Community > Posts By > cherokeepirate

cherokeepirate's photo
Thu 06/20/13 09:32 PM
^Oh... Didn't know copied links don't work on here :/

cherokeepirate's photo
Thu 06/20/13 09:31 PM
I figured I'd share an A7X song with the people on here enjoy- :tongue:

cherokeepirate's photo
Sun 11/11/12 06:57 PM

When you reach a certain age it seems your life begins to stage old doors close and new ones open as if life was a dream and you had just woken days and time pass you bye but you can't stop it even if you try friends and loved ones pass away and you wish you could have had with them just one more day and then there's love,marriage and gain but if you cheat and do these things wrongly you'll get no
thing but loneliness,loss and pain life has so many lessons to teach everyone should have goals they strive to reach this life has so many opportunities if we only open our eyes so live to be the best person you can be because when your life is over there are no second tries. By Arthur Thatch.

cherokeepirate's photo
Tue 10/30/12 06:41 PM
My thought and prayers go out to all who where,are and will be effected by Hurricane Sandy. My thought's and prayers are also with the families who lost loved ones due to hurricane sandy.

cherokeepirate's photo
Sat 10/27/12 08:19 PM
I'm new to this site and there doesn't seem to be anyone in my area on here.