Community > Posts By > funkyfranky
September 11, still ongoing.
I call ********. ==================== On this day in 1940, Adolf Hitler sends German army and air force reinforcements to Romania to protect precious oil reserves and to prepare an Eastern European base of operations for further assaults against the Soviet Union. ==================== Your 5k versus the Millions that Died on the Eastern Front. 9/11 diligaf. That Day, Normal Citizens started to become "potential enemies of the state" It seems like my first reply to your comment was not politically correct enough for Mingle. It's been deleted, but I won't blame anyone, we all have a job to do. So here we go with another more 'diplomatic' reply. During the second world war the USA sent thousands of their own people to help us out. We would have been deep in the proverbial without them. So ask yourself a question, if, and its a big if, going by your statement, but if, you were in power, and all of a sudden another world war breaks out, would you send thousands of your fellow Country men to help out someone else. A friend in need is a friend indeed. |
What I really want is a truthful meaningful relationship with that one special lady I've been celebate for 3 years and it really doesn't bother me that my life is sexless I refuse to give that energy to someone again until it's reciprocated whole heartedly if I'm giving you my mind my body and soul then I expect the same so tired of the mind games ,manipulation and so forth I'm old school old fashioned. When I love I love hard when in a relationship if there is something you want your partner to do you should tell them if the relationship has lost its life do something to bring life back into it seeking outside of the relationship for satisfaction is not the answer so tell me what do you ladies really want?...............prodigalsondc Well well well OP, to make life easier for you I've replied to your original post, my suggestion would be to to read it back and imagine it was a woman who posted it, and this woman was looking for a guy. I think what I'm trying to say is swings and roundabouts. Most human beings are really nice people, it sounds to me like you don't trust yourself, let alone anyone else. |
September 11 .
I love America and everything about Her, the craziness, the friendly people, the vastness, the insane amount of tips at restaurants, the big cars everyone seems to drive, the way they drive, bust most of all I love Mickey Mouse and Disney.
People may call me a creep, but I really don't give two shites what anyone thinks, I believe if it wasn't for the USA, I would not be here today, thank you for my liberty. |
Am I at all pretty?
So I've been told by many people I'm not very pretty, yes I know I'm a bit on the heavier side but I don't think that has anything to do with if I'm pretty or not, guys please tell me? Actually you're very cute, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I will say this is online and you're going to get all kinds of responses negative and positive, focus on the positive ones. that being said In MY opinion your 3 best photos are the 1 the one with you in glasses, 2. the ine in the red plaid shirt 3. the close up with the red hair. Again this being online you should always try to put your best foot forward. One more thing don't worry about being in the heavier side, you can always lose weight if you choose. But there is no cure for those with a rotten core. ..I.e anyone who told your not pretty. I'd agree with both above comments. |
2KidsMoms Hideout - part 5
OMG 2k, I just popped on for an hour and look who's here, where is Stormy. I miss the laughs we used to have, but I'm still making plenty of puppies lol. Hope you are both doing great.
I haven't spoken to our heavenly Father for a few days, I will tonight.
He can be cruel at times, and he knows I think he's an azz hole at times, but mostly he's cool and I'll get him in a good mood tonight, you'll be fine. |
Day 3 on Mingle
On the 3rd day God made dry land.
What's the rush. |
Try system restore. If not try the Dell forums, others may have had the same problem.
I need a God fearing man
No one should fear God, he's cool if you are.
It's hard to use, unless you learn it and use it often it's a waste of time,otherwise you forget it as quick as you learn it.
Like him or loathe him a lot of what he says is exactly what a lot of people are thinking, especially on immigration.
Send him across here and let him sort our immigration problems out. But before anyone has a go, I would remind you that this is a pg site so please, keep your hair on. No pun intended of course!!! |
what women want
Right now I'd love a McDonalds, go large please.
funkyfranky stated >>>
I have just read the news in which Mr Obama states that racism remains a blight on society. Well Mr President you need to choose your words more carefully. Your very words will do nothing but add to racial tensions and indeed will ingrain racism even deeper into society. This was not a racist attack, racism was the excuse for some vile thug to murder innocent people. How can we even begin to make a better world when our so called leaders refuse to see that society as a whole needs to change. We make toy guns for children to play with for gods sake. We make constant excuses for violent men yet we hardly ever just throw the key away. The bankers brought the world to its knees and thousands lost their homes and jobs, yet the bank bosses were given what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Inaction breeds contempt. The answer starts with education, what kind of society and schools do we have that teaches ambition is more important than self-abnegation. Our leaders give these rip roaring speeches against violence when they in actual fact, invite a lot of it. We need to teach that giving is better than receiving. We need to teach that your number one goal in life should be to help others, not help yourself. I learned more in school about Hitler than I did about the Dalai Lama and that simply can't be right. Seriously - you've missed all the things that Dylann Roof has stated - his RACIAL DISCUSSION's with his childhood friend - his ugly thought process about 'keeping the races separated'... RIGHT~~~ ![]() ![]() No I didn't see that, but I saw one of his black friends stating that he never mentioned race to him once. Regardless, society needs to change which was the point of my post. |
A although hardly charming lol
Things you want right now
A vodka would be nice
I have just read the news in which Mr Obama states that racism remains a blight on society.
Well Mr President you need to choose your words more carefully. Your very words will do nothing but add to racial tensions and indeed will ingrain racism even deeper into society. This was not a racist attack, racism was the excuse for some vile thug to murder innocent people. How can we even begin to make a better world when our so called leaders refuse to see that society as a whole needs to change. We make toy guns for children to play with for gods sake. We make constant excuses for violent men yet we hardly ever just throw the key away. The bankers brought the world to its knees and thousands lost their homes and jobs, yet the bank bosses were given what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Inaction breeds contempt. The answer starts with education, what kind of society and schools do we have that teaches ambition is more important than self-abnegation. Our leaders give these rip roaring speeches against violence when they in actual fact, invite a lot of it. We need to teach that giving is better than receiving. We need to teach that your number one goal in life should be to help others, not help yourself. I learned more in school about Hitler than I did about the Dalai Lama and that simply can't be right. |
sex on a first date or naw?
SEX on a first date: = SLUT WITH A DISEASE, HOPE THERE WAS PROTECTION = DESPERATE WOMAN WITH NO VALUES, TOO BAD SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND = DUMB WOMAN, WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE = COUGAR, AND WAY TO MANY OF THEM OUT THERE = COLLEGE WOMAN WITH NO VALUES, NASTY AND TOO MANY OF THESE TOO OH and lets not forget this one: = LONELY, HE WONT BE CALLING YOU BACK (SEE ALL FIVE ABOVE) OR You made a mistake, don't make the same mistake twice!!! Your answer = narrow minded It's almost like men are not inlvolved in this sex on a first date. |
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Lu Happy birthday to you!!! I know all about you and him lol, a little bit anyway, so happy for you 2. It's just so cute. |
I do it all the time. Haha Would you like a round of applause. You seem very proud of your achievement, well done you. |
Nothing wrong with a bit of dressing up and make believe.
Would you believe it if I told you I was a police woman lol. |