Community > Posts By > I_am_Tater
how goes the weekend for everybody?
A Whisper
Why did you leave! A shaky voice thundered I am frightened Alone Cold... Nothing heard So nothing answered Anger stirred Then something inside softened Whispered... I have not left you My gentle touch is in the wind I gave the love we shared to God Told him I wanted you to know It was still there So he grafted it upon the sun When raindrops fall outside your door They serve as proof When you cry it hurts me too I am the darkness that soothes you Before sleep beckons The happiness your friends provide You have my voice My words They will play on forever in your heart Listen! You'll hear them I am everywhere But you must see With a blind mans eyes |
Edited by
Fri 05/23/08 05:53 PM
Tears splatter in front of me
One Two A third One after another Like tiny footprints Footprints made by loss By longing for what could have been But now will never be They continue on Never really going anywhere Watching these tiny droplets As they made pools on the Smooth bare hardwood floor I thought of you How much like your footprints they are Falling one after the other But never really go anywhere They cannot help one run from pain Nor carry the fear further away In some ways they bring it all closer A little easier to see Until at last one is face to face With the inevitable Or in your case... The angel of death Your footprints trailed through the sands of hell Falling one after the other Yet getting you nowhere Now tiny footprints Made by pain Litter the smooth bare hardwood floor |
It Hurts
Flags wave
My heart sinks Organized chaos clatters down main street I hate this stupid parade... Candy is thrown Children squeal with delight Clowns prance about It's far from amusing I hate this parade.. Driving back down the little road towards home We pass a cemetery Headstones and plain white crosses Adorned with flags and flowers Cause more than a dull ache in this nearly destroyed heart I cannot help but picture him His laughter sings out in every memory Tears make the world a streaky blurry mess I really hate this holiday Painting on a smile Or at least what looks like one I will thank those who should be For my soldier Wouldn't have wanted it any other way I hate this holiday The emotions it triggers Knowing on this day There would've been a birthday party If only we were not robbed of him If only it were a lie A sick twisted prank Instead of the horrendous truth He won't ever come home to me My sobs may reach his ears But he won't come running to my side I hate this holiday |
bummer :(
Tater; with a best friend like you, he couldn't ask for much more eh im nothin special |
bummer :(
Edited by
Thu 05/22/08 04:47 PM
dont you hate it when you lose contact with your very best friend? it really sucks i miss mine a lot especially as memorial day gets closer...his friendship was of great comfort to me its been a few months since i've talked to him i was gonna ask if any of yall have kept in touch with him but i dont want 50 million people tellin him "hey nicki was lookin for ya" maybe just one or two lol..i just hope he re-surfaces because im kinda bummed
![]() (evan101) |
Memorial Day
Edited by
Thu 05/22/08 12:43 PM
Will Byron Adam (both) Randy Jimmy Uncle Mike and of course Chris thank you guys ![]() im sure im forgetting some but thats most of them |
Freedom Defenders
Once upon a time
Not so long ago I trusted them They were the good guys Nothing to fear Unless your the enemy of course But now that no longer holds true to me The good guys turn bad easily Committing violent acts on fellow Americans A woman no less This notion frightens me terribly Green matching uniforms No longer provide a sense of safety That sense was replaced Darkened by fear... If one must fear the protectors of our country Who can we trust? My very best friend So strong and confident Was rendered helpless By one of those monsters I cannot help this fear Nor can I trust Freedom defenders Not for a long time |
What your fav
Not A Rhyming One
that was beautiful robert just beautiful
Damn Jar head (A true story)
lol your a dork ![]() yes and apparently if you just figured this out YOU'RE slow :P but i luv ya anyway |
Untitled 5.17.08
Such agony
Summer has become so painful Once upon a time I never wanted it to end Now? I watch the world through blurry teared vision Frustration builds Why can't I just let him go? Death cannot be reversed nor erased Still my heart screams for him I love him That will never change It also no longer matters What a fool I am Most nights lonely sobs Break through the silence He knew he was going Deep down I think I knew too Though I thought denial may prevent it Nothing did Nothing could have... I felt him leave that horrible morning Racked with uncontrollable sobs I screamed at the skies NO NO NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE Please... It was no use I knew the feeling Helplessly I clung to each and every memory |
wow i don't like poems or poetry much but that was good. thanks :) |
Edited by
Sat 05/17/08 08:09 AM
“Your dad is an asshole,”
That's all she ever said, When questions about the man, I looked just like arose. “He doesn't want you,” Anger flared when I said I wouldn't give you up, Her eyes always turned misty and clouds of anger rolled in. “I want to know him,” My father. “He hurt me,” she'd say flatly Wide-eyed I listened to horrible tales. Terror turned my blood to ice, Finally last march I had my chance to see for myself Just how terrible this monster really was Shaky fingers held the phone to anxious ears What would he sound like? I swallowed hard After a moment There was a rough but gentle, “Hello?” My stomach dove to the ground And my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth Finding the lost words at last I heard an unsure voice utter one word “Daddy” The conversation went here and there It felt like I'd known him forever Suddenly the voice of this So -called monster cracked Tears were in his words And probably streaming down his face “I always wanted you” he swore. “It's just that I was young and stupid” “Becoming a father at twenty I was scared as hell” By now the tiny hint of anger, Had grown to a roaring fire. SHE LIED TO ME! A year and eight months out of the bottle, His eyes were opened. At last he did want me. Here mom, Here's your monster Reduced to tears Because YOU, Kept him away. |
Who tells lies more?
men are assholes as well as liars so i guess if we have to choose its men no doubt about it
Who tells lies more?
i dont think one gender tells more lies than the other both can be equally horrible
Damn Jar head (A true story)
its kind of cheesy but i always thought the story was cute lol
Damn Jar head (A true story)
Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 08:17 PM
In the beginning
You weren't my favorite person Cocky and too sure of everything All I wanted was to knock you down a peg or two With a glare I growled “Damn Jar head!” Anger was fears best mask, I was expecting a snide response Instead you grinned at me “You'll like me sooner or later” I gritted my teeth God you made me angry! When my world fell apart They day he was laid to rest I reached out to you There was no one else Suddenly that creep I knew And feared.. No longer existed You listened, No matter how much I cried You cared, When everyone else was too busy I had to admit You were becoming a good friend Now days we laugh I remember when you were nothing to me But a damn Jar head Dedicated to Craig one of the most loyal friends i've got |
I have an idea
Lets ALL try to cure the bordem by complaining about how BORED we are yea that'll make things SO much more interesting! there are wayy too many bored threads lol no kidding, just think of a simple hard is that? apparently its pretty darn hard |
I have an idea
Lets ALL try to cure the bordem by complaining about how BORED we are yea that'll make things SO much more interesting! there are wayy too many bored threads lol