Community > Posts By > MysticOne

MysticOne's photo
Mon 08/01/11 11:49 PM
Yo...I wont lie...I'm kinda going through the same thing. After 8 years, I found it hard to stop hurting over her. Even after all the horrible things shes done and said to me since we broke up, it's like my heart wouldnt let go. When we were still together, I knew it was over..and wanted it...Then it happened, and it's like I couldnt let go. I honestly felt like I was still in love with her.
But the truth is...It wasnt HER that I missed. While I may LOVE her...I fell out of love with her YEARS ago. It's what I THOUGHT her and I had together. Its having someone to hold at night. Its having someone to show affection to and recieve that same affection from. Its having someone to talk to. It's the intimacy I was missing. It's hard to let go of someone you love...even when you know its for the best for both of you...and that theres someone BETTER waiting for you down the road...Letting go of someone who had such an important place in your heart is the hardest thing Ive ever had to do. But it's important to face the pain, and not try and make it stop. You gotta allow yourself time to grieve, then ALLOW yourself to move on. If you and he are meant to be, believe ME..The universe will make it so when and IF the time is right. If not, then you're meant to meet someone new. Someone who you will find TRUE love with. And babygirl, theres someone amazing waiting for you to be over this dude, so you and he can finally find eachother. Just take it one day at a time, and allow yourself to go through the hurt and pain, and it will GO AWAY. If you ever just want to talk or vent, feel free to hit me up. I know what its like not having anyone to talk to about this kind of ****.

Your New Homie,

MysticOne's photo
Mon 08/01/11 11:29 PM

i could be a belly dancer who spins fire while reciting poems in 10 languages. personally, i don't find an individual's uniqueness as intriguing as i find our quirkiness together attractive. but, that's just me.

Hahahaha VERY good answer, hun! You bring up a good point.

MysticOne's photo
Mon 08/01/11 05:53 PM
I know there's a lot of good women out there, even if ya'll arent always easy to find..The more original, unique, and truly RARE a women is...The more attractive she is...So, I want to know...What sets YOU apart from other women? What is it about you that makes you UNIQUE?

MysticOne's photo
Mon 08/01/11 05:05 PM
Well, to be real, the majority of us on Mingle have gone through some pretty traumatic relationships...and we ALL have our own self esteem issues at one time or another..Some people just either dont knnow HOW to break themselves out of it, or they dont WANt to. The trick is to not let it get to you. Confidence is hard for some people to maintain, especially after several failed relationships. Ive been there myself, so I understand...but its important to love yourself before attempting to find love from someone else.

MysticOne's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:05 PM
Personally...I just try to take everything as a learning experience my creator has given me to grow/evolve. Whether good or bad, its all just to make me stronger and wiser...So I try to just keep my prayers more about what Im grateful for in my life.

MysticOne's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:03 PM
Its never that black and white. It depends on the 2 involved. It could go either way.

MysticOne's photo
Thu 10/22/09 03:00 PM
Theres nothing wrong with him...He's very intelligent...Its just he has a different learning style than what schools usually teach. There are 3 different kinds of learning styles...Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic...I believe your son is Kinesthetic...Which means he learns better by DOING, rather than hearing or seeing. Instead of reciting his ABC's and whatnot...Try playing games with him that will help him get a better grasp of whatever it is you want him to learn or memorize. The more hands on it is for him, the quicker he'll retain what you teach him. Make it fun for him, and I PROMISE you he will learn so much faster. Our school system only teaches kids in Visual and Auditory ways...but offer little to those of us who are Kinesthetic. Get creative with it...but make sure he's physically DOING, instead of just watching and listening. Playing is always a good way to do that...and it even creates a deeper bond between ya'll. Try it out, and let me know how great he's doing. I'm rooting for lil man.

MysticOne's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:54 PM
Pimp slap everyone who drives an

MysticOne's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:52 PM
Every human is different....There are many kinds of love, and no set time period for a TRUE love to build. It can be instant, or it can be a learned behavior...TRUE love typically hits us fast and HARD...I've noticed that most couples, that have created successful LONG term relationships or marriages started out immediately IN LOVE with thier partner. Unfortunately, there IS the chance that the love isnt real, and is just infatuation...Which will almost immediately go away, just as soon as it started. To find love, we have to be almost delusionally optimistic, and willing to let go to a rush of emotions, passions, and heartaches in order to find that which our hearts and souls desire the most!
Who's to say what LOVE is!? If we're all different, then we all should experience it in different ways...Theres no ONE truth to any concept that humans can conceive...

MysticOne's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:56 AM
WHat about MAry Magdalene....? Regardless of the accepted beliefs she was his MAIN disciple, therefore should be considered equally important...However most Catholics are taught otherwise, thanks to "Saint" Peter...No offense to any Catholics, I just feel many thing the Catholic church did in the past is what is keeping from knowing the TRUE nJesus, and his teachings...
As for your question, there were MANY great MAsters from MANY religions and spiritual practices..Buddah, Jesus, Krishna, Vishnu, Mohammed, etc...So whos to say...?

MysticOne's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:47 AM
Buddhism and Hinduism...TRUE Christianity is peaceful, but RARE...

MysticOne's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:45 AM
Hard to say...I got a LONG list of them...but one of my favorite...Although it IS a bit too Christian for me...Is Testimony by Mack 10, or Elevation by Inspectah Deck....Shadow Boxing by Methodman and Wu Tang Clan...Also, theres this song by a DJ name Nujabes called "Feather"....But if you're talking about actual Ambient, or spiritual music..>We can go on all day...I prefer Middle Eastern and Asian (spiritual) Music...Hypnotherapy has shown me much on THAt front..

MysticOne's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:42 AM
haha Ok, THATS funny! Good sense of humor shorty! Thats what I charge (For Psychic Advice, NOT sexual gratification...)

MysticOne's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:41 AM
hahaha Thats pretty good...But the real question is, what man would PAY for that!? You figure that out, and you got it made cuz!
