Community > Posts By > ShadowLands
Nation planing gas strike
Tough sh!t.....I've got a race this weekend so I'll be buying 93 octane, 100 octane, and diesel.
Are you better with
At the risk of repeating really have no life at all do you, Peccy?
LG....I don't know where you live but it must have one seriously screwed up legal system. For starters, you have EVERY right to know the details of this "investigation" since you are the child's parent. Anyone telling you otherwise should be tried for negligence. This SRS department should have removed your daughter from that house immediately and placed her with you. If all this had happened in Texas you would already have sole custody of her and the father would have nothing but child support payments and supervised visitation. What you are going through is ridiculous.
Next time your daughter is with you.....keep her. You said yourself that the custody question is just a matter of interpretation. Sounds to me like your ex-husband is working on borrowed time anyway. Keep the kiddo and dare him to try and take her. Betcha' he will lose. |
have you been....
Yup. Brought her home early because she got into an argument with her best friend and she was crying. Her Dad took one look at her and without asking what happened took a swing at me. He missed. I didn't. Pretty much went downhill after that despite her and her mother yelling at him to stop because he didn't know what happened. Old fart wouldn't stay down either. He had guts. Had sh!t for brains but he had guts.
It's not that easy, it's about their past, and they are just a friend, and it's not like it's going to ruin our friendship, but I really don't like to be lied to. I've let this fester all day. It's eating my soul.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Alright maybe not that bad.... ![]() Either call them on it or blow it off. Do not let it eat you like a cancer because that is exactly what it will do. If it is not that big of a deal and it is in the past.....blow it off. Just be mindful of this in any future dealings with this person. |
I remember catching a few minutes of an interview that Barbara Walters did with Dudley Moore before his death. At one point she asked him, "Do you like yourself?"
His reply is one I live by. He exuberantly stated, "I ADORE MYSELF!!!" ![]() |
have u ever had a well meaning "friend" try to help u out in ur love life? if u ever do, dont even make eye contact, just walk away. No. I prefer to do my own dirty work and my friends know that all too well. |
Kill or Be Killed
"Kill or Be Killed" To what extent would you take this phrase? Somebody is dying and it won't be me. |
I Hate you When.....
I Hate you When..... ...keep doing all that breathing in and out crap. Just stop and drop dead, will you? ***As told to Ex-Wife #1 years ago*** |
My ex wifes boyfriend....
Im not saying I want it to get violent..I want to handle it civilly and like adults....A simple disussion
Well damn....where's the fun in that???? ![]() This SOB whined and cryed like a little b1tch and made my daughter feel guilty because she wasnt going now...
Oh, well imagine that..... ![]() |
Would you date someone
who was in a coma? You're hanging around Peccy too much. That was the point to this thread..... ![]() How are you sugar? Good and bad. Landed a great job Friday. Lots of money, great benefits, really good people........lousy damned location. I have to move. |
One Question
How dos a good man decide when to kill? You really don't want to know. |
If you had...
Hug my boy then go beat ex-wife #1 to death with a baseball bat.
Would you date someone
who was in a coma? You're hanging around Peccy too much. |
Would you date someone
who has a severe bladder control problem? ![]() |
pissing somebody off
Why....yes I did. Bloodthirsty in 13th century Romania.
![]() |
Does childbirth...
Does childbirth ruin sex in a relationship??? No....the sleep deprivation that comes after childbirth ruins sex in a relationship. ![]() |
why do..
because all the nice guys are azzholes in disquise... Some of us just don't disguise it very well. |
<<<<<<<<<....none of the above.