yes that true, when you are positive, you can't see bad or evil in people
that's true. the same way , hurting people hurt others
How real are you and I?
yes and yes again I would say the same physical, there is no need to live a double faced life
activity partner
I think it means some one that would keep them company emotionally
hahahahahahah, very funny
you are right bro, black is beautiful, white is beautiful also. I think it's an individual thing, like for me am black, I love ladies but that does not stop from marrying a black or any lady I love. it's an individual thing I guess
history helps us to build a better relationship because we learn from experience
Sex with stranger in India
its horrible to do that, he or she is a stranger for crying out loud. it's very wrong
by nature I mean not name
sex is for the married, not for the unmarried, any relationship that is built on sex does not last because if you give any one your self at a plater of gold, he or she does not need to hunter for you, instead they get familiar with you and your body and they can easily get feed up . human beings are hunters by name, our desires are insearchable
Why love is so hard ?
that's the real thing to do in order to have peace in any relationship, even marriage
Why love is so hard ?
every person can be the right person, it's just a matter of right attitude
it depends on the individual involved