So, what do you think of New York's new governor announcing that he and his wife both cheated on each other? They both knew and approved. I suppose that is called one of those "modern marriages" where each spouse goes his/her own way.
I suppose it was a smart move on his part, because once the press found out about it, they would have crucified the guy. |
I wonder how arrogant this guy feels now that he sees the presidency slipping away.
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Thanks for your comments.
What a dad
Did you hear about Hulk Hogan being exposed for having an affair with his daughter's friend? After watching how he acted on that stupid VH1 show, I just had to laugh about it. Considering the way some of these public figures act today, we should be greateful he didn't have the affair with his daughter. |
Oh and lets not get into who should hang with who, cause there are some shadowy associations in the background of Bush, Cheney, McCain. So we do not want to got here ![]() Dragoness, Republicans (and Democratics) hang with criminals and crooks. People can accept that since they feel all politicians are dishonest. However, when you associate with racists/anti-Americans you are crossing a line that should not be crossed. This is what Obama has done and America doesn't like it. Obama has lost double digits in the polls. However, the Liberal Left who loved him to begin with still adore him, but he has lost the Republicans who are unhappy with McCain and he has lost 34 per cent of the Independents. |
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Thu 03/20/08 01:53 PM
I am not so sure if what Morris is saying is inaccurate since there is an awful lot going around about Obama being Muslim. Remember, Obama's stepfather was a Suni Muslim. They are the terrorists. Also Obama went to a Muslim school for a while. It is my understanding that Obama did go to a Catholic school for a short time, because of his white grandmother's influence. That is the grandmother that he trashed in his "great speech." It would be logical for Obama to claim to be an aethist to hide his Muslim and Catholic background. After all, converting to "Christianity" would give him an excuse to join a powerful black church where he could rise politically.
Sure white racists in this country or any other nation would not want to have a black man in power. It is such a logical thing one doesn't even have to say it. However, I disagree with you. I believe if we had a black president, he could "change the power structure in this country" and put it on a "bit" of a more level playing field. Whether you realize it or not, the tide has turned against WASP men and white people in general. Discrimination has become so openly accepted against white people that in Obama's speech, as I noted above, Obama felt perfectly comfortable throwing his white grandmother under the bus. He used her as the white racist counterpart to his black racist "old uncle," Rev. Wright. As far as your other comments are concerned, yes, racists will not vote for Obama nor chauvenists for Hillary. Actually, I believe the independents are going to decide who will be president. And if Obama runs on the Democratic ticket we are going to have a Republican president. Obama has destroyed his chances with the independents. They are angry over his lying. |
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Thu 03/20/08 01:15 PM
Dragoness .....
Obama shows a true lack of judgment in picking his friends/spiritual leader. Do we want a president who "hangs around" with a racist and someone who is anti-American? Of course not. Dragoness, it doesn't matter that Wright believes what he preaches. The man is teaching the black community to hate America and whites. That is wrong; therefore, Obama should not have stayed in the church. As far as Imus is concerned, it was in his contract that he was supposed to be controversial. That is why Imus won his law suit against MSNBC. Remember MSNBC had to paid Imus the money he would have earned, if he had remained on the air. Of course, Imus went too far ... you don't play the race card to get ratings. D. Morris, a former Hillary campaign aid, who hates the Clintons, because Bill punched him out, told the following story. It suprised me that Morris would go negative on Obama since Morris has made it clear he wants Obama to beat Hillary. At any event, here is the story. Obama was a Muslim and came to Chicago from Hawaii. He had no political connections and there was nothing unusual about him. He felt blacks would not accept him because of his white mother and whites wouldn't align with him since he looks African. So Obama decided to be black since he had the skin and features. Therefore, he joined Trinity Church and formed a friendship with Wright to make himself acceptable to blacks so he could start his political career. Obama hid his Muslim background and claimed he was an aethist. Whether Wright was aware of Obama's Muslim background is unknown. Anyone can figure out that Obama was very much aware of what Wright was espousing since Obama was Wright's friend for over 20 years and a member of his church for 17 years. Why did Obama chose to ignore Wright's rhetoric? It was because Wright and other ministers were helping Obama with money and influence in his political career. In connection with the above Morris claims Obama doesn't believe any of the crap Wright preaches. Morris also says Obama is not anti-American. However, Obama is in a bad situation since he can't tell people he formed his alliance with Wright for political reasons and chose to ignore all of Wright's hate speeches, because Obama valued his political career above personal integrity. Therefore, Obama has to stand beside Wright, because if he tells the truth, he is finished in the black community. |
make sure your facts are straight -- what really occurred was ...With the Rev. Al Sharpton leading calls Monday for radio host Don Imus to be fired over racially insensitive remarks, Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign avoided the controversy throughout the day. ...Not until Monday evening, five days after Imus's comments were uttered and hours after CBS Radio and MSNBC announced a two-week suspension for the radio host, did Obama weigh in, saying in a statement: "The comments of Don Imus were divisive, hurtful, and offensive to Americans of all backgrounds." Obama did not address whether he thought Imus should be taken off the air. The country, even in light of knowing racism is such a compelling issue, continues to bring racism into everything - just like your reply. Obama attends workship, he has maintained a relatinship with Wright, whether we like it or not. Obama agrees with him on some things, objects to others, this doesn't mean he should disassociate himself with a long time friend, even if the presidency is on the line. Finally, a candidate who has some balls, we should worship the man. Obama's statement was "I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude." The implication there is that Obama was calling for the firing of Imus. Yes, Obama should disassociate himself from Wright. Let's look at things this way. Suppose McCain's minister was a member of the KKK who wanted all blacks shipped back to Africa. Would you vote for McCain? Would you say McCain has the right to continue going to that church, whether we like it or not? Would you say McCain has a right to continue his association with that minister? Of course not, you, the Liberals, and most people of African descent would be in the streets not only demanding that McCain be removed as the Republican nominee for president, you would demand he be removed from the US Senate. You did it to Trett Lott for a much much minor offense. |
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Thu 03/20/08 12:41 PM
Not one commentator that I have heard has commented on something that I pieced together, and believe it makes much more sense that the radical teaching of Wright did leave a mark on the Obama's. We all know how close Obama was to Wright, that can't be denied, and he did admit that he was present during times the man said things "that could" be taken as being controversial. Okay, we know all that. But does everyone forget the time Michelle Obama said "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country"? Does that NOT sound like an opinion she came to after hearing, taking in, and agreeing to the radical, anti-American, anti-White, anti-Jew statements Wright has been saying for years? I mean, this lady went to Princeton and Harvard! How exactly does she and Barack connect with the "struggling black man, unable to get anywhere in life because of whitey" that Pastor Wright preaches on and made his wealth from? Michelle Obama's comments are a DIRECT SIGN that the hateful rhetoric of Wright not only seeped into her and likely Barack's opinion of the country, but it is also being displayed, her was the obvious slip of it. starsailor .... I agree with what you are saying. Incidentally, there is a video on YouTube made by someone like you or me, not a news commentator. It has Mrs. Obama making that comment, along with Obama lying about not knowing what Wright was preaching, and Wright spewing his inflamanatory remarks. Something else that is very disturbing to me is that I saw several black ministers on cable last night who said all black churches espouse the same teachings as Wright. The reasoning is that black people need to know what slavery did to them and how the white man continually oppresses them. All of the ministers claim that it is not racist/hate when one listens to all of the sermons. If this is true, then this is very frigtening that black people are being taught to hate whites by the ministers who are supposed to keep them straight. The black ministers believe that past oppression/slavery is not only an excuse but also gives them the right to preach these hate messages. Has anyone else heard this insane rhetoric that all black churches are preaching hate of America and white people? |
does it really matter
if we vote?with the delegate system and superdelegates really deciding who will win?the whole race has been messed up with obama not even being on the ballot in some states.i say let the people decide lets do away with the whole delegate system.what say you? You cannot make the statement that the whole thing has been messed up, because Obama was not on the ballot in two states. Even though Hillary won those two states, the dems are refusing to give those votes to Hillary, so that is a draw. In this instance, the superdelegates will not decide who gets the nomination. Obama has won the popular vote and the dems dare not let the superdelegates over-ride the people. If they do the democratic party will implode, because the black people will riot in the streets, believing and rightly so, that their will has been overturned. Additionally, the younger people in the democratic party who voted for Obama will feel disenfranchised and they will leave the democratic party. Therefore, Obama will be the nominee for the democratic party. He won't win because in order to beat McCain, Obama needs the independent voters. The independents are disgusted with Obama's doubletalk and his refusal to separate himself from Wright. They feel that this man who claims to be a unifier is nothing but a divider and a racist. Therefore, they will give their votes to McCain, and McCain will be our next president. |
Ok well we all know whats going on with Obama. That terrible pastor that he listens to. He wont put his hand over his heart to pledge alligence to the country that he wants to be president of. There were pictures of Obamam dressed in full Afrcian garb in Somalia. Wasnt Somalia the same the country that cheered as American soldiers bodies were dragged through the streets dead when we had gone there to help them? Shows respect for that crappy country but not ours I could do without this guy What about you all? Yes, half of Obama's roots stem to Africa, but the other half come from Kansas, which you obviously do not know is in America. The statement that no one other than Americans love America sounds like something out of Rev. Wright's book. Additionally, the remark that Obama will lose to McCain because he "isn't American enough to lead our nation" is another Rev. Wright racist remark. Obama will lose because he is a racist; he is playing the race card and believes he can get away with it, because he is declaring himself to be black. However, a lot of Americans are angry that this man who is running as a unifier is doing nothing but dividing our country with his loyalty and allegiance to Rev. Wright, a man who is racist and anti-American. |
I am not satisfied with Senator Obama's speech. He owes us and himself better answers on the Reverend Wright. In view of what has come out about what the Reverend Jeremiah Wright has said from the pulpit, Senator Obama's claims not to have heard Wright's statements seem dubious. What's more, the Reverend Wright's hateful comments and lies about America aren't unusual. Wright's hateful words are of a piece with Senator **** Durbin's (D-IL) 2005 comparison of the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay with the Nazis, the Soviet gulags and Cambodia's Pol Pot.
If Senator Obama hopes to live up to his self-proclaimed image as a uniter not a divider, he's going to have to do better than offer evasions about what he's heard in church on Sunday. He needs to reject not just the Reverend Wright, but the entire Hate America Left that Wright is a part of. |
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Wed 03/19/08 04:15 PM
One of the aftermaths of Imus and his racial slurs to the Rutgers Women's Basketball team came on April 11, 2007. On that day, Senator Obama made the following statements "I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus, but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."
Furthermore, Sen. Barack Obama called for the firing of talk radio host Don Imus who referred to the women as "nappy headed hoes." Obama said he would never again appear on Imus' show, which had been broadcast on CBS Radio and MSNBC television. Obama said he appeared once on Imus' show two years ago, and "I have no intention of returning." Obama said Imus "didn't just cross the line. He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women -- who I hope will be athletes -- that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting." Although every presidential candidate had decried the racist remarks, Obama was the first one to say Imus should lose his job for them. Let's move ahead one year later where we discover Obama's spiritual advisor has been saying a lot of racist and anti-American remarks much more inflamatory than Imus. Additionally, these remarks were not one-time occurences, but have been going on for 30 years. Why didn't Obama disassociate himself from Rev. Wright? Obama said Imus fed into the worst stereotypes. What about Wright saying "White America invented AIDS to kill off the black man" and that it shouldn't be "God bless America. It is God damn White America." Isn't that feeding into an even worst stereotype than Imus' remarks? How come Obama didn't demand Wright step down from his pulpit at some time during the 20 years Obama had a relationship with the man? How come Obama kept the man on not only as his spiritual advisor but also put him on his campaign staff for the presidency? There is something very very wrong about this picture of Obama, and it is summed up by the fact that in Obama's world, blacks can be racist; whites cannot. |
mightas me
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Wed 03/19/08 03:27 PM
not the best but rate me! I would not put a pic with your baby as your main photo. It gives the impression that you are looking for a father for the baby and that is scary to guys. Put in more about yourself and leave out that remark about guys running off once they find out you have two kids. Don't put the thought into the men's minds. Put a decent paragraph about you .... make yourself interesting .... show the photos of the two children. Do not say anything about them other than that you have two children. Sure you love them and they are your world, but you are on a dating site and you cannot shove your children in the men's faces. Give the guys a chance to know you and have a few dates with you before you put the kids in their face. Also, leave out "playing with the kids," since that is a given and once again you are pushing your children in a man's face before he even gets to know you. |
I will be writing in Ron Paul. The other 3 just seem to be pretty much the same person just different looking. Stop watching CNN ABC **** it doesn't help. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nicely said. I have to disagree. Hillary is a socialist. Obama is a racist and far more liberal than Hillary. McCain is a RINO. Ron Paul ..... I am going to give him his own little paragraph. What can I say about him? He is married to a "teeny bopper" a head and a half taller than he. His ears are bigger than Prince Charles. Oh yes, that is a true fact. However, Ron Paul is the man to be president, if we are ever invaded by aliens from outer space since Ron Paul not only believes in them, but also has seen UFO's. |
"if you could pick anyone older that McCain..." How about Abe Vigoda or Bea Arthur? Betty White? |
New Pic
<---is this a pretty picture? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You are an attractive woman. So any pic you post is going to show you off as being a pretty woman. My point is that since you have it, why not flaunt it! So post a photo where you are smiling and put a tee shirt on that does something for you. |
Edited by
Wed 03/19/08 03:06 PM
I'm not looking for anymore opinions I like where I'm at now ![]() Andrew..... Your profile is wonderful and I like your new pic. You don't need to put anything about your grades. The fact that you plan to go to Rutgers indicates you are a good student. Good luck to you. |
I just started
Hello !!!!!! I am Galen, check me out and tell me what you think. Hi, I love your profile. I think it is great. One suggestion .... can you do something about your pic so that the top of your head isn't cut off? It makes you look bald. You took my suggestion! Wow! You look great! This is a much better picture. You should attract lots of pretty women. Good luck to you. |