Community > Posts By > Def03

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:22 PM

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:17 PM
Great! to funny

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:06 PM

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:00 PM
Wow that is so funny

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:49 PM
flowerforyou wish i had a cricket

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:47 PM

Def03's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:53 PM

On occasion I’ll construct some ABC’s and provide a name. Well this happens to be an occasion. Once upon a time there was a 31-year-old women. It begins with a simple commute to work. In 30 to 45 minutes her world is transformed into and entire different plain. Two legged creatures communicate in a pleasant manner. All right; Ill stop my lovely fairytale poop. Pretty much I recall my first encounter with people from that different region. A young man with his two daughters walking past me said “Hello”. My response was very graceful and witty. I simply stared with my mouth touching my knees. In my region people do not communicate or look at each other; wait, I’m telling a tale. When large amounts of fermented wheat and hops are consumed it seems to help with the communication issues within my area. Obviously, the guy AND his girls were tipsy: that’s the only rational explanation. Work regulations state drinking on the job is a “No, No.” Luckily, I’m employed with a company were communication skills are not a necessity. Since my communication skills were not working my thought is: “Where is the beer?” After making a rear end of myself a logical question developed. Why are the cities so diverse? One of the first noticeable differences is that my city is at least 15,00 people fewer. The teen reproduction in my city did not increase the population in my area. I never was the ACE of the class, but I am observant at times. What makes my little city so antisocial? Also, why is there so may AAA meetings. I decided to make a field trip, to the local mall for “RESEARCH”. (Attention all readers that are shoe shoppers. Shoe mart is having a excellent shoe sale) I mosey to the little café shop and buy a cappuccino. Different people walk from store to store. I observe tall, small, round, twig, and mature people. Really nothing stuck out as “ABNORMAL” and every one was pretty normal. There was the weird scarf at a little boutique that I would consider “ABNORMAL’. Eventually I go home and plan a day trip to the neighboring city. I take the 45 minuets drive to a very impressive mall. It actually has escalators: my town mall doesn’t have escalators. I will be writing government officials and remind them that my vote is the reason for their placement. The day has finally arrived were government officials finally can reimburse me for my vote. I will gently write my recommendation of a remodel for our local mall. Again; I find more shoe sales including many more cafés. I’m overwhelmed with plethora of coffee choices so I end up with an Orange Julius. Again, I observe tall, small, round, very twiggy and mature people all over again. Then only difference is that there are no weird scarves. I leave the spectacular building upset and tired. I was bumped, ignored, and observed as if I was going to steal hideous scarves. I bump into a person because I’m clumsy due to genes that were passed from many generations of clumsy people. I say “Hello” and apologize for the inconvenience. Sure enough I received a pleasant “Hello”. Security would be breaking up the fight if I inadvertently bumped someone in my city. I get into my car to drive back home and didn’t place much thought into my research. At this point I was just happy to be in the car on the way home. I get home and I start to write. I ponder for a bit and then come to my conclusion. The people in my region are not cordial due to the lack of escalators. They have to walk everywhere so their feet are tired and hurt. If escalators were built then people would not have to walk as much. There is an extreme need to write our government for the remodel.

Def03's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:50 AM
morning plk1966 waving

Def03's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:49 AM
I heard this over the radio. It lovley so I thought I would share
So do you belive me now
I guess I really wasn't that crazy
[ JIMMY WAYNE Lyrics are found on ]
and I knew what i was talking bout
Everytime the sun goes down
he's the one that's holding you baby
yeah me i'm missin you way across town
so do you believe me now

oh yeah i bet now you see the light
oh yeah what's the use in being right
when i'm the lonely one tonight

So do you belive me now
I guess I really wasn't that crazy
and I knew what i was talking bout
Everytime the sun goes down
he's the one that's holding you baby
yeah me i'm missin you way across town
so do you believe me now
so do you believe me now
Everytime the sun goes down
he's the one that's holding you baby
yeah me i'm missin you way across town
so do you belive me now

Def03's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:40 AM

Def03's photo
Mon 10/27/08 04:33 AM
Morning everyonewaving

Def03's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:01 AM
No big music artist in my pants

Def03's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:00 AM
99 bottles of beer on the way

Def03's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:12 AM

Def03's photo
Thu 10/23/08 03:25 AM
where is this type og info hidden?

Def03's photo
Thu 10/23/08 03:22 AM

Def03's photo
Thu 10/23/08 03:20 AM

Def03's photo
Thu 10/23/08 03:19 AM

Def03's photo
Thu 10/23/08 03:17 AM

Def03's photo
Sat 10/18/08 05:07 PM