Community > Posts By > Nubianbbw

Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 11/04/06 04:02 PM

You saved that little girl...
I think that makes you her
Guardian Angel for infinity...

You are a special person & the parents should thank their lucky stars
you came along when you did & saved their daughter life !!!

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 11/03/06 10:59 PM
Bravo Taino!!

Spoken from the Heart with

first hand insight...knowledge & compassion..

Ty for enlightening us all...


Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 11/03/06 07:31 PM
Hey "Mo"

Have a good one!!

& try to stay outta trouble girl lol

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 11/03/06 07:18 PM
"kingbreeze" have fun too

"Nervesgone"...Have a safe trip & great time.

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 11/03/06 07:08 PM
The weeks done...Finally! WAHOOOO!!!
& I'm just gonna be chillin out...
Maybe do some sculptin..paintin...
What R yall's plans???

Nubianbbw's photo
Mon 10/30/06 09:11 PM
"Ghost" like the new pic..

looks like your kitty had a
tipsy weekend lol

party on kitty!!! :))

Nubianbbw's photo
Mon 10/30/06 08:40 PM

Baby....may all your dreams & wishes
be granted...


P.S. Your not gettin older....just better
like fine wine....

Nubianbbw's photo
Mon 10/30/06 07:26 PM

He just sent me the same damn email...
Word for word!!

I didn't even bother...just blocked him.

Got my first one second day I joined & this guy ( from Nigeria too..what
a coinidence!!)
asked me to pay his $170.00 medical bills for him...

I'm not into violence...but there are times like these when I wish I had
a giant fly swatter...SWAT!!!!! SPLATT!!

No more "scam bugs"

Block him Cookieie...stay safe..


Nubianbbw's photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:55 AM
when my love cheated...
and shredded my heart into the tinyest
of micro-mini pieces...
Remaining celibate is my Choice...
& not a burden at all....

just gives me more time...
to heal my heart from hurtin...
and know that all men arnt like that...

and when that doesn't work...
I just grab my purse....

& spend glorious hours shoppin at the WALMART!!! :)

Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:32 PM

Ceramics is a fun how you can add color before they'er
fired & it doesn't really stand out...
But...after it comes out of the kiln...colors are awesome.

"Michael"...There you go....borrow the scanner & your one step closer to
making your dream come true...


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:47 PM
yeah Michael we all have friends galore...
around here especially when ya say your
gonna be "grillin out!" lol

but I'm talkin about that love of your life elusive friend...for endless
snugglin..lovin...a confidaunt..shoulder to
cry on kind of friend...we're all searching for.


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:34 PM
Hey Mo...

I tell ya wouldn't wanta move here...
small town...lower 40...right on the Indiana/Ky border.

crime is next to null here because everybody knows everybody....&
everybody elses business before they can even do it lol

Highlights: Craft Fairs...John Deere tractor pulls...Corn mazes ( got
lost TWICE in one...thats some scarey shit!)

But when I'm not craftin... I LOVE the Hummmingbirds here...they land on
my fingers & perch to drink from my feeders... I've yet to
experience anything as awesome!! but..thats me. lol

On the brightside...It's only 1 1/2 hour drive from Louisville, KY when
ya wanta go dancin...
my younger sis & her boys live there...she's in KY's all female
motorcycle club...very cool..

Smiles 2 ya


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:42 PM
Both are just as scarey

making love with someone you want to know
will stay with you come whatever... then find out he's got a wife!

or settlein for spending the rest of your life
alone....another day older....
still wishin for something better???


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:24 PM

I don't have a scanner either...
I take pics with my cellphone & then download
to my saved files...

If I want to photograph something very tiny ...
like my thimble dolls ( they'er 1 1/4" tall)
I take zoom shots with my Panasonic camera..
& then download to file...

So there are options of getting around having to go out & buy a

maybe one of these will work for you


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:13 PM

checked out your designs...very talented..

& you did a self me that is one of the hardest things to
create....& you did it....great job.

Ty for sharing your art


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:57 AM

Yes! Thats all Art!
Sounds to me like your very talented & busy too.
What kind of photographs do you take..still

What kind of graphic arts....Do you create? Business related like

Do you write your own music...self taught?


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:49 AM

Hi..Yes..Those are all mine...made from Polymer clay. I did them while I
was working night shift at my old job & very bored.. Taught myself how
to sculpt.

TY...Glad you like them...and I know getting
your art online requires hard work & inspiration...& major
investments....but there's no greater pleasure
than having complete strangers acknowledge
your hard work & talent.

I know if thats what you truly want...
It'll happen for you...


Nubianbbw's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:17 AM
:) TY Monique...

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:45 PM
I don't think rocks..drift wood..
etc is "garbage"...

and I would rather turn something discarded
like bulbs & unwanted DVD discs etc...
that would otherwise end up in a landfill
somewhere into something worth keeping..
If not to you...

it is me..

Nubianbbw's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:35 PM
Photography & drafting are a positive form of
Art.....why so negative now?

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