Community > Posts By > MindOfChrist
A message of peace
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Tue 01/29/08 02:36 AM
Very nice. I'm not religious, but I agree 100%. People who always look for conflict are primitive, and hopefully through attrition they will be wiped away from Earth and replaced with real people. Dinosaurs ate dinosaurs, and lions eat lion cubs. Get over it. It's religious people like this assh*le posting on here that the world is in conflict to begin with. Want a real religion? Become a monk and study Buddhism. "The teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire, suffering, and rebirth." I was just reading these things last night. It is our own desires that really bring us our most pain. Religion ought to be about how we live and not on assh*le like myself trying to force my views on others. I think your comment has great merit. |
A message of peace
It is only things within ourselves that cause us to have conflict with others. I would say let us not look at the past or even what is the current condition of our society, but let us look ahead. Let us not look for who to blame or at the mistakes of others, but let us look to what could be, and let our past not become our prison also.
Let us not look at our lives and think of what we cannot do or acheieve but lst us have hope and beleive in what is good in one another. Let us look at all who are around us and in the world and see, there is no them. There is no need for hatred, prejudice, or any form of conflict to continue. Let us not look for reason of conflict or why conflict is inevitable, but let us look for the way of peace even if it is among a few. I am a follower of Christ, and though we may not be of the same faith, I can still call you friend, who ever you are. |
I agree with what you have said. I too am so tired of debate. I still say that it is only our desire to prove we are right and to prove to the rest of the world we are right. Yet do we know how to hear, do we have understnading. I still beleive but at times everything about what it is suppose to be is so wrong.
Even how I beleive with this, saying that I agree, in no way matters to the vlaidity of your statement. Maybe I wish to say, I am not here to debate with you, but to support you in the life you wish to live. I think people ought to beleive in each other, to support each other. Maybe it is not so much about agreeing on what we beleive but that we agree to love, to respect, to accpet each other for who we are. That is what we should always do before we do anything else. We should expand on each others thinking, to take it further, to seek for the truth and direction in which it would take us, rather than to take a position on it. I amy not agree with abortion, but should my feelings and beleifs dictate how others should live, amybe I could ask for the person to consider options, and if they can not and if there are not options then perhaps in this tramatic experience recieve support and not judgment. Many live with the burden of this for the rest of their lives, do I need to add a weight on that. Do not the wars government and religions cause more death than all of abortions. Yet even in this it is not the soldier was is dying for the country that he beleives in that has done any wrong, but the hatred of men over creed, power and possessions. Does it matter for those who agree with me or not. Perhaps what matters is if we treat each others with kindness and respect, no matter what we believe, there is no one here who has been made judge over the rest. We ought to only be judge over our own doings and that we live to the standard of the faith that is within us and hopefully that love for others wins out in our own lives. |
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Sun 01/27/08 11:49 AM
I agree with you. I do not beleive that governemtn should ever step over the boundary of faith and creed. Government is for the order and service to its people. I am against laws that mandate that others should beleive in a God because they are part of a Christian nation. I do not beleive there is a concept of a chrisitan nation. Christ said that His kingdom is not of this world. Yet there can be a Christian leader who serves the people, just as there could be a nonChristian leader, who seek to serve the people. This is a country based on religious freedom not on Chrisitianity. It does not bother me if they take out "one nation under God" yet it does not bother me that it is there. It really has no bearing on the life of people. I do not beleive you should force moral and religious codes on others who may have different opinions. I beleive that our faith is one according to lifestyle, according to an inner walk, according to love and transformation. I beleive that my faith does not put me in opposition to others. I am for their religious freedom just as much as I am for my own. I often think there are those here who misunderstand me. When I mention a scripture or some teaching it is to see another prespective which others can have to maybe understand something in a different manner. I am not saying that it is right fror them but that it is a way, a path an understanding that I live by which helps me. I will speak to Chrisitains in a way I would not speak to non-Christians. For me to write that I am crucified with Christ, never the less I live but Christ iveth in me and the life that I now live I live by faith in the son of God who died and gave Himself up for me. This would not really be relevant to you, perhaps from your background you might understand its meaning yet if I were to write: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. You would possibly see that there is little difference the outcome of wisdom. You are not a Christian yet you are wise; you are not a Christian yet to me you are more like a brother than most who are of my belief. Our walk is closer and our thinking is closer. I respect what you beleive and that it is what you who you are. I could say the same for Dragoness, I appreciate all the things that she says and her insights. I think we are all good for one another. I am on no crusade. The message of Christ is the Gospel of peace. Above all else I only seek to be a friend. I am here under no secret agenda. I wish you peace, perhaps do not look at me as a Christian but as a follower of Christ. His way is how I wish to live my life, not to impose my beleifs on others. |
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Sun 01/27/08 09:12 AM
Perhaps you are just not getting the answer you want. They is no way that we are able to have proof of any answer, if man can figure out what 2+2= and supply proof and a rational explaination then there may also exist rational replies to other questions ..remember MindofChrist you have to keep an open mind "hint" "hint" Yet what is 2, it is nothing, 2 itself does not exist except if there is two of something. 2+2=4 doesn't work except that if they represent some "thing". And also they have to be "things" of equal value. We teach our children that 2+2+4, but shouldn't they ask 2 of what. Maybe 2+2=4 should be taught to our children as 2(a)+2(a)=4(a) with a note that "a" represents anything of equal value or type; for otherwise we are adding a bunch of nothing. Yet have we not accepted on faith that 2 is always 2 of something yet of what none of us really know. |
sorry im going to get in trouble for this but i think its all a load of tosh...we are and love life enjoy and believe in yourself I do not think you ought to get in trouble at all. I would add beleive and love each other, make the most out of your life. Dont be afraid to live your dream. |
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Sun 01/27/08 06:30 AM
Perhaps you are just not getting the answer you want. They is no way that we are able to have proof of any answer, even your own that you could give. That is why everything according to this has the word "Theory" labeled to it.
Cause and effect is a law. For every effect there is something that caused it. Was it God, Is it that matter has always existed and it spreads out and then is sucked up all together to only explode and do everything all over again with likely different outcome that no one will ever know of all erased for ever, and this this will happen again and again for all of eternity. |
Christianity's Christ...
Often I think we all just need a hug.
I think the understanding of love brings us to something more than sex, it is about connection and intimacy. It is about touching and feeling skin to skin holding one another. It is timeless and without agenda. No foreplay just to love someone and to stay in the moment and having predetimine what you want to do and to do what you need to do to achieve this. I think many miss out by wanting sex rather than just wanting to love someone, to honor them, and to make them feel loved. |
What have we heard since our youth. There are two things you do not talk about and that is religion and polictics. Why? Again I think it is that which is in us that seeks to be right rather than to hear and undeerstand each other and each others position than the go from there in acceptance, peace and support, and work together for the good and well-being of both.
Abracabra, I am not sure what it is that you beleive, but what I do see is someone who is wise and full of life and good things. I already know you do not hold to a book as I hold to a book yet I feel we are not so different. You have already come to terms with not beleiving what I do so there is no point to butt heads with you, and I certainy have no desire, for to me my faith is a way of life and I respect that you walk in your faith the same way. I respect both you and your faith. I find no need to challenge it.
We all will never beleive the same thing. I do not think it is a matter of being right but according to the voice that speaks to us inside that says, "in this is life". That is why to seek to be right is not the pursuit of truth. I know to others this does not make sense. That it is life that we seek after, not something to grab hold of in our mind, but that which quickens our spirit. There is something inside of each of us that yearns for this, yet many focus on the physical life, or mental pursuits to fulfil this part of us. It is the same with love, many men are dysfuntional emotionally because of our culture then in turn women become dysfuntional because of the treatment of emotionally impotent men. We have put a wall, a baracade around our emotions, and mostly all we feel is anger, because we are allowed to do so. We try to use logic to undermine emotions not realizing emotions of the heart are just are real as the logic of our brain. So also our spiritual part does not seek logic or reason but something beyond that is life. |
I think It's beautiful. Thank you feralcatlady, for your kind comment. ![]() |
I beleive that we can do these things, are we just daring enough to try. I beleive that we can live according to love and peace, toward acceptance and honoring of all men, that there does not have to be a them.
I think man was create to live as one, ta one time men lived as one and they could have done anything, yet they were all living in one area and God wanted man to live throughout the earth, but I still beleive that men when they work together for a good purpose can achieve incredible things. Why can we not see the potential of man rather than to look at our past. Shall we let the past imprison us. I will not beleive this. I know that this is not exactly Chrisitain yet this message would also apply to the church for those who have a different understanding of it in a non twentieth century concept of it. We can be connected, we can live in harmony and peace, we see examples of it. If we can find a common goal. We reach the moon with technology that now is in the dark ages. Look at what athletes most become mentally in order to become a team. Man does not have to let his selfish nature, his ego, and pride rule his life. It is that we ought to love others as much as we love ourselves. Is there no dream, no daringness, no excitement, no faith in a world that could be one of peace and harmony with each other and nature. Are we not the only ones holding ouselves back. We will not even try, then try again, and never give up till we see the promise of what the world could be, what we could be together. |
anyone else burdened?
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Sun 01/27/08 04:08 AM
You are right about debate and stuff like that. I hate debate and conflict, because much of it is just useless, it leads to someone just trying to prove a point and that they are right. It has little to do with learning and acceptance and peace. We all could likely learn more form each other if we could listen or if we could get it out of ourselves that we do not have to be in conflict over differences, to understand we do not all have to think the same to get along, to love each other, to understand each other.
On this topic, that many of the writers of the Bible says that we are to consider our trials as joy knowing that the outcome is the strengthenning and purifying of our faith. James writes: Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. In the end it brings out patience, meekness, brokenness (which beleive it or not to a Christian is a good thing lol), and helps us to connect with others. Also we are to give thanks for everything for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you, and certainly there is also that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Perhaps it is to teach us that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is Christ Jesus our lord. Paul wrote: Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written, « FOR YOUR SAKE WE ARE BEING PUT TO DEATH ALL DAY LONG; WE WERE CONSIDERED AS SHEEP TO BE SLAUGHTERED.» But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yet Dr.X makes a point that many of our struggles and miseries we bring on ourselves because of certain decisions we have made or actions we have committed. Often we are the victim at our own hands. We feel the world and others are against us, yet it is just life and others trying to make the best of their life to. We can blame our failures and situations on God or others yet for the most part we really ought to hold ourselves as accountible for our own lives. Yet tragedy does occur and often events are out of our control which cause change in our lives. I am not sure that God has much of a part in this or not because that certianly has been debated about, yet what is the main thing is what happens to the inside of us, does it bring greater faith, wisdom, understanding, a greater compassion and love for others. I think too often we look for a God who wants to make our life easy and comfortable, yet God never promised this, He only promised to love us, to help us, and to give us wisdom. He promised we would not be tested beyond what we are able to bear but with the test would have a way out that we would be able to bear it. Christ also said, to come unto Him all those who are burdenned and heavy laden for He would give them rest, that we can take His yoke upon us and to learn of Him for He is gentle and lowly of heart and we shall find rest unto our souls, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. |
I would say this is true. The doctrines and teaching of men are more important to Christians that, as you say taking the lead. Life is about having adventures, living according to faith without fear. Doing things that are different, that dont make sense to others.
People do not like to be challenge in any way that makes them feel unconfortable or that threatens their way of life. Few will give up all to follow Christ because we no longer need to. |
Maybe faith is our best guess. Most of these things we will only know sure sure when we die, even if that is emptiness, dark darkness and all that we are ceases to exist. Even though many do not believe this, it is none the less a possibility.
For me again, I say faith is more a matter of what results in our life, how we live. It is more about the renewing of our inner man, that we grow, we progress, we walk down a path that leads us further into enightenment, and leads us futher into peace, acceptance, and love. |
Does our faith control the reality of which we have faith in. Do we each have a truth based on our own experiences and conclusion. Certainly what you beleive you beleive to be truth yet what I beleive I beleive is also true, yet they are not the same yet should I question what you believe because it is not what I beleive. Is what you beleive not true because I do not believe it, or is what I believe not true because you believe it. I still say it is foolish for me to think that all others are deceived if they do not agree with what I belive to be true.
I know a person like yourself has thught things out, researched your information, and have establish your faith based on the the conclusions you have arrived at. Is it right or even true that I think you are wrong because you do not beleive as I do. I think we then would be forever trying to prove that our indiviual faith is true and the others false. Do we determine what is true. I would say that I still think not. I dont even think that is the point. What I think is more important is that each one lives by the faith that is in them. I think also that our beliefs and faith do not have to be in conflict with each other, that our perspective do not have to change, but that we encourage each other to live according to the faith in which they believe. Isn't it more important to accept one another and their differences, rather than think they must become like us. All we not all searching for the truth. My way is only good for those who see it and want to cling to the same faith and lifestyle I hope to live. Should I place this on others. I don't think so. A man is changed from within, if we try to make someone conform that outside changes yet the inside remins in conflict with what this man does. You cannot make someone see. maybe none of this makes any sense to you. It doesnt need to. I do not write things here for you to agree with that I may know that I am right. I think communication and understanding is that we hear what each other is saying with the understanding of what they are communicating. I can understand something and respect a persons position and then choose not to follow after it for it is not in tune with my faith or it does not seem to stir life within me. Yet I can understand you, your prespective. In understanding you I can know you better and live in peace with you. In spite of all of each person's differences, many do as well as they can with the understanding and faith that they have. |
Whats so funny about peace love and understanding.. I am not sure what you mean. I am serious about this, I was not attempting to think of those qualities as funny but worth pursuing. |
Where we do not think of what is good for ourselves but what is good for the community
The idea of selflessness does seem philosophically admirable, but does it really make pragmatic sense? What is the purpose of doing good for the ‘community’ if not to make the ‘individuals’ of that community happy? After all, what is a community but a collection of individuals? Well, if the goal of is to make the community happy then the goal is to make the individuals of the community happy and since everyone is an individual of the community then they should have just as much responsibility to make themselves happy as they have for making anyone else happy., In other words, doing what is good for the community should automatically equate to doing what is good for ourselves. If that doesn’t hold true then wouldn’t we be living in the wrong community???? I think that doing what is good for ourselves must be in harmony with what is good for the community. If that’s not the case then there are some major problems with the whole ideology to begin with. That’s my thoughts on that. ![]() I beleive that we all can benefit mutually together. That we expand our vision of ourselves to include others as well. It is not that I want to have this or that but that I what I would want would be good for all others also. Do we have a vision of what mankind could become, and head in that direction, according to clean technology, health, spirituality, and mentally and emotionally sound. Can we find solutions to the direction mankind is going in, or maybe an alternate course away from competition and strife toward peace and the well-being of all. I beleive that it is more than sound. One everyone is working together progress is acheive fasting than working sperately independently. This may be a dream but we could dream together about how to attain a better world. I think it is worth the effort. |
I know for a long time I have had a cultist type of lifestlye and mindset. Yet there seems to be no cult in which I could be apart of.
I desire a cult where all live in peace and love for each other and in harmony with the world and its environment. Where we do no think of what is good for ourselves but what is good for the community. That there is no leader, but rather servants who seek out what is best and according to the needs of the community. It is a place where all are welcome and accepted and each see himself not as one apart from others, but one as a part of the whole. A place where we encourage each other, support each other, and beleive in each other and in the promise that the world can hold. A place where we no only respect and accept each other's differences but see them as an expansion of our own understanding and knowledge. That our difference are like the colors in a beautice painting, alive and vibrant. Each lives by the liberty and faith which is in him to be who he desires to be for the glory of God or for the the well being of himself and others. Is there such a place, if not we we try to make such a place such a world. Try and try again until we can get it right and live according to love, peace and respect and good will to all. |
MindofChrist: After having the promise of being sons and daughters of God , that we should not touch any unclean thing...
Who's defines 'unclean'? How does one arrive at the appropriate definition? Is a single definition all-inclusive? Now I know that fear is not the highest motivator but we ourselves use in on children to keep them in mine thill they have a better understanding.
Could you please elaborate on this understanding that you have? Even many times we may exceed the speed limit but we apply the brakes as soon as we spot a police officer. Yet we fear the ticket that speed limit and enforecemnet is really for our own good and saftey. If we all obeyed the speed limit there would be no need to fear and no need for enforcement. Yet I do not think this deals with terror.
Speed limits are placed out of the fear of what can happen without them outweighing what does happen with them. I personally do not adhere to the speed limit out of fear. I adhere to it out of habit, regularly exceeding it by 5 to 7 miles per hour, everywhere I go. It is a necessary public safety measure, stemming from irresponsible individual drivers. Or when our conscience is good and and our desire for respect and honor of others will keep us from doing harm and hurt to each other. Children who are such in this way have no need to fear their parent and possibly if all men walk in such a way before God we would find there is littel need to fear God, and more reason to love him and each other.
Conscience is determined by individual internalization. That which is accepted as truth within one, thus it's measure is inconsistent. The measure is determined by what one can live with. What would one do if one could do anything and 'get away with it'... suffer no repercussions, no negative affects... All children learn what they live... all of them reflect what they have internalized as truth within themselves. I believe that using fear-based spiritual explanations breeds irrational and irresponsible fear-based action. It lteaches one to jump to unwarranted and assumptive conclusions... I have witnessed the difference... first-hand... There is no reason good enough to belittle a child's emotional and mental functioning through a fear-based spiritual measure. Tangible reality instills appropriate fears... after a hand is burnt by an oven, then the child is fearful of the pain that the oven's hot surface can cause... as a child should be. Ethical and moral measures which use a more physical and tangible explanation are understood more clearly as well. Give one something which can be witnessed without faith in the confusion principles of the omnigod I am just presenting a positiion, trying to be see if fear does anything good. I am in no way saying this is the motivation which ought to be used, yet to many it has serves purpose. I do not mean to say that fear is the best motivator and that you yourself may not need fear to keep inside of certain perimeters you know that without restraint many would do much harm if there was no fear of punishment, fear often keeps some from that which they might think of otherwise. Because there are camera's, it may not stop all from stealing but many would fear the risk of being caught and what consequences that would bring to them personally. We no longer tote guns and just shot someone because we do not like them, though at times we wish we could. :) Some fear for even "some" who are good people help to keep them from doing that which they know is wrong. I think even if we do punish a child we make sure it is not because of anger, it is not to belittle and is none with not shouting, no demeaning remarks, but as the consequences for an action that would cause harm to themself or to others or for the lack of respect and fair treatment of others. If a child continues to run out into a road, and does not fear cars because if has been been hit by one, then we must in one manner of another teach the child to fear running into to the road. Perhpas there is merit in having the chid learn to trust the judgment of the parent by understanding that the parent punishes only for the good of the child, to keep them from harm and to learn to trust in the parents warning of the dangers of the world, so that the child would not have to expeirence these things. If you see a child put his hand on top of the stove you can wait for him to eventually get burn or try to teach him that is not something he should do. Just because you may not need to fear things to do what is right, fear helps those who lack respect of others and of the law to do that which is right. Perhaps even fear is a sfeguard for if I become weak or set aside my own guidelines. Perhaps many would kill themselves except that amny are taught they will go to hell if they do. I have thought of ending my own life at times, yet I think it is more because of the pain I would give to others by such an act rather than any fear of hell. Yet in some desparation I might get to that point and have to ask myself, do I really want to risk it. I was saying that we can be guided by a "good" conscience that does no harm to self or others, that respects them and their property and their rights as a human. It is not according to what I can live with but rather that I live by what is right. Sometime life is tiring and grows old and the ways of men hold little promise of anything different than what it is. I would give myself to change the world to show another way than the one we have taken. I often look for others who would desire this, yet it does not seem we want understanding who we could become if we were one together in purpose, resolve, and intent. |