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Tue 11/13/12 11:50 PM

Rattlesnake. It tasted like greasy chicken.

That doesn't sound half bad actually. Is rattlesnake easy to get there in Cali? I'm curious

You can find them in the foothills, the desert or some of the more rural areas. The one time I had rattlesnake, one had crawled into the summer camp I used to attend. Some of the counselors killed it, then the cooks fried it up and served it to those of us that wanted to try it.

I came across a rattler in Oregon once. I survived and so did he/she so I never got the privilege to eat one. There's no snakes in Hawaii

I've come across a few. Most of the time I just watched as they slithered across the road, or path I was hiking on, and disappeared into the grass.

I don't know why but snakes kinda creep me out these days. Like I said before, Hawaii doesn't have any snakes and I've been here quite a while. I guess I've been used to their absence, and wouldn't appreciate their venomous bite or any other form of greeting from our scaly friends. Life without them gives much more peace of mind in my opinion

...thanks to our mongoose population. The snakes didn't stand a chance. Mongoose kick ***!

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Tue 11/13/12 11:34 PM

Rattlesnake. It tasted like greasy chicken.

That doesn't sound half bad actually. Is rattlesnake easy to get there in Cali? I'm curious

You can find them in the foothills, the desert or some of the more rural areas. The one time I had rattlesnake, one had crawled into the summer camp I used to attend. Some of the counselors killed it, then the cooks fried it up and served it to those of us that wanted to try it.

I came across a rattler in Oregon once. I survived and so did he/she so I never got the privilege to eat one. There's no snakes in Hawaii

I've come across a few. Most of the time I just watched as they slithered across the road, or path I was hiking on, and disappeared into the grass.

I don't know why but snakes kinda creep me out these days. Like I said before, Hawaii doesn't have any snakes and I've been here quite a while. I guess I've been used to their absence, and wouldn't appreciate their venomous bite or any other form of greeting from our scaly friends. Life without them gives much more peace of mind in my opinion

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:23 PM

I hear no meat and lots and lots of sugar is the new fad diet. Trendy you...

it'll fatten you right up!

I am a bit on the thin side for a guy, maybe there's hope. Mmmmmmm............ candy!................

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:21 PM

Rattlesnake. It tasted like greasy chicken.

That doesn't sound half bad actually. Is rattlesnake easy to get there in Cali? I'm curious

You can find them in the foothills, the desert or some of the more rural areas. The one time I had rattlesnake, one had crawled into the summer camp I used to attend. Some of the counselors killed it, then the cooks fried it up and served it to those of us that wanted to try it.

I came across a rattler in Oregon once. I survived and so did he/she so I never got the privilege to eat one. There's no snakes in Hawaii

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:14 PM

Poor girl. No wonder you're contemplating suicide! I'm kidding really. I'm sure it's much healthier but I'm sure it sucks at times

i don't think i'm healthier.
i just eat rabbit food.
and lots and lots of sugar.

I hear no meat and lots and lots of sugar is the new fad diet. Trendy you...

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:12 PM

Rattlesnake. It tasted like greasy chicken.

That doesn't sound half bad actually. Is rattlesnake easy to get there in Cali? I'm curious

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:09 PM

ducks tongue! and i didn't know what it was!.EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

Yea, umm, no thanks! Doesn't sound too pleasant

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 11:06 PM

So, how was it?

i dunno.
tastes like meat?
i'm vegetarian now,
and i don't really remember what anything tasted like.

Poor girl. No wonder you're contemplating suicide! I'm kidding really. I'm sure it's much healthier but I'm sure it sucks at times

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:53 PM
I took my brother out to steak and lobster for his birthday to culture him a bit, little did I know he is allergic to shellfish. That didn't go over well

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:47 PM

Yea, that's bad.... really bad! Maybe if you're desperate and starving, then maybe. That's still a maybe...

tis a mexican thing.

So, how was it?

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:43 PM

cow tongue.
i should kill myself.

Yea, that's bad.... really bad! Maybe if you're desperate and starving, then maybe. That's still a maybe...

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:42 PM

The company I work for does a lot of work for a abalone farm here on the Big Isle. One time I told them I was curious to try abalone so they gave me a plastic bag with like four live giant sea slugs and I didn't know what the hell to do with them. I gave them to my Asian neighbor.

rofl rofl

I hear it's a delicacy and I'm sure I missed out, but what the hell is a single white boy going to do with a bunch of live sea slugs? I mean, I'd have to learn to cook and everything.

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:30 PM
The company I work for does a lot of work for a abalone farm here on the Big Isle. One time I told them I was curious to try abalone so they gave me a plastic bag with like four live giant sea slugs and I didn't know what the hell to do with them. I gave them to my Asian neighbor.

no photo
Tue 11/13/12 10:19 PM

I think the most unusual thing i've tried was Llama it was actually really good.

Tastes like chicken right? They don't server llama in my part of the country. Lots of weird seafood though...

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Tue 11/13/12 10:12 PM
I like fried calamari. It's a bit chewy, but oh so good!

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Tue 11/13/12 10:09 PM
I was talking to my son today and somehow the topic came up. I told him I've eaten escargot and that grossed him out to no end. I'm curious what the strangest thing you've eaten is, and what you thought of it?

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Tue 11/13/12 08:42 PM
Your best look from the pictures you've posted here is the one where your hair is reddish and curly. That's just my opinion of course. I like the blonde over brown but I say red

no photo
Tue 11/06/12 11:30 PM

Either way, I don't think they really gave us choice. Obamney is just the same thing in a different package, a two headed yin and yang. Hope and change for the average citizen in this country is a laughing matter at this point. I say, who f*ing cares. Try and make the best of a bad situation and hopefully someone will come along and fire all those greedy, hypocritical bastards and start anew. Until then, I'm ashamed of the leadership of this country

Here is something to go with the above-quoted comment:

So according to you my comment is swiss cheese? Amaria seems to think it's funny I don't get it. Maybe I'm thick but I think a lot of Americans want real change and for the better. Obama and Romney, it really didn't matter. You end up with the same. That was my point

no photo
Tue 11/06/12 10:01 PM
Either way, I don't think they really gave us choice. Obamney is just the same thing in a different package, a two headed yin and yang. Hope and change for the average citizen in this country is a laughing matter at this point. I say, who f*ing cares. Try and make the best of a bad situation and hopefully someone will come along and fire all those greedy, hypocritical bastards and start anew. Until then, I'm ashamed of the leadership of this country

no photo
Tue 11/06/12 09:52 AM
I'm confused how it isn't a kitchen item but can be used for food preparation. Can you clarify?