Community > Posts By > rtaylor74

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Thu 05/08/08 10:15 AM
This was foretold in the Bible. The Book of Moses Chapter 23:11 says

"And behold! The Mutual Matches on JSH will begin to loop like Groundhog Day! The sky will become as black as sack cloth, and the ability to find a good relationship through digital means will be compromised. Woe to whoever is on JSH during that great day of judgement, for you shall get no new booty!

And you will KNOW! That my NAME is the LAWD!"

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Thu 05/08/08 10:12 AM
I refuse to date outside my race and will not accept anyone who does. Why is it that people feel the need to water down the gene pool even further than it is?

If I see one more person dating a Llama or Shetland Pony I'm gonna puke! These Human-Turkey relationships must end!


Stay in your race! The Human race!

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Wed 05/07/08 10:52 PM
My ex was so pale she glowed in the dark. I called her Casper. And then she left me for a guy darker than me... indifferent

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Wed 05/07/08 10:51 PM
I throw the scalding crap coffee on my workmates, laugh hysterically, grab a coke and smoke a cigarette.

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Wed 05/07/08 10:48 PM
Never know what beautiful experiences you may miss by waiting for the unknown. Life has a way of surprising you sometimes. Don't wait forever.

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Wed 05/07/08 10:47 PM
Beware... The Friend Zone approacheth...

I kid I kid... You never know bout women. Honestly, why worry? Enjoy your time with her, if it works, great. If not, then there are 6 billion people on Earth. You're odds are pretty good.

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Tue 05/06/08 07:23 PM
News Flash! Women do it too. With equal efficiency.

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Tue 05/06/08 05:05 PM

thank u.:smile:
ya,that guys retarded.
its guys like him that made me go gay in the first place

You let a pasty white skinny guy on a bike make you turn? Dang... laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 05:03 PM

come to the dark side of the force jedi

Wait a minute... I AM the dark side... glasses

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Tue 05/06/08 04:55 PM
Dude... If you can't find a girlfriend in CALI then there's one of two issues:

1) You're looking in the wrong places (i.e. anywhere but the Antelope Valley)


2) You smell like cabbage.

Since I don't know you, and I'll give your hygiene the benefit of the doubt, I'd say chill, head to West Hollywood and have fun. Oh... and take a lot of pictures. smokin

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Tue 05/06/08 04:41 PM
Hiding my porn. I'm running out of space under beds and sofas.

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Tue 05/06/08 04:39 PM
Nah. I just binge, purge and take laxatives. Next up? Lipo!

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Tue 05/06/08 04:34 PM
Edited by rtaylor74 on Tue 05/06/08 04:35 PM

I'll be the first to admit I was a "playah" for a while ... not in bed mind you, just dating multiples.

And that was exactly my take on it .. your advice to guys above.

I figured .. heck I'm givin' "back to the community". Becuz I had been played.

Only problem was I hurt a couple guys in the meantime. OUCH.

So ya .. payback's a b*tch eh?

My payback to her was brutal... smokin

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Tue 05/06/08 04:33 PM

Are you in an exclusive dating relationship? I think the only thing she did wrong was trying to lie to you in the beginning. I don't see anything wrong with dating more then one person at a time though. She should have been upfront with you and said something like "Whoops, I have the wrong number."
I myself think theres nothing wrong with dating more then one person unless you become intimate, then you should only date that one person. Now if you decide that you only want to date one person and you both agree...then of course, you shouldn't try to be a playa!!

Oh, I agree. I wouldn't be the least bit upset or surprised if a beautiful woman already has a suitor or two. Hell, if that's a sin when 'dating' in the beginning, then color me guilty.

But you hit the nail on the head. To borrow a phrase from the hood: "You aint gotta lie to kick it".

If you don't know me from a can of paint, what reason would you have to lie to me? It's not that critical... If you lie about something that silly now, then you're gonna lie about much more important things later.

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Tue 05/06/08 04:18 PM
So I met this girl online some weeks back. She was funny, interesting, sexy, and cool. In a word, I was interested.

One fine afternoon, she called me, and after our usual energetic and funny conversation, I asked her out that Friday. She accepted, of course... I mean, it is ME asking, right? smokin

So after a few more minutes of small talk, she informed me that she had reached her destination. She was at her mother's house, and was about to go inside... Cool, I needed to wash my car and pick up a bite to eat.

Then... It happened...

Taylor: Hello?
Chick: (In a sexy voice) Hey Hey...
Taylor: (Smiling and enjoying this sexy voice) What's up girl?
Chick: I'm at Main. Do I keep going straight, or turn left at the next light?
Taylor: Huh?
Chick: I'm almost there I think... I'm at Main. Do I keep going straight, or turn left at the next light?
Taylor: Ohhh... Go straight two more lights... (Pause)
Chick: (Sounding excited)OK, gotcha... Then what?
Taylor: Now turn left... (Pause)
Chick: K...
Taylor: Now look at your phone...
Chick: Huh?
Taylor: Look at the number you dialed...
Chick: ****! *click*

About 5 minutes passed, and after my initial disgust subsided, I texted her "Ooops..."

To my surprise, I got a response text:

"What happened? My phone rang, and I picked it up, and there was some girl talking... It was crazy! And it had your number. Did you try to call me?"


Of course I didn't let it slide. I called her later and made jokes about it, ensuring her that I knew it was her. The cell phone carriers don't have 'wires' to cross. Of course she denied it completely. Until the next morning, when i got a phone call, explaining that she needed to be honest. It was her, and she was meeting some guy she met at a club for dinner.

The moral of this story is:

Ladies: Men don't have a monopoly on being wannabe playas. Some of you try it too. Only, I can smell you out rather quickly.

and Guys: If you want to know how to pay back a "playa" let me know, and maybe I'll post my revenge. It was quite funny.

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Mon 05/05/08 10:47 PM
Hmmm... Why do I have that god awful R Kelly song in my head now?

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Mon 05/05/08 10:41 PM

I've found that I'm just not that into it if I don't feel something. Honestly, I'm a guy, which means that if I don't have some orgasmic release on a regular basis I will resort to car-jacking innocent people and breaking s**t indiscriminately. However, consider me a little old' fashioned in the sense that I will probably elect NOT to simply "screw" a chick just cause it's available.

Besides. Booty calls are waaaay too much drama

explode explode grumble grumble

Hmmm... Why dost thou grumble at me?

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Mon 05/05/08 10:40 PM
"It has seemed to me lately more possible than I knew, to carry a friendship greatly, on one side, without due correspondence on the other. Why should I cumber myself with regrets that the receiver is not capacious? It never troubles the sun that some of his rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space, and only a small part on the reflecting planet. Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion. If he is unequal, he will presently pass away; but thou art enlarged by thy own shining, and, no longer a mate for frogs and worms, dost soar and burn with the gods of the empyrean. It is thought a disgrace to love unrequited. But the great will see that true love cannot be unrequited. True love transcends the unworthy object, and dwells and broods on the eternal, and when the poor interposed mask crumbles, it is not sad, but feels rid of so much earth, and feels its independency the surer. Yet these things may hardly be said without a sort of treachery to the relation. The essence of friendship is entireness, a total magnanimity and trust. It must not surmise or provide for infirmity. It treats its object as a god, that it may deify both"


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Mon 05/05/08 10:38 PM
Yeah, she is aint she smokin

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Mon 05/05/08 10:36 PM
Were you sneakin a peek at my profile?? Naughty girl... I caught you.

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