Community > Posts By > heathersaysgobucks
It's all the rage.
An HK USP9MM can solve this problem with utter quickness. ![]() I had to look it up.....haha. I'm not gonna resort to a gun just yet, but wow....things like this don't happen in my little neck of the woods. Well, they didn't use to anyhow. If I didn't pull out my phone and threaten to call the cops I think he may well have drug me out of the car and slapped me around a little. I haven't been called those kind of names for a while......... ![]() |
It's all the rage.
Road Rage that is.
I was a victim of it this morning. Dude thought I was purposely putting my bright lights on him and stopped in the middle of the road and proceeded to come at me in my vehicle shouting every obscenity in the book. First I was shocked, then angry and then scared. Scared didn't come until way later when I realized I was out on a country highway at 6 AM with nobody else in sight and I could have possibly been hurt by this jerkwad. I'm thinking of carrying something in my car to protect myself from now on (like a police baton...I have a couple). Mostly I'm a little bit nervous to find out if this a-hole is going to be driving my route every morning. Anyone else ever had an experience like this.......more than just the usual run of the mill flip off? |
picking your
Hmmmmmm. A lady does not speak of such things....
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I'm not sure it's about making them feel the hero more than it is just allowing them to be heard and validating their need for support. Sometimes that is good enough to get someone back on track.
I do agree, however, that we don't always know even half the story. |
Good Evening Minglers..
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Well it's not a new idea by any means. Good luck!
Go for it or stand down?
Awwwwwwww, why would you not go? I've met some of my best new friends (locally) on websites such as that. There really is no good reason not to, unless it's the culture thing. Life is short, go have fun!!
Can I just say.........
My week was slowly but increasingly getting worse. I felt irritable and didn't want anyone to pick up on it. Today...had to run to th grocery store...hit every green light there and back. 8 total, one was red and jsut as getting ready to step on the brakes it went green. That picked me up alot, felt like was getting a big "there, there" from the great beyond. ![]() Made me feel 100% better, this too shall pass. Ah, one of my grandmother's favorite sayings, which became mine as well. So fitting..... This too shall pass. |
My lady lumps ![]() |
Plans for tonight....
Forget all that stuff...I'm heading out to enjoy social time around a firepit! You go girl!!! Don't you have a birthday coming up too? Love the new picture! Let's see.....we just got done playing apples to apples and then I really need to fix my food for the last Thanksgiving deal tomorrow. Or maybe I'll do it in the morning. |
Renovating An Old House
Mine was built in 1917, my great grandmother. i'm the 3rd owner. You know, I kind of feel like mine was in the family although I am not family.....hehe. The family before me owned it until I bought it. The old lady I bought it from was born in it and her hubby had just passed. Was kind of neat to hear them telling stories about the house. |
Renovating An Old House
My house was built in 1895 or something like that, but it's definitely not historical.....
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Can I just say.........
Being a single mom raising 2 kids like many that have been there things were not always easy and we did not always have the things we wanted. But regardless we always seemed to make it through the hard times and dealt with the hardships and realized in the end how lucky we really were. Now that my kids are grown I was laid off over 8 months ago but ya know I still have it good and much better then many others. I've never been one that had to have the finest things in life I've learn to bargain hunt and make it with what I have found. Yet it over joys me to see others accomplish goals they are reaching for. One thing I have learned as long as I have the love from my kids and granddaughter I'm the richest one around. We must learn to not let things get us down for it seems some how some where things will always work out for us.. ![]() I bargain hunt a lot too. That may be why this new fridge makes me so happy. I have never had one with glass shelves and a lot of room..... ![]() And as far as everything working out.....I so totally agree. I think all these "things" happened this weekend for a reason. If it was a time when I would be sitting home alone with the kids all weekend, it might have sucked me into a big black hole! We had 3 family gatherings to do this weekend and it is helping having family around and being able to laugh about it. |
Can I just say.........
that life is one big roller coaster? ![]() Had an interesting couple of days. Trying to squeak out some bills late because I needed all new tires on my van last month and it put me behind. But apparently due to everyone else in the same boat the utility companies aren't very forgiving right now. So I had to borrow some cash to take care of that (which I HATE to do). Then the lift for my daughter's wheelchair broke, my check engine light came on and various other things went wrong......and in the midst of all that I had to do Thanksgiving and pick up a fridge that I was buying on payments from a girlfriend who was moving. Anyhow, all I can do is stare at my beautiful clean big new fridge and smile. Isn't it funny how one small thing can just brighten your day and make you forget all about the million other things weighing you down? It's a lesson I need to remember more often. Let's all try to make someone smile today shall we?? (and no, you don't have to buy them a fridge) ![]() ![]() right now, don't ya......I am sorry its all that at once. yrt I do have that thought always, that when it rains,,it pours. lol,,, As to simple making your day,,,,wink, My brothers home was lost on Christmas eve about 15 years ago... Everything was lost, including their pets. He asked me to help him that next morning. To go back in the daytime to see if we could find his dogs and pups. So we met their early and as we walked through the aftermath, lifting things up crisp and blackened, we gathered one pup and his female dog,,,,placed them outside in the grass, both of us fighting back emotions all morning, he just broke-down and let go his pain. we talked and hugged,,and then stared back inside, when he noticed that for some unknown reasons?, There inside his living Room laid last nights newspaper,,,unharmed,,,,he picked it up, and said of all things not to burn,,as he and I had THAT moment,,of laughter and smiles,,as we still felt the tears..... Little things,,,,,,,,,WINK......make life so special.. And to bring a smile to a face each day,,,is my constant hobby. Strangers make GREAT subjects to practice on,wink,lol Thank you! That was a heart wrenching, yet uplifting story! |
Looking for that Special One
I'm thinking we must first make ourselves feel wonderful inside......the rest is just icing on the cake!
Can I just say.........
Oh man....remind me to remember that.....cause tommorrow and Monday are gonna SUCK! I know darlin'......but you are being a good son. I'm sure you will make your mom smile at least once. |
Can I just say.........
that life is one big roller coaster? ![]() I can totally relate. Christmas around here is going to be tight because of damn car tires as well. Here's to all the "little" moments that make it all better. ![]() ![]() |
Can I just say.........
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Yep, it sounds like her guy was a dork.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. |
Where's that pic with you and galengirl and the Mingler crackers??? It's on there....I think. I'll have to look! And I totally get where you guys were going with all that. Just had to pick at you a bit. |