Community > Posts By > sybariticguy
I'm impressed you checked your planner...
love and sex
The best relationships contain both. Well I LUV YOU but.. |
to be or not to be
Here on dating sites the non response is appropriate as an explanation opens the door for more communication. There is no reason to respond if not interested as a non response is the correct one. Some women get hundreds of hits a day and trying to be polite and answer is simply untenable thus non response is apropos..
Edited by
Wed 12/14/16 03:50 AM
In general, when a person is in love they are perceived as more confident, desirable, and exude an aura that also has a sexual and physical attraction not found when loves chemistry is absent . In a heightened emotional state a person is felt to be positive, energetic, sexually expressive and emotionally viable. Also when one is involved with another, the persons defenses are down, their spirits and energy are more easily expressed and their overall personal aura is amplified, I have also seen this in pregnant women who literally beam with joy a radiance and affect that is truly physical, spiritual, emotional and sexual as the woman glows with such intensity its difficult not to experience. Conventional wisdom also suggests that when a person is in love their focus is external and as such the person is perceived as more successful, outgoing, energetic, passionate and socially viable. Perhaps the body chemistry is also felt as people in love, have a varying chemical presence that others can often experience Also when someone is taken it allows the other to desire with the safety of knowing that there is not a risk so the observer can feel free to have the attraction without fear of rejection or negative feelings in risking ones self regarding the viability of another... We sometimes want what we cant have ... it serves the luxury of having some feelings without risk or consequences.....
Psychically attractive
Men are visual creatures and attraction is the basis for romance. Having said that, there is more to women than appearance and a wise gentleman readily acknowledges this but without chemistry most men will not pursue a woman its a simple biological imperative. Hopefully men will seek more than simple chemistry but without it not much likely to occur...
80/20 rule
Edited by
Mon 12/12/16 04:29 AM
I have two thoughts on second marriages the first is I would think divorce would be easier and more acceptable once one has already done it the second though, is that a person might work harder because they dont want to be twice divorced,, particularly when the second marriage was a relationship they gave up the first marriage for I agree more with your second thought, but not out of a person's concern of a possible second divorce, but more the effort I believe someone previously married would put in to maintain the relationship to make it work, being less likely to give up on it. Yet, I once chatted with a woman that was just going through her third divorce, talking about divorce which I had recently gone through, and her comment was, that it seemed no matter how hard she felt she had tried in her later marriages, they still failed. It makes you wonder whether it matters how hard you work at your marriage, divorce just comes down to both partners having made a bad choice to begin with. As long as we use words such as failed we make an assumption and a judgement that is not necessarily true as relationships can simply run their course, people have differential needs that change over time, and a myriad of other reasons and only hurt people with a judgement rather than an understanding that relationships do not necessarily last " forever and still be healthy. We live with an illusion of "forever" forgetting that the average person is now married three times so it is inaccurate to refer to relations that end as failures for much is lost and denied in not simply assessing what were the reasons and issues that precipitated a needed divorce |
80/20 rule
80/ 20 rule?? I thought it was "what's hers is hers, and what's his is hers all so." ![]() nah, whats our is ours,, when it comes to marriage,,,at least it should be |
my dad was dyslexic so I thought god was a dog for many years...
50 and over?
Did you cry so loud that the aliens decided to leave you here? I'm not really sure. Things were kind of hazy after that point. I think I was rescued by a team called Mom & Dad. They let me stay around until the trauma of the whole ordeal was over. About 18 years. No accent? I was thinking it might have been Zorro.. Maybe Howdy Doodie? No ma'am it wasn't Howdy Doodie. I knew him though. My pappy was Clarabell the Clown. Having a clown for a father was a joke. |
Do you believe in destiny?
destiny is where effort, opportunity and circumstance intersect.
Are you Stagnant?
Your question is a delightful one as it asks the reader to assume some modicum of responsibility for their life and dating strategies. The more one assumes responsibility for ones dating the greater the likelihood of gaining insight into others, the processes of dating and oneself. I have learned that women in general who only offer single photo and or head shots alone are usually obese. Given that the average woman is 165 lbs that means the majority of women are not HWP nor likely healthy. So by specifying HWP one hopes to find partners who share a desire to be fit and in shape. Similarly those with euphemisms such as " a little extra" " curvy" and the more devious " average" are not likely honest nor HWP. The issue here is personal honesty as while some men prefer HWP others prefer BBW and honest descriptions increase and facilitate the best matches rather than deceptive ones that simply lead to a meet and greet that fails the litmus test of reciprocal chemistry, Next people who write well written narratives and profiles invite the reader to appreciate the range of skills, talents, interests, values, and preferences of others and this helps facilitate better evaluations and potential partners for both sexes. The degree of directness and willingness to meet for a quick meet and greet is preferable to extended and incessant emails and texting which only delay the needed meet and greet which helps determine chemistry as is not served with excessive chats and emails only to be discarded when an actual meeting happens. Being able to meet and greet in a public place is a needed social skill as too much time is spent without acknowledging the necessity of an early meet to determine potential chemistry a major component of interpersonal attraction. These methods have increased the quality of people and their corresponding match and help facilitate the eventual partner for a healthy and compatible match. If the reader finds these methods to be difficult or too complex they are free to continue their likely less effective methods and avoid the opportunity to learn and enhance their own social skills and greater success in internet dating....
Boredom is an issue that comes from within oneself and is not resolved with expecting others to provide you with relief. If you are bored then it is a good idea to decide what you want to do to change the way you are feeling and that requires looking within yourself to find people, places, things, books, movies. theatre, dance, and a host of others to find your boredom relief good luck as others are not here to solve your own issues but rather your chance to learn something new about yourself and your feelings.. Regards
love and sex
Well, sex can either exist independently, or as an element of love. Sex is definitely better when you're in love, because the passion is there. From discussions I've had with many women, I can vouch that sex with love, is much more intense, and with higher levels of pleasure. ![]() |
why is this so damn hard!
Answers to your questions 1) Most likely yes 2)As real as Reality Television resembles Reality 3)Most strangers don't know how to communicate here... Hope you are on several sites and preferably ones that require money as many here cannot afford inexpensive entry fees. Three of the last gals I met had no job, two without cars but otherwise nice people....
Women share the same ignorance as i specify HWP several times in my narrative but still get large numbers of obese women wanting to get acquainted so i would say its a human deficiency not to peruse and just have a wishful if not naive belief that they are the exception regardless of girth.,. What, you don't like weebles? No just as some women don't like bald headed men.... |
Probably not a good idea to write too much intimately until a communication with another has been successfully attained as you may seem to needy or intrusive. Patience and learning how to converse with others is needed to gain sufficient trust here as many are overly cautious and need gentle approaches that are less invasive or intense until greater sharing has been achieved,..
is true love exist?
yes as people are now, on the average, married three times so they are able to have forever three times .. Its not really smart to want guarantees for life as too many times circumstances and people change making forever untenable. A more helpful perspective would be to evaluate on the basis of the quality of a relationship for as long as both partners are happy with each other the relationship prospers as it diminishes the relationship will change and likely end. Living without illusion is difficult but is the beginning of wisdom...
being single and home alone
Your question is a difficult one but is sincere The facing of loneliness is daunting but with support creating new friends, interests, hobbies and other pursuits such as classes, education, clubs, organizations and or volunteering help bridge the gap from solitude to interacting with others and this is the beginning of addressing ones loneliness...
you ask strangers who may have no qualifications other than opinion and you want to consider their perspectives? Check your sources most folks dont know the much but have a variety of superfluous speculations such as this
Apparently they don't read profiles. I have been asked many times if I am single! Are you not single then? ![]() |