Topic: I'm a die hard avenged sevenfold fan :)
cherokeepirate's photo
Thu 06/20/13 09:31 PM
I figured I'd share an A7X song with the people on here enjoy- :tongue:

cherokeepirate's photo
Thu 06/20/13 09:32 PM
^Oh... Didn't know copied links don't work on here :/

no photo
Thu 06/20/13 09:38 PM
Edited by KiK2me on Thu 06/20/13 09:42 PM

I figured I'd share an A7X song with the people on here enjoy

^Oh... Didn't know copied links don't work on here :/

To make your link clickable do this...


remove the asterisk * from the beginning and end codes to make it this

Hope this helps...
Welcome !


MoonsDragonLionWolf's photo
Fri 06/21/13 02:16 AM
Avenged Sevenfold has some great songs like Burn It Down and Almost Easy. :smile:

no photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:55 PM
Finally I'm not the only one who knows who they are :smile:

no photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:55 PM
Finally I'm not the only one who knows who they are :smile:

shortfire8521's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:58 PM
Saw them in concert a couple years ago. Awesome show!! Love me some Avenged.

Momoiro_Usagi_7's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:58 PM

Finally I'm not the only one who knows who they are :smile:

know them ...they're okay ^__^