Community > Posts By > me2g

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:50 AM
Edited by me2g on Wed 04/30/08 11:50 AM
sad ohwell laugh laugh

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:48 AM
pickled?? MMMmMMMMMmMMMmmmmmmm

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:47 AM
flowerforyou hello

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:45 AM
Edited by me2g on Wed 04/30/08 11:46 AM
I got pick on all the time... do my sisters count?ohwell laugh seriously tho.. the first day in a Minnesota school the biggest friggin bully there picked a fight with me.. devil I NEVER got picked on since..

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:42 AM

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:30 AM
telling the X to pack her bags!!frown as much as I loved her some things just arent forgivable..brokenheart

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 08:59 AM
WOW!!! they got a calandar that tells that? Does it tell you which way the sun sets too? Where do I get one?laugh laugh laugh laugh

me2g's photo
Tue 04/29/08 09:46 AM
variety is the spice of life... bigsmile and how else are you gonna know what spice you like unless you try a variety.. right?ohwell lol

me2g's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:00 PM

me2g's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:58 PM

me2g's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:15 PM
grumble god men are dogsohwell flowerforyou

me2g's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:49 AM
happened to me too..grumble nothing you can do but keep ur head up.. bigsmile theres more than one fish in the sea..

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 06:36 PM
drinker hello and welcome...

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 05:29 PM

yup , if you have a job that does drug testing of any kind.. dont use

Don't use drugs in any event. It rots your brain.

well and you ofcourse meant to include alcohol in that too right?? Its far worst for you than smokin pot.. even the doctors will tell you that

What doctors?

the ones who smoke weed.smokin

try any doctor that speaks from facts!! bigsmile

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 05:13 PM

Holy cow... Why all the arguing? Can't we just have a group hug without groping????

not sure why this is such a touchy topic. But these two guys have repeatedly attacked me tonight for my beliefs.

anyway - what fun is a group hug without the groping?

first off who no one attacked you without being provoked or attacked first.. again perhaps we all need to reread!!

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:59 PM

all this thread is about is whether cheating on a drug test denotes a lack of integrity.

Of course it is going to bounce all over the place.

CHEATING IS WRONG!!! theres no arguement there!! maybe we should forward these threads to our politicain in washington.. they seem to be the ones setting the examples to follow....

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:49 PM

I had to do a random drug screening the other day..he failed and I fired him..on the spot. I am a drug free workplace and wont tolerate that crap...period

Whats more important? A job or getting high? Jobs are hard to come by right now, especially good paying ones!

Drug users are losers

and of course your including alcohol in that too.. right? its a drug too... do I dare bring up the prescription drug issue? Drugs are bad right?

That would be "illegal" drugs

Prescriptions are tolerated as long as prescribed by a Doctor in writing, AND if it causes to reduce your work performance because of whatever prescription your on you will be placed on Medical leave

well your back paddling now... you said drug user are loser!!!

Whatever dude...Not back pedaling at all

You know exactly what I meant

No.. you werent very clear with your point!! there is more abuse of prescription drugs and alcohol than there is of any other.. do you test for that too?

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:40 PM

I had to do a random drug screening the other day..he failed and I fired him..on the spot. I am a drug free workplace and wont tolerate that crap...period

Whats more important? A job or getting high? Jobs are hard to come by right now, especially good paying ones!

Drug users are losers

and of course your including alcohol in that too.. right? its a drug too... do I dare bring up the prescription drug issue? Drugs are bad right?

That would be "illegal" drugs

Prescriptions are tolerated as long as prescribed by a Doctor in writing, AND if it causes to reduce your work performance because of whatever prescription your on you will be placed on Medical leave

well your back paddling now... you said drug user are loser!!!

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:34 PM

I had to do a random drug screening the other day..he failed and I fired him..on the spot. I am a drug free workplace and wont tolerate that crap...period

Whats more important? A job or getting high? Jobs are hard to come by right now, especially good paying ones!

Drug users are losers

and of course your including alcohol in that too.. right? its a drug too... do I dare bring up the prescription drug issue? Drugs are bad right?

me2g's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:02 PM

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