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Two More Cops Killed
Isn't 'critical condition' different than DEAD? Wait, not DEAD, killed. I want to accurately reply to your post. That was your topic, killed, not critical condition as they were reported today on the news. Killed would also be different than unknown, which was what you say in your initial post on your topic.
They said it was another domestic dispute response, at which the suspect produced a tactical shotgun? And that the officers that pulled out the two injured officers didn't have guns? But the suspect is dead.... There was a call radio I believe they didn't specify where an officer says the suspect is still shooting, and the shots heard in that call are relatively quiet, unless it was a silenced 410 which isn't very likely. SHOTGUNS ARE LOUD, really loud. Especially loud indoors or in tight quarters between buildings which anyone who has every personally fired or heard a shotgun being fired would know. The shots couldn't be coming from a shotgun which means they couldn't be coming from the suspect, which means the call couldn't have been coming from an officer who knew what was going on at that alleged scene. It's a good thing the officers aren't dead, killed, you said killed. Then you said IF they die, which means they haven't been killed. |
Yes, I hear he slapped a girl once in kindergarten for stealing his oatmeal cookies. no he slapped his teacher,,lol but his 'mistakes' are 'human' though I know not any other politician that wouldn't be drug and isn't drug through the mud for every little thing they say or DONT Say,,, Key word being "politician"..... which Trump is NOT! That's incorrect, just as the 'strawman' defense of the very factual problem he has right now. And while I didn't defend anything Bill has or hasn't done that we know for sure, Bill isn't running. Trump hasn't been 'exposed' so to say though in many ways I guess you can basically say that he has been exposed I think because he wasn't running for office he was inspecting unsuspecting half dressed 18 y/o beauty pageant contestants. Real estate is more political than business, the business aspects are really handled by lawyers bankers and politicians. Two things you can't say is that I didn't warn you about him and that you didn't have much of a choice. I can't recall any race having an overall number of nominees as high as the 16 republicans that ran this year. |
Edited by
Wed 10/12/16 04:07 AM
| Who are the sanctimonious prudes now? Liberals cast themselves as unadulterated free-thinkers, but are now outraged that Donald Trump talked “lewd” about women? As Jim ONeill of Canadian Free Press opines, Apparently many of the pundits we watch on TV have been closet Puritans all this time – who knew? Many of them are the same ones that informed us that displaying Christ crucified in a jar of human urine is art; that murdering fetuses in order toharvest their organs is not obscene, and who insist that our children be taught the ins and outs of fornication at younger and younger ages (pun noted)—so one can be forgiven for being somewhat surprised by their air of affronted prudery. Poor dears, one does wish them a speedy recovery – hand out the smelling salts please. So Donald Trump has feet of clay—guess what? I like him that way! I am so sick of polished, slick talking, glad-handing, backstabbing, dishonest corrupt politicians that I could scream. I’ll take the real deal—I’ll take Trump with his rough edges and sharp elbows, warts and all, over any of the oh-so-refined thoroughly corrupt bought-and-paid-for globalists being shoved down our throats. Now they are disgusting. Yeah, but are ya sure? Ya sure? I hate to tell you.... This one's got legs. |
Very Damaging News Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Emails The Left must stop pretending this is a nonstory We’re just a month away from the election, so it’s obvious why Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her supporters in the media would want to ignore bad news from hacked emails in favor of decade-old comments Donald Trump made about women. But the story isn’t going away—especially if Clinton becomes president. On Friday we learned that the Obama administration actively worked to crush stories relating to Clinton’s emails after the story broke in early 2015. In one email, White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri emailed her counterpart at the State Department: “between us on the shows… think we can get this done so he is not asked about email.” Palmieri was trying to make sure Secretary of State John Kerry would not be asked about the email scandal on his Face the Nation appearance that occurred three days later. The next day, State Department Communications Director Jennifer Psaki responded: “Good to go on killing CBS idea.” And guess what? Kerry wasn’t asked about the emails. Also on Friday, leaked transcripts from Clinton’s Wall Street speeches were revealed by Wikileaks. The New York Times reported that “The tone and language of the excerpts clash with the fiery liberal approach she used later in her bitter primary battle with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and could have undermined her candidacy had they become public.” Ouch. Clinton said in the transcripts that she dreamed of “open trade and open borders.” She also spoke about how Abraham Lincoln twisted arms behind the scenes to get things done, and said it was important to have “both a public and a private position.” This is exactly what Sanders warned about during the primary—that Clinton took money from Wall Street but was not adopting his position against the banks because it was politically popular. It was hard to believe that Clinton would be just as harsh against the banks privately as she was publicly. Clinton awkwardly defended this comment at the debate on Sunday by speaking at length about Lincoln. But it certainly plays into the notion of Clinton’s corruption; that she will say anything to anyone to get elected. It also begs the question: Who is being told the truth? Is her private position the one that she will institute in the Oval Office or will she stick with the public position? How can we trust anything she says? While Trump’s comments predictably dominated the news cycle over the weekend, more damaging information was linked about Clinton. Other hacked emails revealed Clinton’s campaign privately insulting journalists who didn’t praise the Democratic nominee. In one email, campaign Press Secretary Nick Merrill called New York Times reporter Amy Chozick an “idiot” for writing an article about supporters becoming wary of Campaign Manager Robby Mook after Clinton narrowly eked out a win against Sanders. Merrill also said he had tried “to shame” the Intercept’s Emily Kopp’s “lousy reporting” on Clinton using her campaign account as a slush fund. More emails were released on Monday, and they were just as bad. In one email, former Bill Clinton aide Doug Band called Hillary’s daughter Chelsea “a spoiled brat kid.” “I don’t deserve this from her and deserve a tad more respect or at least a direct dialogue for me to explain these things,” Band wrote in response to a dispute with Chelsea over the Clinton Foundation. “She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing.” Band founded Teneo Strategies, which for a brief time employed Clinton aide Huma Abedin while she was also working for the State Department. Perhaps most damaging of all, it appears Team Clinton was “petrified” of any GOP presidential nominee except Trump. “Right now I am petrified that Hillary is almost totally dependent on Republicans nominating Trump,” wrote Brent Budowsky, a former Capitol Hill staffer (and Observer columnist). “She has huge endemic political weaknesses that she would be wise to rectify … even a clown like Ted Cruz would be an even money bet to beat and this scares the hell of out me.” Clinton’s own campaign knew she wasn’t a strong candidate and that the email scandal was damaging—that’s why they worked behind the scenes to crush stories about the emails and disparaged reporters who didn’t fall in line. They also worked to make Trump the GOP nominee because anyone else would have run away with the election against such a flawed candidate. The Left’s response is always the same: Either this is a nonstory or it’s “old news.” The more they make such proclamations, the more it’s clear that they just want the story to go away because they know how bad it is for Clinton. Voters care about this issue; it’s part of why Clinton is routinely described as “untrustworthy.” The Left wouldn’t be calling this a nonstory if the Secretary of State in question were Condoleeza Rice (and to be fair, Republicans would then be the ones claiming it was a non-story). On that pic, #DNR I have a few VERY relevant questions since I was told I was "wasting my vote" by not voting for the DNC or RNC nominees for president. The answers are not exactly what you think they'd be. 1. At our founding, what political parties did we have? 2. When was the last time we had a president that wasn't democratic or republican (DNR)? If you got the first answer correct you'll know the difference is more, not less than what 'separates' the two dominant parties today. You'd think a group of men that came together to write the declaration and Bill of Rights and eventually the Constitution had more in common than the D's and R's do today. If you got the first question right you'd know that's not the case. Whether you get it right or not you'd know it's not the two parties we have today. You'd also know that your vote for president, the highest office in the land shouldn't be which party, but which PERSON holds that office. That being said, we went through two primary elections and ended up with the two ABSOLUTE WORST PEOPLE for that or any public office. One side will agree with one the other side with the other but WHEN WILL THE PEOPLE LISTEN TO EACHOTHER? Does the party ever send you a check if THEIR CANDIDATE wins? And R's what happens if Trump is impeached after a few months should he actually win? Will you have an OUTSIDER who isn't a Washington insider or an ESTABLISHMENT politician? D's same question for Hillary, who's going to be running the show if she's out? Those questions have the same answer, NOT THE VP. For the second question, at SOME POINT people got tired of the party platforms and made changes that redefined the party. I don't consider THOSE as wasted votes, neither did the people. As many times as it happened people missed something critical. Whether it was retiring an incumbent or rallying behind an upstart the PEOPLE very often were left with much less than they organized campaigned, protested etc for. We have two 'established' parties. One might have an unorthodox candidate with fresh ideas like the new deal or a peanut farmer but the parties themselves remained mostly unchanging or changed for the worst with new developments before the people figured out what was going on. Still two 'established parties' in control. What good did it do to elect a CHANGE CANDIDATE, literally, Obama's slogan was Hope and CHANGE, key policies, health care and ending the wars Bush started. Trumps key things that are not policy are that he's a CHANGE CANDIDATE health care and ending the wars Obama (really Bush DNR) started. Trump meant exactly what he said "I love the poorly educated" Trumps campaign all the way down to Michele's/Melania's convention speech are the same. DNR Why would the party allow him to continue if he made it perfectly clear that he was going to screw right through the tea party pilot hole straight to the guts of the RNC? They could have renounced him at any time before or after the first debate up to and even after the primary. It's all part of the DNR party plans. A mudslinging monstrosity. Tanking in the last 30 days and determined to ride it out amid the tax evasion and sexual assault/adultery scandal overshadowing the wikileaks emails and Bill's past. Sex sells, legal proceedings over classified info most people don't understand anyway is boring in comparison. that doesn't matter though. What matters is we get donkey or elephant 5hit, both stink. One criminal is more criminal than the other criminal, the other criminal is criminal more than the first criminal. So I'm "wasting my vote" by not voting for a criminal? Or am I doing my constitutional duty as a citizen by not contributing to criminals in public office? If we all vote D or R it would be a wasted vote. What would happen if there were two or three more unflinching parties? We have two that aren't checking or balancing. We aren't meeting in the middle or towards one side or the other. We're pinned to one side or the other clamoring for change every 4 or 8 years. They recycle campaign strategy tax plans war foreign strategy and wealth distribution, amongst the political and rich. No rich person is going to give the POWER they have to all of US. Neither the democrats or republicans are going to do that either. STOP VOTING FOR THEM. De-ESTABLISH the ESTABLISHED parties. Previous gains of rights or laws won't be lost, only those that would take them from us. Case in point is the patriot act (unconstitutional). Obama expanded it, immensely. There's many more examples but that is the single biggest loss of rights and privacy in American history and 100% unnecessary. We are paying the government to spy on us. We didn't lose the constitution when the republican party formed. It was being chipped away slowly but nothing like what we have seen in the past 25 years. WE CAN CHANGE THAT. We CAN'T change it from within the DNR parties, we CAN change it by supplanting them simultaneously. Use your imagination and be honest with yourself. If the debates were between Johnson and Stein how SUBSTANTIVE would they have been and how ashamed would you be to admit that either eventually represented our nation vs either of Trump or Clinton you like LESS? The DNR parties ARE adjusting the polls, to keep them below 15 so they dont get National attention. You believe they have no chance because of the polls and lack of coverage, and as long as you believe that you're condoning whoever the SELECTION turns out to be will have all the POWER you DON'T want THEM to have. Keep the DNR duocracy going. Guarantee you will NEVER SEE the CHANGE you are fighting for. I will not. |
Two More Cops Killed
Authorities in Southern California were searching late Saturday for a gunman who shot three police officers who were trying to resolve a family dispute, killing two of them. "It was a simple family disturbance and he elected to open fire on a few of the guardians of the city," Palm Springs Police Chief Bryan Reyes, his voice breaking, told reporters. The chief, near tears, identified the slain officers as Jose "Gil" Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny. "Today Palm Springs lost two brave officers," Reyes told reporters, his voice shaking with emotion. "I am awake in a nightmare right now." Police said Zerebny recently returned to the force from maternity leave after giving birth to a now-4-month-old daughter. Vega, the father of eight, was a 35-year veteran who planned to retire in December. The wounded officer's name was not released. Reyes said the three officers were standing near the front door speaking with the man, "trying to negotiate with the suspect to just comply," when he suddenly shot them. He said the shooter was not apprehended and may still be in the house. He said Riverside County sheriff's SWAT officers had the residence surrounded and were now leading the investigation. Reyes also urged the media and others not to stream live video of police officers' movements on social media, adding it could put them in danger. "Understand that we're actively looking for a cop murderer," he said. Dozens of law enforcement officers converged on the normally quiet residential neighborhood in this desert resort city after the shooting. They sealed off several blocks and evacuated some residents. Police Sgt. William Hutchinson said officers were warning people already inside their homes to stay there, lock their doors and not answer them until further notice. Although Reyes didn't identify the shooting suspect, he indicated police had had previous dealings with him. A neighbor, Frances Serrano, told The Associated Press she called authorities after the father of the shooting suspect came to her house across the street and told her his son was "acting crazy." He said, “Help. I need help. My son is in the house, and he’s crazy. He has a gun. He’s ready to shoot all the police," Serrano told the Los Angeles Times. She'd gone back inside her home before officers arrived, Serrano said, and a few minutes after they got there she heard gunfire, "starting with a loud — I mean really loud — ‘bang!’” she told the Times. Moments later officers were knocking on her door, warning her to stay inside. Serrano said the man police are looking for had been in jail at one time and had to wear a monitor on his ankle when he was first released. But she added that he had always been friendly and polite to her and her family. "We never had any problems with him," she said. Serrano also told the Times that she believed the man was in his mid-30s. The shooting occurred just three days after a popular Los Angeles County sheriff's sergeant was shot and killed in the high desert town of Lancaster. Sgt. Steve Owen was answering a burglary call when sheriff's officials say he was shot and wounded by a man who then stood over him and shot him four more times. A paroled robber has been charged with murder. Lancaster residents were organizing a candlelight memorial for Owen Saturday night. Not one days goes by that we don't hear about a Law Enforcement Officer getting killed. Enough is enough. It seems like it is open season on cops........ Time for them to make a statement and put this a$$hole in a body bag. Lets start with the LANCASTER (CA?) shooting that's not part of this report. Next, you said it wasn't a manhunt. Suspect shoots two officers dead injured a third and ESCAPED A SWAT TEAM, meaning they DID NOT have him in custody and told residents TO LOCK THEIR DOORS. That's pretty much the DEFINITION OF A MANHUNT. Period. Manhunt. Next, climate... Someone all of a sudden believes in climate change. IT IS 100% the fault of BAD COPS THAT ABUSE PRIVILEGES AND POWER. Wearing the badge outside the station perusing ALLEGED criminals makes the threat PART OF THE JOB you get PAID to do. Utopically we would ALL LOVE a world where police don't need a baton, pepperspray, tazers, stun guns, pistols, shotguns, AR15's, smoke grenades, flashbangs, body armor, helmets with face shields, pretorian shields, sniper rifles, battering rams, armored vehicles, blinding lazers, high pressure water cannons, helicopters, BOMB CARRYING ROBOTS, or radios to call in sometimes up to ten cars to capture beat..... or kill an ALLEGED criminal. That's not the choice of the CITIZEN, and it's DAMN SURE not elected officials NOT supporting law enforcement. That's millions if not billions of tax payers money that comes ONLY through elected officials who DO SUPPORT an occupying force, I mean law enforcement.Criminals DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES TO BE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRIVITIZED PRISON SYSTEM, OR THE PUBLIC ONES. When they think they are getting caught they TRY to get away. NO CRIMINAL HAS A HELICOPTER ARMORED VEHICLE OR 10 CARS OF PEOPLE ARMED TO THE TEETH to back them up WITHIN MINUTES. None. I'm quoting your OP, there is no mention of him being a known gang member. Palm Springs is really run down if the cops can't tell a domestic disturbance from a gang shooting. There was 0 mentioned in the news today, things like this make our local news here as do coverage of wild fires or blizzards droughts etc around the country. Wasn't even mentioned on the evening news or CNN. Not a word. There was 3 police cars in the only shot I saw connected to this story, I guess since it was a domestic DECOY to kill cops they opted for the CLOAKING CAMO SWAT TEAM. They reported that the man HAD ESCAPED AFTER KILLONG TWO AND WOUNDING A THIRD HE COULDN'T ESCAPE IF HE WAS STILL IN THE HOUSE. Unless MS13 has bought one of William Shatner houses with the TELEPORTER. Look at all the inconsistencies and LOGICAL ATROCITIES. This would have been headlined with GANG MEMBER KILLED TWO OFFICERS AND INJURED A THIRD DURING DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE RESPONSE. SUSPECT IS ARMED AND DANGEROUS name age picture physical description vehicle make model color clothing distinguishing features. BOLO. Be On the LookOut. Give any information to abPD @ # TEXT SMS TWITTER FB. Its called STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE. That's how CONCERNED LAW ABIDING CITIZENS HELP POLICE CAPTURE CRIMINALS. Because NO ONE wants a MURDERER ARMED, or not, on the streets. |
Two More Cops Killed
bullet for bullet,, You have a gun with a gun that just shot three cops that PREMEDIATATED the attack, why risk anymore lives and save the taxpayers for the lengthy legal, prison and medical bills. it would be understandable to trade bullet for bullet he most likely gets death due to the victims being police anyhow, so its also an understandable argument to get it over with ''Bullet for bullet'' that sounds a lot like GANG RETALIATION or VIGILANTE JUSTICE, don't the police tell citizens that's ILLEGAL? I'm shocked. Where would you get such an idea? |
Two More Cops Killed
Question 1. If this guy just murdered 2 cops and wounded a third and not in custody and armed and dangerous and had been in jail before meaning the police could easily produce an actual photo of the worst and most dangerous and Most Wanted, why don't they name him and plaster his mugshot on every news outlet on a loop until he is dead or in custody? I mean, if it's a manhunt, and it should be if what's being reported is accurate, WHICH MAN is it we are hunting? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE so that citizens may AID THE AUTHORITIES IN HIS LOCATION WHEREABOUTS AND OR CAPTURE? That would be good right? Citizens HELPING the police? We do that from time to time. Since crimes tend to happen in PLACES, and involve PEOPLE AND OR PROPERTY that citizens want to PROTECT. Someone usually CALLS the police, sometimes they happen to be CONCERNED CITIZENS often ones who don't have a personal stake in the person place or properties involved in the crime. 2.Critical Question- wtf is Blankey B. Blank doing with a gun in California with an ankle bracelet that people on probation have to wear? The P.O. 's (not slang for police) do HOME INSPECTIONS. They are just as pervasive if not more than CPS. I mean if you have an active non violent criminal investigation or a hostage situation where you know the suspect may use live video to escape or position themselves advantageously, then put a delayed feed showing a huge number of cops everywhere, or just loop footage of an assload of police leaving the station with split screen of his mugshot on the other side. And why on God's green earth would you release the tragically KIA the day of when their families are watching but NOT releasethe name and mugshot OF THE ARMED AND DANGEROUS COP KILLER AT LARGE? There is NO WAY to HUNT THE MAN IN A MANHUNT WITHOUT FIRST IDENTIFIYNG THE MAN. WANTED: BLANKEY B. BLANK, has killed in cold blood two officers with kids some infants, and attempted murder of officer BLANKEY C BLANK, no relation. Suspect is to be considered. He might be armed and or dangerous possibly but definitely to be considered. He looks... like.... he might be about yey (not yay, gay maybe but not yay) tall, or short depending on your height and perception of it, and about... of middlish agey, there's a father in the story so he can't be terribly old, and we'll have to get back with you on weight skin color eyes hair clothing or any real DISTINGUISHING PHYSICAL FEATURES THAT MAY AID IN HIS CAPTURE. So, hit us up on Twitter or SNAPCHAT. There will be no reward. Oh yeah, almost forgot, about that ankle bracelet... His was oneof the ones that didn't work so well. I mean somebody had to test the thing out, see how tough it is... You know. We could have ordered a replacement for it but the company that makes them only sells them in batches of 5,000 soo.... We didn't think it was a big deal. So this one is kind of on them. We needed that money for an armored vehicle that belongs on a battlefield, THOSE things ARE NOT cheap. The call came in to 9-1-1 about an unstable man with a gun threatening to kill cops. All officers were headed to that location and SWAT (Anytime a threat like that comes over 9-1-1, SWAT is mobilized) was mobilized before the officers even arrived on scene. Putting the mentally unstable mans picture and name out would have only escalated the situation more and they already had him in the house and it was sealed off so he couldn't escape. It's California, its easier for a criminal then a law abiding citizen to get a gun. Most Parole Officers have several hundred people and pencil whip a lot of reports and only focus on the real bad ones. WHO called 911? A, CIVILIAN, perhaps that person WANTED TO DO GOOD and GET SOMEONE HELP BEFORE a crime was committed. Just maybe. Are you serious? Releasing his name and picture or even a SIMPLE physical description, height, weight, approximate age, skin color, eye color, clothing, vehicle type if any, WHAT KIND OR GENERAL SIZE OF GUN? What is that? Is it like an incantation that will grow his gun from a .25 to a .357 or a .45? Will it turn a revolver to a fully automatic rifle? That is the most absurd argumenti have ever heard. IF HE KILLED 2 POLICE AND INJURED A THIRD WHILE EVADING A SWAT TEAM he might have an idea that police are looking for him. Maybe..., a little bit. Why is it easier for a criminal? Where do they get their guns from? The criminal gunstore? Criminal gunshows? Wal-Mart? Target? Big Jim's Hacksaws and Handguns? Do they steal them from gun owners who keep losing the damn things? Or from (Law abiding) citizens who are really REPEAT OFFENDERS? CAN YOU BUY AMMO WITH A CRIMINAL RECORD AND AN ANKLE BRACELET? There would be a RECEIPTfor whoever bought it. Unless they got it with a slurpee at 711. Can't citizens go in broad daylight to a gun store and fill out some simple paperwork and have any kind of gun legally available and take it home in 3-5 days? WHOA WHOA WHOA. Couple hundred people and "pencil whip" reports. THERE WE GO. Now we are getting somewhere. That's called jargon for those who don't know, it means that this is COMMON ENOUGH that it has developed its own slang. So, who's fault is it that a Probation Officer would "pencil whip" a parolees report? Meaning just going through the motions ILLEGALY FALSIFIYING LEGAL DOCUMENTS IN AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY and COLLECTING A PAYCHECK for NOT DOING THEIR JOB. Conspiracy is not needed FOR PEOPLE TO FALSIFIY LEGAL DOCUMENTS IN AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY, which is A CRIME and one OCCURRING SO OFTEN THAT IT HAS ITS OWN SEMI SECRET TERM TO IDENTIFY TO OTHER OFFICERS IN THE SAME OR OTHER CAPACITIES THAT THIS CRIME WAS COMMITTED... AGAIN. Tell us, if this man KILLED TWO POLICE, SHOT A THIRD AND ESCAPED A DAMN SWAT TEAM ESCAPED A SWAT TEAM STILL ARMED STILL NOT KILLED OR CAPTURED A DAY LATER Wtf are THEY doing? STILL NO NAME ID PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION? What if he runs into a church or school? Decides to hide out there take a hostage or two or 26? What if he decides to line CHILDREN up next to a wall and demands $10,000,000 and a plane ticket and starts killing kids? CHILDREN. Should anyone in this police department collect a check this pay period? A PD THAT DOESN'T THINK ITS IMPORTANT TO CATCH A MENTALLY DISTURBED ARMED AND DANGEROUS MURDERER THAT A WHOLE SWAT TEAM LET HIM ESCAPE? Should ANYONE IN THIS POLICE DEPARTMENT INVOLVED IN THIS LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM COMMON SENSE AND SENSE OF DUTY ever collect another paycheck? The Cheif, the SWAT brass, lead investigator, OFFICER IN CHARGE, DISPATCHERS, collect THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS to just kinda chill out cuz it's not that big of a deal, these things tend to work themselves out and any CITIZENS that get hurt were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Good job. Pay raises all around the taxpayers won't be able to get it back once we TAKE it. |
Looks like the Donald has another problem today. He's only human. At least he manned up to it and took responsibility instead of the Clinton method which is to blame it on a conspiracy or lie about it. All respect due, seriously, weren't you an officer of the law? Did you retire, I don't know specifics on you so I'm asking. Based on that answer I'd like you to explain, legally speaking of course, what constitutes a rape? Legally speaking, what constitutes sexual harassment, what constitutes a sexual assault? Legally speaking, what attributes would one present as evidence to the FACT that someone is a SERIAL sexual predator? Just based on the laws you swore to uphold. Give us some insights as to the legal proceedings and requisite attributes evidence and actions of a suspect accused of a sexual assault, sexual harassment or rape. Obviously there will be some differences between States, Federal (if crossing State lines or if one is a public official, the way it should be) or local governments depts or districts. I'm just asking about your experience on this category of crime. FACTS, not conspiracy. Feel free to post G.S.§, we can read them together and clear up any confusion on the legalese gibberish within. Aside from that, in the written and video statements Donald did EXACTLY to a T what you claim the Clinton playbook is. He denied, sidestepped, projected, and blamed Bill Clinton who was not present at the times in question. As well as lie which clearly he has taught his children to perpetuate. This isn't condoning, its a condemnation on past BILL Clinton encounters of the 3rd kind that were not exactly kind. He was in fact confronted today at a rally by someone calling him a rapist. which he allowed the man to speak and express his grievance publicly.Clinton didn't 'follow' the playbook. Trump made effective comments and actions of his own accord, without any influence from party leaders or former presidents. I think the actual legal insight into criminal speech/behavior and subsequent and related actions appropriate to the FACTS here is what's actually important. We can talk about the DNR party later. |
Two More Cops Killed
Edited by
Sun 10/09/16 02:15 AM
Question 1. If this guy just murdered 2 cops and wounded a third and not in custody and armed and dangerous and had been in jail before meaning the police could easily produce an actual photo of the worst and most dangerous and Most Wanted, why don't they name him and plaster his mugshot on every news outlet on a loop until he is dead or in custody?
I mean, if it's a manhunt, and it should be if what's being reported is accurate, WHICH MAN is it we are hunting? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE so that citizens may AID THE AUTHORITIES IN HIS LOCATION WHEREABOUTS AND OR CAPTURE? That would be good right? Citizens HELPING the police? We do that from time to time. Since crimes tend to happen in PLACES, and involve PEOPLE AND OR PROPERTY that citizens want to PROTECT. Someone usually CALLS the police, sometimes they happen to be CONCERNED CITIZENS often ones who don't have a personal stake in the person place or properties involved in the crime. 2.Critical Question- wtf is Blankey B. Blank doing with a gun in California with an ankle bracelet that people on probation have to wear? The P.O. 's (not slang for police) do HOME INSPECTIONS. They are just as pervasive if not more than CPS. I mean if you have an active non violent criminal investigation or a hostage situation where you know the suspect may use live video to escape or position themselves advantageously, then put a delayed feed showing a huge number of cops everywhere, or just loop footage of an assload of police leaving the station with split screen of his mugshot on the other side. And why on God's green earth would you release the tragically KIA the day of when their families are watching but NOT releasethe name and mugshot OF THE ARMED AND DANGEROUS COP KILLER AT LARGE? There is NO WAY to HUNT THE MAN IN A MANHUNT WITHOUT FIRST IDENTIFIYNG THE MAN. WANTED: BLANKEY B. BLANK, has killed in cold blood two officers with kids some infants, and attempted murder of officer BLANKEY C BLANK, no relation. Suspect is to be considered. He might be armed and or dangerous possibly but definitely to be considered. He looks... like.... he might be about yey (not yay, gay maybe but not yay) tall, or short depending on your height and perception of it, and about... of middlish agey, there's a father in the story so he can't be terribly old, and we'll have to get back with you on weight skin color eyes hair clothing or any real DISTINGUISHING PHYSICAL FEATURES THAT MAY AID IN HIS CAPTURE. So, hit us up on Twitter or SNAPCHAT. There will be no reward. Oh yeah, almost forgot, about that ankle bracelet... His was oneof the ones that didn't work so well. I mean somebody had to test the thing out, see how tough it is... You know. We could have ordered a replacement for it but the company that makes them only sells them in batches of 5,000 soo.... We didn't think it was a big deal. So this one is kind of on them. We needed that money for an armored vehicle that belongs on a battlefield, THOSE things ARE NOT cheap. |
Edited by
Fri 10/07/16 10:36 PM
Looks like the Donald has another problem today. In case of emergency apply tourniquet at the neck. If breathing persists keep twisting or ask a member of the staff to assist you. . |
Video surfaced today of Donald and Billy Bush, I think, on a bus, and being recorded. donald had some pretty blunt language about some women. Excerpt from video (2nd) apology statement made by Donald J Trump, pretty slick, must have come from someone inside or everyone inside his campaign. "Anyone who knows me knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize." He then goes on and blames it on Bill Clinton (again), who wasn't present at the time. Democratic strategist (probably Begala) liken it to a hostage video. During the time between the written (fail) apology and the video (fail) apology Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) called in to publicly unendorse Trump. You may recognize the name as the republican leading most if not all of the hearings against Clinton. "I'm out. I'm done." was the first thing he said before mentioning having to explain to his daughter how he could support or endorse him after this. Paul Ryan uninvited Trump from a 'Unity Rally' with himself and Governor Scott Walker tomorrow. Trump released a statement that Mike Pence would appear in his place. Billy Bush, a cousin of George W. and Jeb, recorded and took part in the conversation, though it was dominated, unsolicited, by Trump himself. |
First of all how can you say something is 100% true when NOBODY knows what "things" are? It could be anything, fish tacos, ballet, sour milk, mustard stains. Even if it was one of these ridiculous things you, and more pointedly Trump do not have a fundamental understanding of what PTSD is. If he did he wouldn't say this or anything equally as dumb as this was. This proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that he's full of hot air -on this particular subject- because everything else he says proves it for whatever topic he's word puking about.
And before you say, 'oh well... he has-------' he has said the following Our military is decimated-- untrue Its a disaster-- we have born the brunt of politicized military action where diplomacy would have been 5 times more effective, and though the number of units has been cut, under sequestration the budget has increased steadily. What is a disaster is the perpetual lie that keeps getting re inflated and rolled out, so the disaster lies in what orders our forces to what ends. What ends? I guarandamntee he has no idea. What our vets are going through (insert trumpism of choice here) -- is idiots like him that think they know what we go through for you and everybody in America that then turn around and talk about us behind our backs and call us (mentally unstable would be the closest accurate terms for this, I don't even know what to call it, it damn sure isn't a sentence or a complete thought) What about our vets-- I don't know. Is this a question or a statement? I've raised-- other people's money and taken the credit for himself just like the non Trump Foundation, I wonder if he broke any laws during that publicity stunt, since he clearly doesn't understand that YOU CAN'T BUY STUFF FOR YOURSELF YOUR PROPERTIES OR YOUR BUSINESSES WITH FOUNDATION FUNDS. Seems like he got the business mixed up with the foundation since he lost $916M in business and illegally collected other people's money then spent it on 5#!+ for himself. So he has mentioned here and there, he doesn't know the VA, he doesn't know war, he doesn't know combat, he doesn't have the slightest bit of understanding of PTSD or what effects it has on veterans vs civilians who have it or how to even address it. Btw, any of the 4 things listed above can trigger PTSD. Trump won't even go to Chicago but he flaps his gums claiming he has the answer to all the problems there. He can't tell the skirmishes and battles in drug wars from an infiltrated protest that provocateurs turn into a riot. He doesn't even know who was dancing on 9/11 mere miles from where he lives and 'works'. If he subscribes to CREDIBLE theories of conspiratorial nature he's just as bad as W, because what he said 1 is a flat out lie that never took place where he said (during a primary debate with a former governor of NJ, an important qualifier) and he misidentified the people who were dancing and high fiving. That day is arguably one of the most memorable events in American history, there is an official (not the same as true) version that is extremely detailed and someone who would have had a front row seat should know what those details are. They should snap out and flow naturally because anyone who actually witnessed it would be permanently scarred but also know things that average Americans or anyone for that matter wouldn't commonly know. When he was bashing Jeb (which is the only positive thing he has ever done) he made out like he knew something and was going to reveal in primetime on National tv during a primary debate or soon after but he never did because he didn't have anything. A person that rich, influential, and positioned as he supposedly was could NAME NAMES, MAKE CONNECTIONS AND OUT CONSPIRATORS POINT OUT RELEVANT FACTS THAT AREN'T COMMON KNOWLEDGE. He can't do that. He had his stage, his spotlight, his microphone, and he was standing right next to Jeb, HE COULD HAVE ENDED ANY FURTHER DEBATE RIGHT THEN AND THERE AND BEEN A NATIONAL HERO THAT WOULD HAVE WENT DOWN IN HISTORY. Why didn't he do it? He can't. There is a very good reason why he can't do that. Well, he could, but he will never do that. That is ABSOLUTE 100% truth. He won't tell the truth, because he doesn't have anything. If he talks about it at all he HAS TO LIE, and there's a reason for that too. He's got secret service protection now, he should tell us what he knows, but HE WON'T. Physically there is nothing holding him back, but THERE IS A LOT KEEPING HIM QUIET ABOUT THIS, and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. Still, saying that the above direct quote is taken out of context is his defense for everything stupid he says when there's no one around him to deflect to. Every stance or tenant of his campaign has been reversed or he has taken the shovel loads of steaming dung the establishment has provided for him. He is the quintessential libtard who may actually be retarded, but has still infiltrated the formerly republican party. Not everyone knows that Hillary and Kaine are republicans, they are better at hiding it than trump is. It's difficult to hide what you are when you can't keep your lies in line. Knowing which party you are and what that means is also a big part of it. |
"When people come back from war and combat and they see things that, uhhh, maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can't handle it." Donald J. Trump
I am on the stock market so I really watch the news. have to more than other people. Obama he lifted the Iran embargo. he said its the nuclear issue. no. see Iran sells the oil then give the money to terrorist. and right away they said again Israel should be wiped off the map and death to the us. So Iran sold its oil therefor the market flooded more with oil cause of Obama. then they wonder why the economy is the way it is. He raised the dept ceiling 5 times. Also I heard that if Israel attacks the nuclear plant in Iran, us under the agreement attacks Israel. if clitin gets in there once a liar always a liar, sure trump he says things etc. but he says what he means, if you want a broke economy with the dept ceiling rising more and no one pay it off. thereby have to pull back on military because of dept. that is what china is running into now, dept. however trump wants change, and they have to be change, or otherwise. in 20 years. so far in dept that cities will be bankrupt and more. so choose. same old or change. Funny you bring up bankruptcy, Trump has 6 of them. The New York Times reported that Trump filed almost $916,000,000.00 of losses in 1995, and didn't pay taxes for 18 years as a result. The Trump Foundation, which Trump has not made a personal contribution to since 2008, received a Cease and Desist Order from the New York Attorney General, for illegal operations under State law. It's illegal to collect donations in excess of $25,000 without State certification and regular auditing. That's also where the money for the Tim Tebow helmet Trump bought HIMSELF at auction, and the 6 foot tall painting of himself. |
Wait a sec, if any reciprocal lawsuits come from the Saudis or other U.S. opposition and the judge finds in their favor, would it be the military the judge or those who voted for the Bill that would be on the hook for whatever the fine is? Would that also be seen as giving aid or comfort to the enemy?
Honestly Lpdon, tell us why you disagree with the passage of this Bill. mI'm pissed of at Congress, not you. People need to talk about this.
On Wednesday, both houses of Congress overwhelmingly overrode President Obama's veto of the bill, which allows families sue in U.S. court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the 2001 attacks. Courts would be permitted to waive a claim of foreign sovereign immunity when an act of terrorism occurred inside U.S. borders. The following day, Republican leaders acknowledged the law may have been flawed, with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., saying "there may be some work to be done" to make sure it doesn't lead to U.S. service members overseas being sued. The White House had warned that it could have a chilling effect on Saudi Arabia's cooperation with the U.S. in fighting terrorism. Senior national security officials also argued that it could trigger lawsuits from people in other countries seeking redress for injuries or deaths caused by military actions in which the U.S. may have had a role. But top lawmakers said the White House didn't press those warnings until it was too late and the popular bill was already barreling its way through Congress. Other lawmakers acknowledged that they didn't pay much attention to the bill. Ugh, the one time I agree with the bozo in the White House, Congress over rides his veto. This is going to create a lot of problems for us and now we and our service men and women are open to be sued by the foreign countries they are in. Not to mention Saudi Arabia is a key ally against Iran? Do you think they will be, after this? I thought we were at war with TERROR, not the country of Iran. Why Lp? Why do you agree with Obama on this bill? I do too, but tell us why. Let's check the parts we know to be true. The White House HAD warned, yes they did release a statement well before the veto. This has been talked about before the recent release of the 28 pages from the 9/11 commission report. One could argue this was the sole purpose for not only the release of the 28 pages but the redaction of them in the first place. We all want what we can't have. 15/19 was told in the days after the event, it wasn't some missing piece of any puzzle anyone personally affected by the event so why would congress have to have waited to grant the already present means of redress for those who ENJOY diplomatic immunity? Does this or any concurrent lawsuit differ from any DIPLOMAT who committed a violent crime? Except for the fact that neither Osama nor any of the 15 or all 19 WERE NOT DIPLOMATS? Or were they? Seriously START ASKING QUESTIONS. Not just you Lp. The law may have been flawed? Bit of an understatement. As Obama said in his town hall, many legislators HAD NOT EVEN READ THE BILL OR KNEW WHST WAS IN IT. Really? Really. "there may be some work to be done" to make sure it doesn't lead to U.S. service members overseas being sued. This work WAS done. It is called a VETO. It was followed by more work called a Press conference explaining the VETO, and why it was done. Exactly why it was done which would be " to make sure it doesn't lead to U.S. service members overseas being sued" in reciprocal lawsuits. Senior national security officials also argued that it could trigger lawsuits from people in other countries seeking redress for injuries or deaths caused by military actions in which the U.S. may have had a role. So it wasn't JUST the White House making the warnings, it was the cabinet, the media, the CONTENT OF THE BILL THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN READ BEFORE ANY, YEA OR NAY, ANY VOTE WAS CAST ON THIS BILL. Apparently what the House thought we thought we would be thinking about what they thought we thought they voted on what they thought they were voting on this bill come November 8th was more important than what was in the bill itself (if that sounds crazy read it slower and blame Congress for their stupidity). 'could trigger lawsuits from people in other countries seeking redress for injuries or deaths caused by military actions in which the U.S. may have had a role.' .... Don't say a word Congress. Just think your answers silently in your head repeatedly until... forever. How many.... Don't even think it. IF you thought about anything aside from ELECTION DAY when you voted on this I kindly refer you to the INTERNET, where not only voters tell you what we think about a bill, what may or may not happen if the bill passed or failed, and the validity of the proposed bill in general. If that is too much work for you, READ THE DAMN BILL. If you don't have time to comprehend the contents and implications of the Bill, basic civics and reading comprehension classes are offered at community colleges everywhere. You also have the AUTHOR of the bill that should have titled it the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE ISLACALYPSE Bill. You might also want to look into the physical evidence of 9/11, which should have been the KEY EVIDENCE for any argument for or against passage of this bill. The case is somewhat cold but fear not, there are thousands of PILOTS, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS that are MORE THAN WILLING to present whatever EVIDENCE OR EXPERT ANALYSIS of any part of the event you are unclear on. That would be about 95% of the event but that work has already been done. "But top lawmakers said the White House didn't press those warnings until it was too late and the popular bill was already barreling its way through Congress. Other lawmakers acknowledged that they didn't pay much attention to the bill." You mean press as in press release, press conference, in the press room by the Press Secretary? Tell us then, how was it that this bill became ''popular''? Could that mean present in the minds of the populace? Pressing issue amongst your constituents and or lobbyists? 4 Americans lose their lives in Benghazi and government grinds to a halt to focus all it's time and effort to investigate into oblivion what congress was clearly unqualified to prosecute only to follow with redundancy every strand of rabbit hair dropped by everyone Hillary ever knew but HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF US SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN are put on the line by your complete ineptitude to basically THE WORLD AND EVERY GOVERNMENT AND COURTHOUSE IN IT and WE now are legally culpable for YOUR ACTIONS, below the level of COMMANDING OFFICER all troops followed orders and mission briefs handed or verbally commanded in keeping with the OATH WE SWORE to SERVE AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. WE are tired of hearing the LIE that there was bad intelligence. The bad intelligence was in the halls of congress, in house committees, and other lateral official and non official U.S. and international Aencies and could councils. If you want to honor the victims families and their legitimate claims there is scant need to litigate diplomats as the suits promulgated by this vomitous projection of law. There are plenty of camel droppings to burn in the middle east, the reams of poison fruit tree paper these suits are printed on are not necessary. And dduring this unspecified period of time when ''other lawmakers'' were not paying attention to the bill that was so ''popular'' what the hell were they doing? Playing pokemon go? Digging a hole to bury Clintons evidence and Trump untaxed income for 18 years? Breaking voting machines, breaking then last minute fixing the primaries? Fund raising and eradication? Selling Wells Fargo stock? Touring dumpster fires in Chelsea and Seaside Park? Bombings, that couldn't destroy a trashcan? I do realize that you are busy people, but really? What the hell was SO important to you that you couldn't DO YOUR WELL PAID JOBS? That you couldn't take 5 minutes to glean the grounds wherein such lawsuits could be filed? What happened to that loyalty to NATO or UN allies or the constituency en masse? A very accessible sidebar with foreign policy and national security members? God forbid you listen to thr president or respect his VERY REASONABLE action and explantation of why he vetoed the bill in the first place, EXACTLY what he told you he may very well do depending on the CONTENT OF THE BILL before it ever reached his desk. Poor laut Ryan... Yep, you got some work to do. The destupification of the House. Step 1, find every copy of the NIST reports, put 10 in a box in the Smithsonian filed under 'blunders' and start over from scratch this time don't consult anyone involved in the original investigation, prosecute all suspect people ( every NIST report and 9/11 commission contributor), they ALL perjuerd themselves before congress. |
No debate about debate...?
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Fri 09/30/16 12:11 AM
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are at the bar at a fundraiser in the Hamptons. Donald leans over, non-alcoholic cocktail in hand, and says, “Boy, Hillary. The media are sure tearing you a new one over that scandal.” “You mean my lying about Benghazi?” Hillary said. “No, the other one,” Trump responded. “You mean the massive voter fraud?” “No, the other one.” “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?” “No, the other one.” “Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my activities?” “No, the other one.” “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies, and taking bribes from foreign countries? “No, the other one.” “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without the benefit of the law?” “No, the other one.” “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?” “No, the other one.” “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?” “No, the other one.” “The funding of neo-nazis in the Ukraine that led to the toppling of the democratically elected president and to the biggest crisis that country has had since WWII?” “No, the other one.” “Turning Libya into chaos?” “No, the other one.” “Being the mastermind of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ that only brought chaos, death and destruction to the Middle East and North Africa?” “No, the other one.” “Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and slept through the briefing?” “No, the other one.” “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?” “No, the other one.” “The funding and arming of terrorists in Syria, the destruction and destabilization of that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give Sarin gas to the ‘moderate’ terrorists in Syria that they eventually used on civilians, and framed Assad, making it so that had it not been for the Russians and Putin, we would have used that as a pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet in power, steal their natural resources, and leave that country in total chaos, just like we did with Libya?” “No, the other one.” “The creation of the biggest refugee crisis since World War II?” “No, the other one.” “Leaving Iraq in chaos?” “No, the other one.” “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?” “No, the other one.” “Giving our cronies in Solyndra $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?” (China bid on it but can't confirm the purchase. Regardless, corrupt as hell) “No, the other one.” “The NSA monitoring citizens?” “No, the other one.” “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?” “No, the other one.” “ Me,, The IRS, Clapperand Holderall lying to Congress?” “No, the other one.” “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet? “No, the other one.” I give up! … oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware, when Bill left office?” “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one,” Trump said Now melt, you cucks Going to bed, have a nice day And since it's quite clear this is what the elites wanted all alongHOW IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK THEY COULD GET PEOPLE TO BELIEVE THEY CHOSE THIS thing. TO BE THE PRESIDENT AT A TIME PERCIEVABLY AS BAD AS THIS? Oh, I think that'll do it. They have been telling democrats since before anybody voted that she had 400+ superdelegates and she's the presumptive nominee. BREAD 17 candidate field with Jeb Carson Fiorina Christie Graham Paul Rubio Cruz Trump +8 more that couldn't even logistically debate each other. CIRCUSES and then the tiger eats your a55 THE END. |
No debate about debate...?
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Fri 09/30/16 12:15 AM
Who is leading the sheep? What do you do on the products they represent? What do you do with sheep on that product (get your minds out of the gutter I'm being serious)? What number is missing and what numbers do you see? Do you think this was an accident coming from the man that helped finance run and televise soap operas for men (WWE) raw is war. Do you think in his years of experience in SCRIPTED PROGRAMS and all of his extensive connections that this was an accident? You're being fleeced. He's not an outsider, he is a politician, and he's not conservative or republican. He is a white (with a bit of Orange) collar criminal. |
No debate about debate...?
The snipers were silenced, they have yet to be reached for comment.