Topic: I don't ever remember seeing a P -candidate ...
mysticalview21's photo
Sat 10/08/16 06:01 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sat 10/08/16 06:10 AM
or Presidents in fact ever act like Trump...there where some handicap Presidents like he spoke to like this reporter that where handicap...
this is how he feels about those that our less like him ... and women he decides to take down verbally ... becouse they just do not fit in his eyes ... and he has done much more to hurt our country by acting out like a child would with know manners ... he may be a nice man in private although many do not like working for him ... but this is not his game show these are people he is hurting all over the world ... he has tried to change his manner now for his writers and that's the only reason ... he is there for big $ ... and ego and power an to act the part ... but does not know how a president needs to act ... he wants to lead for his elite ... and for their gains... this was down right shameful to the USA . and a man not fit to be a American leader ... what will he want nxt what ever Paul Ryan wants...he hold Trumps political strings ... our world has been disrupted by many things and he is just not prepared to say know to some of these terrible things that will harm a lot of people if passed ...

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 10/08/16 07:00 AM
When I was very young, there were debates raging over whether America would EVER accept a candidate for national office who had been divorced. Ronald Reagan, in 1980, was the FIRST PERSON EVER ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY, AFTER BEING DIVORCED.

And now we have a candidate for the allegedly more conservative party, who is on his THIRD FOREIGN-BORN WIFE. Just to start with.

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 10/08/16 07:11 AM

When I was very young, there were debates raging over whether America would EVER accept a candidate for national office who had been divorced. Ronald Reagan, in 1980, was the FIRST PERSON EVER ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY, AFTER BEING DIVORCED.

And now we have a candidate for the allegedly more conservative party, who is on his THIRD FOREIGN-BORN WIFE. Just to start with.

after looking back their was a lot Reagan...
did not do for this county ...
guess that is why they called him a teflon president...

kinda like trump when he said I can walk down the street and
shoot someone and get votes ... and those that support him ...
let their children hear this and don't care at all ... what kind of morals do they have ... I wonder...

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/08/16 07:21 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/08/16 07:21 AM

I don't know. Maybe having a human in the WH will be a welcome change. I'm soooooooooooo tired of puppets and the clown show!

And none of them has worked for the people so far either!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/08/16 11:05 AM

Who are the sanctimonious prudes now? Liberals cast themselves as unadulterated free-thinkers, but are now outraged that Donald Trump talked “lewd” about women?laugh

As Jim ONeill of Canadian Free Press opines,

Apparently many of the pundits we watch on TV have been closet Puritans all this time – who knew? Many of them are the same ones that informed us that displaying Christ crucified in a jar of human urine is art; that murdering fetuses in order toharvest their organs is not obscene, and who insist that our children be taught the ins and outs of fornication at younger and younger ages (pun noted)—so one can be forgiven for being somewhat surprised by their air of affronted prudery. Poor dears, one does wish them a speedy recovery – hand out the smelling salts please.

So Donald Trump has feet of clay—guess what? I like him that way! I am so sick of polished, slick talking, glad-handing, backstabbing, dishonest corrupt politicians that I could scream. I’ll take the real deal—I’ll take Trump with his rough edges and sharp elbows, warts and all, over any of the oh-so-refined thoroughly corrupt bought-and-paid-for globalists being shoved down our throats. Now they are disgusting.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/08/16 11:37 AM

When I was very young, there were debates raging over whether America would EVER accept a candidate for national office who had been divorced. Ronald Reagan, in 1980, was the FIRST PERSON EVER ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY, AFTER BEING DIVORCED.

And now we have a candidate for the allegedly more conservative party, who is on his THIRD FOREIGN-BORN WIFE. Just to start with.

JFK was the first Irish and Catholic president and at the time that was a big deal. There are a lot of rumours about his affairs. A lot of people thought he was a great president,
but most of all think he's just a big deal for because he was shot. Nixon wasn't all that different from all the other lying, cheating politicians. Reagan was the first "celebrity" to be president, he really did pretty good considering what the Democrats left him. We all know about Bill Clintons thoughts on women and apparently Hillary is fine with it and his cheating. It was such a big deal that Obama is Black, but people forget he is actually half white, and half black. Donald's big selling point is that he is not a politician , but yet in so many ways he is. If we want to we can bring up dirt everyone. Donald isn't going to be the first controversial president. I really believe most people backing Hillary is because she is a women, not because what she can do or what she stands for. There are only a couple reasons why these people are the candidate's we have to choose from. The main reason is $$$! The second reason is the opposing parties were voting in the primaries to get the other parties weakest candidate on the ballot. Hillary will bankrupt the country, Donald will file for bankruptcy for the country and build it back into something.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 10/09/16 04:25 AM

Who are the sanctimonious prudes now? Liberals cast themselves as unadulterated free-thinkers, but are now outraged that Donald Trump talked “lewd” about women?laugh

As Jim ONeill of Canadian Free Press opines,

Apparently many of the pundits we watch on TV have been closet Puritans all this time – who knew? Many of them are the same ones that informed us that displaying Christ crucified in a jar of human urine is art; that murdering fetuses in order toharvest their organs is not obscene, and who insist that our children be taught the ins and outs of fornication at younger and younger ages (pun noted)—so one can be forgiven for being somewhat surprised by their air of affronted prudery. Poor dears, one does wish them a speedy recovery – hand out the smelling salts please.

So Donald Trump has feet of clay—guess what? I like him that way! I am so sick of polished, slick talking, glad-handing, backstabbing, dishonest corrupt politicians that I could scream. I’ll take the real deal—I’ll take Trump with his rough edges and sharp elbows, warts and all, over any of the oh-so-refined thoroughly corrupt bought-and-paid-for globalists being shoved down our throats. Now they are disgusting.

Talk about "desperate to excuse your guys' glaring problems."

By the way, it's not Trumps FEET that are getting him in to trouble. Just FYI.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 10/09/16 04:36 AM

Who are the sanctimonious prudes now? Liberals cast themselves as unadulterated free-thinkers, but are now outraged that Donald Trump talked “lewd” about women?laugh

As Jim ONeill of Canadian Free Press opines,

Apparently many of the pundits we watch on TV have been closet Puritans all this time – who knew? Many of them are the same ones that informed us that displaying Christ crucified in a jar of human urine is art; that murdering fetuses in order toharvest their organs is not obscene, and who insist that our children be taught the ins and outs of fornication at younger and younger ages (pun noted)—so one can be forgiven for being somewhat surprised by their air of affronted prudery. Poor dears, one does wish them a speedy recovery – hand out the smelling salts please.

So Donald Trump has feet of clay—guess what? I like him that way! I am so sick of polished, slick talking, glad-handing, backstabbing, dishonest corrupt politicians that I could scream. I’ll take the real deal—I’ll take Trump with his rough edges and sharp elbows, warts and all, over any of the oh-so-refined thoroughly corrupt bought-and-paid-for globalists being shoved down our throats. Now they are disgusting.

Talk about "desperate to excuse your guys' glaring problems."

By the way, it's not Trumps FEET that are getting him in to trouble. Just FYI.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
yep,definitely worse than the Clinton's forty year Crimespree!rofl

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/09/16 10:05 AM

or Presidents in fact ever act like Trump...there where some handicap Presidents like he spoke to like this reporter that where handicap...
this is how he feels about those that our less like him ... and women he decides to take down verbally ... becouse they just do not fit in his eyes ... and he has done much more to hurt our country by acting out like a child would with know manners ... he may be a nice man in private although many do not like working for him ... but this is not his game show these are people he is hurting all over the world ... he has tried to change his manner now for his writers and that's the only reason ... he is there for big $ ... and ego and power an to act the part ... but does not know how a president needs to act ... he wants to lead for his elite ... and for their gains... this was down right shameful to the USA . and a man not fit to be a American leader ... what will he want nxt what ever Paul Ryan wants...he hold Trumps political strings ... our world has been disrupted by many things and he is just not prepared to say know to some of these terrible things that will harm a lot of people if passed ...

you can tie and tie but there aint no noose,,,

supporters (not just Trump) tend to only hear or see what they want the way they want

and the media loves to feed it with empty allegations and spin that people take as fact and continue to repeat and promote,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/09/16 10:10 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/09/16 10:11 AM

I don't know. Maybe having a human in the WH will be a welcome change. I'm soooooooooooo tired of puppets and the clown show!

And none of them has worked for the people so far either!

dictators aren't puppets either,, are they 'human' enough to be a relief to most ?

Id like to get the candidates who know what they are doing, have built the relationships(in civilian world this would be called references) and hold the temperament and logic, and who have some EXPERIENCE that shows they have a history of reaching out to make a difference for others

this period of time is always disappointing to me,,,there is no other job where you can interview and be hired by coming up with dirt and reasons why the OTHER applicants aren't as good

every job I have ever interviewed for, I had to provide the history, proof, and responses that show why I AM THE CANDIDATE,,not why someone else is not

no job would have had me come in farting and cursing and just been relieved at how 'human' I was,,,,

and I understand that this is a different type of position, an almost all encompassing one where character , history, and demeanor are relevant because or the task of global and public diplomacy and relations,,,,,but I would love one election, where the candidates were more about proving THEIR worth, than disproving someone elses,,,,

germanchoclate1981's photo
Wed 10/12/16 03:24 AM
Edited by germanchoclate1981 on Wed 10/12/16 04:07 AM

Who are the sanctimonious prudes now? Liberals cast themselves as unadulterated free-thinkers, but are now outraged that Donald Trump talked “lewd” about women?laugh

As Jim ONeill of Canadian Free Press opines,

Apparently many of the pundits we watch on TV have been closet Puritans all this time – who knew? Many of them are the same ones that informed us that displaying Christ crucified in a jar of human urine is art; that murdering fetuses in order toharvest their organs is not obscene, and who insist that our children be taught the ins and outs of fornication at younger and younger ages (pun noted)—so one can be forgiven for being somewhat surprised by their air of affronted prudery. Poor dears, one does wish them a speedy recovery – hand out the smelling salts please.

So Donald Trump has feet of clay—guess what? I like him that way! I am so sick of polished, slick talking, glad-handing, backstabbing, dishonest corrupt politicians that I could scream. I’ll take the real deal—I’ll take Trump with his rough edges and sharp elbows, warts and all, over any of the oh-so-refined thoroughly corrupt bought-and-paid-for globalists being shoved down our throats. Now they are disgusting.

Yeah, but are ya sure?

Ya sure?

I hate to tell you....

This one's got legs.

no photo
Wed 10/12/16 11:26 AM
I just found this amusing:
he has done much more to hurt our country by acting out like a child would with know manners

Trump has done much more to hurt our country by how he behaves than Hillary or Obama?
NAFTA support? Doubling the national debt from a previous president that assumed more debt than ever in history? Grandstanding on no new taxes with record amount of taxes collected and continued deficit spending and debt issuing? Supporting wars in the middle east, supporting the arming of rebel/terrorist organizations? Helping the Taliban retake Afghanistan on a daily basis?
Talk about how Trump is not a good representative of the country while Obamacare (with no republican vote, so not representative of the country) increasing cost of health care, killing a lot of private insurance, hurting employment, finding workarounds and loopholes to the constitution? Spending a trillion dollars to improve/increase the nuclear arsenal while spouting a desire to reduce and invalidate it? Facts as fiction peddling, and at this point what difference does the truth matter?

But it's Trump's manners that have "done much more to hurt our country?"

Can't do anything but laugh at that.

Yeah, but are ya sure?

I like the pictures.
They're amusing too.
The trojan horse could have either Hillary's or Trump's face on it, based on the cartoon supporters.
Although if Hillary's face was on the horse you'd also have Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Central and South America, and Goldman Sachs climbing in.