Community > Posts By > mm1987

mm1987's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:08 PM
she was willing to move with her one kid but 2 where going to stay there thats why I broke it off. thank you

mm1987's photo
Sat 12/08/07 07:04 PM
ok going to try. Thanks

mm1987's photo
Sat 12/08/07 06:59 PM
? I quit seeing a lady that was 5 states away because of distance. Well I still care but she started seeing someone else but we still love each other{she has told me so} But whats to give him a chance cause he is closer. Do I keep trying to win her back or walk away and see what happens?

mm1987's photo
Sun 11/04/07 06:54 PM
A lifetime of search is only a short time away.

mm1987's photo
Sun 11/04/07 04:12 PM
Ty just hoping for a answer

mm1987's photo
Sun 11/04/07 04:04 PM
No, and when u think u have it, It slips away

mm1987's photo
Sun 11/04/07 03:58 PM
I sit wondering of what u mean to me
I cant bear the thought of u gone
We had so much in such short time
But in the blink of a eye you seem to be gone
My heart is hurt but hope its just me
That all is well and this is a mistake
The emptness inside me right now seems really
I feel like I lost myself tonight

mm1987's photo
Sat 11/03/07 06:49 PM
As I sit here, Thinking of you
My heart lights up like a butterfly in the yellow sun
The delicate wings float in the wind to land on a purple lilac
As the wind makes the heavanly fragrance float back to me
I think of u my one true love
In the back ground I hear the sound of racing cars
Matched only by the beating of my heart
Imagin your loving embrace That is matched only by your lovin heart
To hear your voice, is like a song to my heart
I love u Sweetheart

mm1987's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:31 PM
How long are u staying in town I live 30 min. out of Roch, and can check for u. Know a few place. Do u want day week or month