Community > Posts By > wilkit

wilkit's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:18 PM

Have fun and good luck.


wilkit's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:42 PM

Have fun and good luck.


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 07:47 PM

Just from your responses on this thread and the fact that you started it in the first place says to me you are going to be a true father, one that is there. I hope you and his mother will continue to coparent with his needs put first. It's great to "see" a father that cares as much as you do.

Like I said before any questions feel free.


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 07:24 PM

Already on the island, not deserted but no one I love except my boys and friends.frown

Definitely the island.


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 06:24 PM

I think it suits you too.
If it makes you happy is cool.glasses


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 06:11 PM

<<Looks around...
Still in the same old place.frown
For now anyway.


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 06:00 PM

laugh laugh laugh
Too funny.
Have gotten good at it, a while ago.bigsmile


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:49 PM

Congrats Shawdow, welcome to the wonderful, crazy, frustrating world of being a parent. Would never trade it for anything.

My three boys (17, 15, 13) are like night and day, what worked for one didn't necessarily work for the others. I didn't really have anyone around to answer questions when mine were small so was trial and error to figure out what was best for each of them. PragmaticMind gave good suggestions to try. One thing I'd add though is don't believe the bs that if you pick up your child every time he cries that you'll spoil him, my guys are not spoiled, well not much.bigsmile I'm with her feel free anytime to ask whatever you like when it comes to parenting. There is no rule book we just have to do the best we can and what we think is right for our children.

You're off to a great start by giving him your love and being there for him, keep that up always. Have fun!


wilkit's photo
Sat 05/24/08 09:26 PM

Hi there.
Good luck and have fun.
Cool place.


wilkit's photo
Sat 05/24/08 09:23 PM

Hi there.
Good luck and have fun.
Cool place.


wilkit's photo
Sat 05/24/08 08:02 AM

buy a pack of condoms,a bottle of JD,and find the nearest single woman smokin

noway laugh tff You are so bad JT.smooched

Listen to what people are saying about you being happy with you.
Most women won't find a guy that is needy and looking for a woman cure to be attractive or a long term match.
Find happiness within yourself and with who you are.
Ever hear the saying, good things come to those that wait, be patient.
For goodness sake you are young live a little have fun!

wilkit's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:26 PM

Dr you're not the only one.
Happens to women too.

Those types can kiss my a$$. Really they are not that hard to spot. Definitely not worth wasting time on.

Kharma, what goes around comes around.

Things will get better Dr, have faith in you.


thank youflowerforyou

Anytime cutie.:wink:

wilkit's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:10 PM

hey peeps i can only check in occasionally for the time being, long sucky story

Great to see you again lady.flowerforyou
Hope things improve for you soon.

wilkit's photo
Tue 05/20/08 12:20 AM

Dr you're not the only one.
Happens to women too.

Those types can kiss my a$$. Really they are not that hard to spot. Definitely not worth wasting time on.

Kharma, what goes around comes around.

Things will get better Dr, have faith in you.


wilkit's photo
Mon 05/19/08 06:34 PM

cajun rice with sausage and chicken

wilkit's photo
Mon 05/19/08 03:40 PM

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
My daughter hates that questionlaugh

I'll have to ask my son that one.bigsmile

wilkit's photo
Sun 05/18/08 11:14 PM

Decided it's time to start a thread where people can talk and vent about whatever is on their mind at a particular moment, and get some advice as well where it's needed. So don't be shy guys, I'm here to help, and of course if anyone else wants to chime in, all the better.

good luck

wilkit's photo
Sun 05/18/08 10:59 PM

devil Stalking is fundevil

By the right one perhaps, you...mirror

wilkit's photo
Sun 05/18/08 10:46 PM

because most people get discouraged by the constant nonresponses, so they just look around and leave

sad but true

wilkit's photo
Sun 05/18/08 10:45 PM

who's the "we" do you have fleas in your pocket?? laugh laugh


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