Community > Posts By > Army_Strong
I'm Concerned
"It's a small world after's a small...small...worllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld" ![]() It's a start lmao I sing badly but with great passion ![]() I don't claim to be a good singer.. But damn it when I'm alone I try hahaa |
Have you ever..
Said something about someone or thought about them and something happen? Good or bad. I just wondered, because it was kind of funny, I posted in another forum about my ex-fiancee and not 3 seconds later "what hurts the most" came on tv. LMAO It was just weird cause I sang that song amlost as many times as I played it after we broke up. Has anyone else noticed things like that?
I'm Concerned
"It's a small world after's a small...small...worllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld" ![]() It's a start lmao |
Hmmm just a few off the top of my head..
Dirty Grumpy Bear DonnyBear The ex-fiancee gave me the last 2 lol |
I'm Concerned
I didn't vote. Long story short.. Long line at the Secretary of state on the last day haha. Sooner or later one of two things will happen.. A nuclear hallocaust *spelling sorry* or.. We all hold hands across the globe and sing it's a small world? Sadly the fallout seems more likely, all I really can say on it is I hope the ones left standing do a better job than the ones before.
8 more inches
Thanks everybody. And, Krupa.... If they are makin me take off 18 inches... Well you do the math lmfao Screw what they say! Lose the waistline...KEEP THE PENIS!!!!!! I had to learn that lesson the hard way..... hahaha |
ok ladies,explain this....
8 more inches
Thanks everybody. And, Krupa.... If they are makin me take off 18 inches... Well you do the math lmfao
8 more inches
Basic will not be easy, but much easier if you work and exercise now. Good luck, my son is on his 3rd tour of the sand box, and he is supposed to be on a sub. ![]() Right, I'd much rather not do 9 more weeks of basic in fat camp hahaha. 13 or so weeks for infantry is enough |
8 more inches
wow my mind went real dirty when I saw that!! but way to go.. keep it up!! LMAO I figured most people looked for that very reason haha. But thanks! |
Banned from Wal-mart
Haven't heard it like that b4 lmao. I love that. And, that's exactly why I dont get dragged to the store anymore lmao
8 more inches
Edited by
Thu 11/13/08 01:57 PM
That's all I've got to lose b4 they ship me off to basic woot! *I've lost around 10 in the last month and a half?*
favorite candy? and soda?
Tough call.. Could go for a butterfinger right now. Oh and a pepsi? Hmm yeah pepsi sounds good. God I miss the crap that's bad for you, damn diets lol
I am starting--
Happy early b-day incase I don't see you in the forums by then.. Or i just forget haha I'm horrible with that stuff. 18 days until my b-day woot
Agnostic's and Atheist's...
Edited by
Wed 11/12/08 07:51 PM
More or less I decided not to piss off one "god" by conforming to a specific religion. I'm open to all beliefs, I don't not believe in god, I just think that if there is a god we shouldn't have to go to an establishment to worship him/her/it. And, what if we end up in the wrong establishment? I mean if we are christians and die and come to find out buddists had the right idea?
updated 3:41 p.m. ET, Tues., Nov. 11, 2008
SAO PAULO, Brazil - Police say a woman has died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident hurled her husband's coffin against the back of her neck. Police said 67-year-old Marciana Silva Barcelos was in the front passenger seat of the hearse when the accident occurred Monday in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. Barcelos died instantly. Her 76-year-old husband, Josi Silveira Coimbra, died Sunday of a heart attack while dancing at a party. The driver of the hearse and Barcelos' son suffered minor injuries. |
lol I'm between 6'2 and 6'5 depending what store I'm walking out of. And some how only women atleast twice my age look at my profile hahahaha.. I don't understand lol That brings up another point. Why do guys who are old enough to be my Dad look at my profile? Lol. Some are sexy for their age, but others are just down right creepy! ![]() Agreed lol. It would be one thing if it happened oh idk once a month or something but no. About 85% of the people that look at my profile are ateleast 2xs my age, and about 10% are almost 2xs my age lol. |
Thanks for the support even though like most everyone I know who served we joined for the lack of civilian work. Lets get america moveing again and rebuild so no kid has to join the military because he cant afford collage or cant find a good job. like germany and other foreign nations!!!! I did it because I wanted too!!!! and I'd go back in a minute......well not under the new admin!!!! It happens. Everyone has they're own reasons I suppose, but I can see how basic would lead you to believe your doing it for patriotic reasons. |
lol I'm between 6'2 and 6'5 depending what store I'm walking out of. And some how only women atleast twice my age look at my profile hahahaha.. I don't understand lol