Community > Posts By > I_am_Tater

I_am_Tater's photo
Sat 04/26/08 02:06 PM

LMAO YOU ARE SUPER TATER! laugh laugh laugh

i almost titled it FATMAN LMAO see there u should feel special i wrote ya a poem bigsmile laugh

I_am_Tater's photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:59 PM
The world around me slowly began to crumble
Dark clouds hovered overhead
I knew what awaited just ahead
A crushing sadness unlike any other
This time I'd be trapped
Forced to face the truth
To realize what I have lost
Not just for now
But forever
Through misty eyes nothing looks the same
Fate seemed to be pulling me back to the land of bleak nothingness
I really hate it there
But then,
He made me laugh
Slowly but surely the clouds began to fade
Sadness receded
For a few brief moments there was sun
Now I find myself wondering
Where would I be without this friendship
It builds a little more each day
He's the biggest dork I've ever come across
That's perfectly fine with me
Laughter is no longer in short supply
Fear and anxiety won't take over for long
Yes, I think somehow this year I'll be just fine.
No one asked but he's been there time and time again
He's an amazing friend
One I wouldn't trade for the world
Thank you will certainly never be enough
Even on my worst day
I am Super Tater!

A dedication to one of the coolest friends I've ever had he knows who he is

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 12:32 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh



HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET #77:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

OH someone is gonna get it for this.......

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh

uh oh suz i think im in trouble :P

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:40 AM
I'm writing you this letter
In hopes of easing the pain
Of course you won't read it
But I still needed the chance to say
Though your gone, the love we shared remains
Every laugh,
Each tear shed from worry or joy
Has been etched in this heart
Baby i'm doing my best to move on
To ignore the pain creeping ever so slowly
But when my days are dark
And times are hard
That old familiar ache returns
A ghost in slumber
It never really leaves
Oh my god how it hurts sometimes
Still I know somehow its time to let go
Life is so unfair
Instead of twenty-eight candles atop a birthday cake
A twenty-one gun salute will take its place
As the day draws nearer this heart falls to pieces little by little
Though I never said as much to you
I hated your job and the dangers you faced .
Heart and soul I loved you more than life itself
You filled my every day with indescribable joy
And made me more proud than anyone ever has
Do not think for one moment
Because I've moved on you've been forgotten
Nothing could be further from the truth
As long as there's breath escaping these lips
You will be in my heart
Forever my hero
I love you Major...

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 06:52 AM
hehe love ya bro :tongue: :heart: bigsmile

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 05:32 AM

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Happy Birthday (((Steve)))) flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: smooched smooched smooched

You'll notice I did not do this laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

No but she gave me the idea

devil devil bigsmile

i wasnt gonna but wut kinda lil sis would i be if i didnt? besides...i like birthdays :) it makes me happy to do stuff for others

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 05:28 AM

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Happy Birthday (((Steve)))) flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: smooched smooched smooched

You'll notice I did not do this laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

No but she gave me the idea

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 05:25 AM
Edited by I_am_Tater on Fri 04/25/08 05:34 AM
To say a very happy birthday to Thumper95 he's been there for me a lot more than even some of my family most the friggin world knows what he means to me LOL he's an amazing guy and hopefully all his birthday wishes come true if anyone deserves it he does especially since he puts up with my spazztic butt all the time :tongue: he's the best big brother a girl could have without him lifes just not the same

I :heart: YA BRO!!

Happy Birthday bigsmile

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 04/24/08 07:52 AM
I just r ecieved word that Bambie's grandpa has passed away her family is really upset and they need all the good thoughts they can get we knew it was coming as i said the other day he hadn't been doing well at all but its been really hard on her and its killin me because we've been friends for so long

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:01 PM
Some of you know that since Chris passed on in August I have kept in close contact with his best friend. He has been there for me more than even most of my family and he means a great deal to me. his unit is currently on another tour in Iraq (i guess in some ways im glad chris is gone) apparently the job he was assigned to is a really tough one. he was already injured once so i'm really afraid for him this time at some point during the day could you just stop for a minute and say a little prayer for Ray and the rest of the guys in Chris' unit?

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:15 AM
Wrapped in his arms
The whole world begins to fade
Drama falls on deaf ears,
Confusion is suddenly crystal clear
I've waited so long to feel this way
To know I am truly cherished
From the very beginning he has been my lantern
Through these dark lonely desolate streets of life
My laughter when I have been reduced to tears,
Hope brighter than the morning sun
Friendship that goes above and beyond the rest
God, I remember now
This is happiness,
Trust and love in it's most obvious form
He's my very best friend
Always has been...
Its been said love is merely friendship on fire
It must be true
No longer does loneliness linger in this heart
Tears are becoming few and far between
Wrapped in his arms I see heaven
In his eyes lies loyalty and truth
Three words have been so hard
So frightening
I love him
It's not something new
And no longer something to fear

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:15 AM
heya coco

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:26 AM
amazing bigsmile

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:50 AM

Beautiful tribute! (((Tater))) flowerforyou drinker

(Pssssssst I added you! :wink: laugh)

LOL i saw that!! i felt special :D but i kinda meant to ur friends list HERE lmao

I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:41 AM
Lost in such cold darkness
You gave me your hand
Tears began to trickle
Before long they were like a raging river
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
Two ears that actually heard
A safe haven when I need to run
The biggest ray of sunshine one could ever have
You are the best friend I've ever had.
Trapped inside this tiny shell
A new person has emerged
True acceptance and understanding was all it took
When thank you no longer feels like enough
What more can be said?
Little by little learning to live
Becomes easier
We laugh together
We've cried together too
You know you're secrets are safe with me
There will always be somewhere to run
You are by far my very best friend
Without you I would still be a dying soul
Too afraid to live
Unwilling to try
I've passed the doors of life up once
Darkness seemed to await
I could not bare to cross the threshold
Now though I know it'll be okay
For you are the best friend a girl could ever have

A dedication to my very best friend bambie, she's given me the courage to learn to live. for that i will be forever grateful

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:43 AM
hes got my vote for whatever it is lol hes done a lot for me hes my hero lol

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:31 AM

awww teddy that sucks hey by the way thanks a lot for adding me gee i love ya too :tongue:

Me sorwee- got busy yesterday... will do today! flowerforyou

sureeeee ya will ill believe it when i see it lmao just kiddin

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:18 AM
awww teddy that sucks hey by the way thanks a lot for adding me gee i love ya too :tongue:

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:08 AM

Mondays are good, because I am off work today.laugh laugh

lol well enjoy your day off then

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:01 AM
blah i already wish it was friday but thats because i have plans with my man on sunday LOLbigsmile