead wrong. Should the Govt. make me hire a gay person and have to watch what I say or do because this employee may see this as discrimination. Now this has happened many times. Believers are the ones being forced legalized discrimination against churches against businesses against individuals. yet u will say that's ok. That's called Legalized discrimination forced upon us by our own Govt. Shalom Miles, It's been a long time. If the Church has legally declared it's religious standing, by becoming a non-profit organization, then they have the right to discriminate in certain practices, such as hiring. Notice the Catholic has not female priests or male nuns. Many parochial Schools have fired teachers for being gay and sometimes (in the case of one of my relatives) they are fired simply for supporting something like gay marriage. Now, when a huge non-profit organization, such as a hospital, has an open door policy in accepting both, clients and employees from the general population, then (in my opinion) they don't have the right to enforce the personal beliefs of the hierarchy on those people. I believe that is what you are referring to and that is still being battled out on that big hill with white palace with any number of revolving doors. Shalom my friend, may this new year be filled with joy. Shalom Red. I agree on health care and all those things because we have a right to those things. I do believe that the gay community could be a little more compassionate themselves. Their are plenty of Hosp. to go to.. You do not need to go to a catholic hosp or Jewish for something they disagree with in their beliefs. When these Hospitals opened it was for the good of the people and to show their faith by action. Employers that have say a Board of Directors a publicly traded company. No I believe they can not refuse anyone its a company and a company is not a church or individual. Churches and solely owned companies I believe have a right to follow their beliefs without any resource. I believe in these trying times we could all be more compassionate to everyone. I believe IMO that the gay communities go out of their way to cause problems when a church or whatever business to say " You will do as I say" and the news gets ahold of it and the next thing you know we are having protests ect and all this is hurting our economy and our love for one another. We should not bother each other if we can not get along. love one another comes in many forms. Take care Red always Glad to see you Shalom |
I Am no proponent of homosexuality,, however, I would much rather see peoples sexual preferences be a private matter that they leave at home,, we don't go to work to have sex so why should anyone need to know our preferences? none of my employers knew the kind of stuff I like,,,,lol just my thought,,, yes but they don't. they want u to know. their proud of being gay. that's their right but to flaunt it like they do is problems and no church should have to be forced to do such a thing or possibly be shut down. who's discriminated against? |
Prohibiting worship of "graven images" and "taking the lord's name in vain" seem contrary to the freedom of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Prohibiting "Coveting" (defined as: to strongly want something that someone else has) anyone's mate or possessions is a violation of individual freedom to want something (provided that no criminal act ensues). It is also irrational and unrealistic – providing that it is a thought, not an action. As long as those are self-imposed sanctions, there is no objection. However, if they are imposed upon others without their consent, there IS objection. what about if I have a church and I need a secretary and my belief is homosexuality is dead wrong. Should the Govt. make me hire a gay person and have to watch what I say or do because this employee may see this as discrimination. Now this has happened many times. Believers are the ones being forced legalized discrimination against churches against businesses against individuals. yet u will say that's ok. That's called Legalized discrimination forced upon us by our own Govt. |
Prophesy. It's not easy it's not a fun time its a weeding. Do you really believe. It's easy to say Just Believe. Jump off a bridge and see if Just Believe is a good idea. The world is becoming RIPE. The Reaping? Rev 14:15-16 ,"Thrust in Your sickle and reap , for the time has come for You to reap , for the harvest of the earth is ripe." 1 NKJV No The Rapture is coming. The Rapture is coming. How many has said? How many False Profits have dated the Rapture? Now we welcome this False Prophets failed predictions who came up with the idea in the 1st place and he was not wrong only 1 time and everyone sold all they had but he was wrong a 2nd time in the 1840's. and Now Major Religion teach this Rapture theory as Fact. It is true everyone remembers when you fail in Life but few remember when you succeed. If the church is wrong. just go along. and everything will be fine. Does anyone care what Yahweh has recorded about these false predictions? Jer 14:14-16 . 15 Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who prophesy in My name, whom I did not send, and who say, 'Sword and famine shall not be in this land' — 'By sword and famine those prophets shall be consumed! NKJV Rapturists.... Is this not a Prophesy that happened with the Millerites in 18 This is the last date people went looking for the Messiah 3 different times. this is the last. Its very tell taling. October 22, 1844, the day Jesus was expected to return, ended like any other day [28] to the disappointment of the Millerites. Both Millerite leaders and followers were left generally bewildered and disillusioned. Responses varied: some Millerites continued to look daily for Christ’s return, others predicted different dates—among them April, July, and October 1845. Some theorized that the world had entered the seventh millennium, the "Great Sabbath", and that, therefore, the saved should not work. Others acted as children, basing their belief on Jesus’ words in Mark 10:15, "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." O. J. D. Pickands used Revelation 14:14-16 to teach that Christ was now sitting on a white cloud, and must be prayed down. Probably the majority however, simply gave up their beliefs and attempted to rebuild their lives.[29] This is where The Rapture came from. I mean some preach this as Doctrine. Look how delussioned these people were that was recorded. Now Jeremiah I said spoke of this happening now. Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who prophesy in My name, whom I did not send, and who say, 'Sword and famine shall not be in this land' — 'By sword and famine those prophets shall be consumed! Get rid of everything we are going to be Raptured!!!! Heavensgate comes to mind but the sad part is this has become church doctrine so the church is prophesied as a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can anything hurt us? Delussion. Yes this is talking to whoever just goes along.. oh on my Merry waaay 2 Thess 2:5-12 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion , that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. NKJV 666 Warning us of the Lawless one. Just what is being lawless? Its the Breaking of the Law. The problem is when this was Prophesied that the {prophets seen was to come and was even happening back then as 2 people are even named as lawless as an anti-messiah. It is not what the church calls law because every church has its own laws. Their will be a Beast system and this 666 system is manmade law comes before Yahweh's law. This is what Yahshua spoke of in Math 23. yet they were burdening the people back then. washings, a Sabbath days journey. what defined how far u could walk on the Sabbath to go to services. Yet today we are way worse than the Pharasees. They were Angels compared to today. We pride ourselves on Lawlessness. Yahshua was the word. The word from the beginning he gave the law as his father told him. We say Yahshua is our example yet 99% say what he did was useless. Yes useless because he kept the same law Moses did and was given. Lawlessness is already upon us. The 2 witnesses u will see who are hated and then killed and the people rejoice. What possibly could these 2 witnesses be saying the whole world will hate? The Law of Yahweh the Torah. Churches teach to children to grandparents if someone keeps the law they are against Messiah. They are against messiah. an anti-messiah. what a great trick satan has pulled . Churches teach those who do as Yahshua did living their lives as he did is against him and the father. You make yahshua out as being evil. you never study to shw youself approved. What did Yahshua say would happen before his coming? That the word would be preached throughout t he whole world and then the end will come. Learn this is the 2 witnesses. Read Rev 11, Zech 4 and 5,9 Isa 58 is the message. The masters Prayer where did it come from? Yahshua said he brought nothing new so where did the Masters Prayer come from? its right their . teach yourself with a pure heart and the Holy Spirit will guide u. Bring to remembrance in times of trouble what words to say. Why bring to remembrance? This is the Holy Spirit doing this. 1 thing you need to study to shew yourself approved and its your SWORD against Satan. Just as it was Yahshua's Sword when Satan said make these rocks bread. He quoted the word satan could do nothing to him. Jude says when satan comes against u to say Yahweh Rebuke you. This is what Michael did as an example to us. Just a Yahshua did. 2 witnesses will be seen worldwide and when u see them do not deny them. You are fighting against Yahweh himself. you can not do it. Search the scriptures How Yahshua lived his life and follow his example and you will have wisdom against the Beast system and why 666 is understanding |
Who or What is God?
I think when someone asks me if I believe in God I hesitate because I don't really know for sure what they mean by God. One answer is, "Of course! Here I am!!" The other is, "Probably not your alien God." or I ask.... Who or What is God to you? I believe in myself. I am. So yes. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is exactly what the scriptures say.. their are many gods. so which is which. That's why Yahweh's name is so important and why he said their was no other name under heaven by which man must/can be saved. Now Christian just refuse this and say well he knows who you are talking to. then so does the person who calls on Budda. not his name . Yahweh calls this rebellion. the sin of witchcraft. that's a good subject. What is Witchcraft in todays world. But Names point to who Elohim is. |
I think I lost my soul.
I want to know how to get it back. I have always admired Jesus but I have my doubts about whether he is the right path to regaining my soul. He seems quite effeminate. I don't know if this is true, but I'm sure I read somewhere that when St. Paul presented the image of Christ on the cross to the Greeks they simply laughed at it. I just don't know what to think anymore. Did you check behind the couch cushions? I see your mind got caught in an atom and split into.. Better find the other Half. |
I think I lost my soul.
I want to know how to get it back. I have always admired Jesus but I have my doubts about whether he is the right path to regaining my soul. He seems quite effeminate. I don't know if this is true, but I'm sure I read somewhere that when St. Paul presented the image of Christ on the cross to the Greeks they simply laughed at it. I just don't know what to think anymore. If your soul is what u see as a spirit that will live on. Then go to your souls instruction Manual. Dust off your Bible and start reading with a pure Heart Desiring a life that Yahweh said we should live. Everyday you soul will grow stronger and u won't even remember u ever thought u lost it. Yahweh's Just been letting you follow you own mind because we all have to Believe. Not told But prove whatever u believe is life Blessings of Shalom. |
How to differentiate between
Apparently it is difficult (impossible?) to distinguish between the invisible / undetectable and the imaginary / fictitious. However, many seem convinced that they KNOW which of the proposed invisible / undetectable entities are NOT imaginary and which ones ARE imaginary or fictitious. The currently popular entities in a culture are deemed "true" and all others are deemed "false" even though there is no more validation for one than the others. Tell me about your imaginary friends? Have u seen them lately? Did you see them when u were a child and they are still following you around? Was Santa good to you? |
Burden of proof
amazing how the Father of Science we now know wrote more about the scriptures than he did science. where do u think he got his science from? How do you think Nostradomus stopped the plague.
Burden of proof
How did they know this 3500 years ago?
They also "knew" 3500 years ago that sacrificing animals (and sometimes humans) pleased "gods", that diseases and infirmities were caused by displeasing "gods", that droughts and storms were punishment for "sins", that many different "gods" died and came back to life, that donkeys and snakes could converse with humans, that those who refused to worship a popular god should be stoned to death. They evidently did not know (and/or were not informed by their "gods") the importance of washing hands, boiling questionable water, cooking food thoroughly. that's not even worth an answer. its all in thier |
Burden of proof
milesoftheusa: Words in a book are not proof of anything, nor can they be proven to be anything other than coincidence, thus, your evidence is nothing but happenstance. But, let's pretend that these words could be taken as scientific evidence. 1. This does not prove the existence of a god, merely the existence of dietary knowledge. 2. The bible also asks man to drink the blood of christ, which contradicts your message that it says not to drink blood. Also: in your last statement, you're still not understanding the point of this thread. I posted it to say the claimer has the burden of proof. As I have made no other claim, I don't have the burden of proof here, and actually have no idea what you're asking me to prove. JohnDavidDavid: To your first post: I wholeheartedly agree with your statement, however would add if the debate is held public, it should also be withheld to public standards of debate. To your second post: When multiple people write a book, you can expect there to be controversies. While this does apply to the topic at hand, poking sticks at someone probably won't prove your point. :P izzyphoto1977: Your knowledge is much appreciated, and thoroughly enjoyable. I only regret I have nothing to add to your post! We know cooking meat is good because not cooking meat makes us sick. Is it possible the people who wrote the bible knew this? Yes. Does that prove god exists, or that the entirety of the bible is true? No. Also: Eating blood isn't really that unhealthy, here's some evidence to prove so: u do not accept truth.. where is your proof of a man a 1000 years ago knowing more than we did before 1970 or 80? thiers none yet u want to say because it says it in a book it means nothing . u just like to do exactly what u say u r not doing. u will not get sick from fresh meat that is cooked well done u can if u leave blood in it. fact. sugar is refined. it was not then thats not the bibles fault its man. what does science say about refined sugar in just the last few years? do u know? When most people think of sugar, they probably imagine a fine white powder. In reality, sugar does not exist in this form in nature, and it takes an extensive process of refining to yield such a concentrated final product. Along the way, all the other nutritional benefits of the original sugar source are lost. The super concentrated refined sugars are absorbed quickly upon consumption and contribute to several types of diseases and health risks. u come on a religious board and ask for proof yet give u it and u refuse and say that's not proof.. yea but we came from apes. evolution is fact when both are false. |