Yeah well they tax everything else why not pot. I've said it myself make it legal in every state and tax it. This would give more money for the government to spend. Since It's unable to get out of the spending trend.
A cowboy named Bud
The King's Punishment.
LOL he he he that was funny
New creature
he he he he
My Santa Wish list :)
A handsome man under my tree would make me happy.
wormhole in the Arctic?
Well I will admit its strange looking but clouds have always made strange formations along with the suns light shining through them have made very strange looking.
Existence is weird.
The universe began with a word. But which was it ? The word? Or the thought behind the word? You can not create language without thoughts and you can't conceive a thought without language. So one created the other and the other create d the universe.
Asians are beautiful people. I wou ld like to have a Asian boyfriend,as a lover and soulmate.
You get a big yay from me . But personally it really doesn't matter what color or what nationalityyou come from love is simply love,and to simply take someone off your list because of their nationality or their color of their skin it means you have some kind of an issue of the unknown. Afraid possibilities,to take a chance,to be willing to see where the relationship will go. If it doesn't work out between the two of you then it wasn't meant to be. But don't take them off your list without giving it a shot.
Well this is how feel about it just make it legal in every state and tax it which would give Obama more to spend. Since we are so unable to get out of the spending trend.
4 more years of Obama,4more years of wrecked economy,4 more years of devastating debt. Can you afford that.
Movie Quotes
Doctor gave me a pill and I got a new kidney. Doctor gave me a pill and I got a new kidney. Star Trek4 the voyage home.
I watched Magic Mike and it was a fantastic movie and Channing Tatum was absolutely hott in the film his dance moves was outstanding. I really enjoyed the movie.