screw obama
He's racist! Against white people! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Go Hill, Go! She our man! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() mnhiker..... There you go again! The moment anyone says one negative against Obama, Tinky Winky starts with the emoticons. |
Edited by
Fri 03/28/08 12:29 AM
why do guys keep emailing me? I am not gay!!! and why do the girls never email me back what is so wrong with me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, ignore all the mean remarks about being gay. You asked for suggestions not derogatory retorts. Second, put up a better pic for your main photo, one without the hat. Additionally, leave only one of the half-nude photos posted. Although they are very sexy, don't flaunt it too much since it makes you appear full of yourself. Your profile says nothing. You need to talk about yourself. Delete the "dumb job" bit; never sound negative. Eliminate the "Just sick of falling for the wrong girls." since that makes you sound like a loser. The "what to know more? just email me I am to tired to write more thanks Send me a message!" is no good. A gal doesn't want a guy who doesn't even have the energy to write a decent profile since she is going to wonder if you are going to be "too tired" to go out on a date. Write something about your likes .... movies, concerts, willing to do what your date wants to do, walking, beach, whatever. You need to make yourself appealing. |
1-10 how bad?
You need a brighter pic. I had to look twice to get an idea of what you look like. If the photo were brighter, you'd be a 9.
Edited by
Fri 03/28/08 12:06 AM
I just changed my profile to this.... I have received a ton of e-mails and views since. I think its absolutely perfect....need opinions. I am not following you. If you are receiving a ton of emails and views, then why initiate this thread? If your profile is absolutely perfect, once again, why start this thread? When I first looked at your pic, I thought "what a handsome man." However, after reading your profile I was completely turned off. I have no idea whether you are full of yourself or trying to be funny, but it doesn't work. Eliminate "I am a masterpiece. I am your lottery ticket." You should be telling a woman she is those things, not saying that about yourself. That works when a man says it in person; it becomes funny. However, saying that about yourself in your profile makes you appear full of yourself. Once a woman gets the impression that you are conceited, then you are no longer a good-looking man, you become someone she starts tearing apart. It is the same with "I am the reason for your insomnia, I am the jog that increased your heart rate. I am the song you can't get out of your head." Once again, you sound as if you are in love with yourself. Women want you to be enamored with them, not yourself. The following makes you sound not only conceited, but also aloof "I am unapproachable." Delete it. |
cowboy hat
should i get rid of the hat??? You look real sexy in it, but one can't see your face. I would use the cowboy hat/picture as a secondary photo. |
You are angry over my initiating threads about Obama. You do not want to hear it. All you want to do is bash Bush. It would do you well to listen to the message and quit going after me and Lindyy. |
Ut Ohhhhh
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Thu 03/27/08 11:33 PM
mnhiker...... But you put YOUR mind in the gutter when YOU signed yourself as Tinky Winky. You need to learn the adage "If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't wear it." What part of 'no sexual connotations whatsoever' did you not get? ![]() mnhiker...... Hey you signed yourself Tinky Winky. I didn't; you did. So, now you are stuck with it by your own doing. |
and of course .... you have to post your usual doom and gloom and anti-Americanism. And a Happy Easter Sunday to you too!
Which religion, and which politics? Our politics here in Australia are a long way from any Christian belief....actually they are a fair way from any religion...although the new Prime Minister has an honourable and respectful methodology.... Obviously not a religious politician... but an honourable human... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jesse...... Which Australia are you talking about? I had a course a few years back entitled "The World's Religions." I remember reading that over two-thirds of Australians are Christian in some way. One-sixth of the population have no religious beliefs, and the remaining are a mixture of various world's religions. ![]() ![]() ![]() Go ahead and read all you want.... was that in the human resource course? The one where you show how good you are at relating to humans??? The stats are there... try Bureau of statistics... the different is, there is a minority of religious fervour here, and a minority of religion governing the laws, unlike some countries that shall remain namelss.. ![]() Jesse .... Your post doesn't make sense. I reference a textbook I had at Penn. You are using stats from the Internet. What is the difference and why is it "a bit lame [for me to use] someone else's line", particularly when I cite the source? As you pointed out, I am an HR person. Therefore, it is natural for me to go to an expert for religious stats. You are showing your ignorance by asking, if my taking "The World's Religions" has to do with Human Resources. When one goes to a college/university, a specific number of diversified courses are required. Taking "The World's Religions" counted as one of those necessary courses and has little to do with HR. |
When I was in college, I took the course, The World's Religions. The author of the textbook is Huston Smith. Was it by any chance the same textbook as yours? I took the course at Penn in 2003 and I believe it was the same author. It was a great course. |
Ut Ohhhhh
But you put YOUR mind in the gutter when YOU signed yourself as Tinky Winky. You need to learn the adage "If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't wear it." |
Bush's Legacy
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Thu 03/27/08 11:32 AM
What is with the picture of Jerry Falwell? I KNOW you cannot be a follower of his. ![]() Lindyy ![]() it humors me It has to do with Tinky Winky. mnhiker will get the humor. ![]() |
Bush's Legacy
President Bush will leave one important legacy. Not the high gas prices or the blunder in Iraq. His mismanagement of this country has galvanized voters to vote. People who have never considered voting important, which in my eyes is ridiculous, are getting motivated to vote this election. Arizona is almost at 80 percent voters ready to vote this election. Elsewhere the registrations are up also. For once the system may work like it is supposed to work, for the people by the people ![]() You are absolutely right, except that you put a "mis" in front of "mismanagement." You mean "management." Oh, yes the voters are galvanized to vote Republican, John McCain. After all, who in the world wants to vote for Hillary or Obama?! Hillary and her "mistakes" about the sniper fire. And Obama and his not knowing about Rev. Wright's anti-American rants. Between the two of them, they will implode the Democratic Parlty what with the way they are tearing each other apart. And there is so much dirty laundry being aired by both of them. It is the Democratic debacle that will put John McCain in the White House. Oh yes, the voters are galvanized against the Democratics and for the Republicans. There are many who will vote dem, I am hoping more than the disillusioned bunch who will vote for McCain. Actually there might not be a Democratic Party considering the way Obama and Hillary are imploding it. ![]() Oh yes, many will vote Republican including the Independents who have become disillusioned with Hillary and Obama. Therefore, McCain will be our next president. |
mnhiker...... So you seldom eat cookies, but the last cookies you ate were gourmet macadamia nut given to you by your friend. You did not need to share the information that you either have few friends or that your friends seldom give you cookies.
No, cookies do not taste sweeter when they come from a friend. They taste much better when, like mine, they come on a regular basis from a son. Conservatives don't always pick the best candidate? Look at what you Liberals have picked! Hillary and Obama! What a big joke! They are not only tearing each other apart, but they are also imploding the Democratic Party. Is this the best the Democratic Party could have gotten? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
McCain on Foreign Policy
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Thu 03/27/08 11:08 AM
It is curious, as Lindyy pointed out, how you would know what FOX is doing when you claim you do not have cable? Oh, I get it .... it is a Hillary thing ..... you made a "mistake" when you spoke. Of course. Shall we call you Hillary in lieu of Twinky Winky? ![]() Your reply to my post is "whatever" and "biased," which is what one says when called out as being wrong. You have better things to do than watch cable tv? Considering your one-sided slant of the world/politics, it would do you well to watch cable and become informed. Who cares, if it was Obama's white grandmother or white mother? You are doing the picky spellcheck thing, which is another sign of desperation on your part to cover up your lack of insight as to Obama's politics. You say that most white people of that era would probably cringe if they saw a black man walking down the street? Jessie Jackson made that statement in 1993. Your racism is showing mnhiker .... better tone it down. You ask who cares about Jesse Jackson? That is another racist statement. Most of the black population consider him their leader and probably put him above any president of the USA, whether it be a Republican or Democrat. Our troops are going to be in Iraq for 100 years? Once again, get some real facts so you can quit pulling numbers out of the air. |
McCain on Foreign Policy
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Thu 03/27/08 10:50 AM
Lindyy should check her spelling? She made one error. We all make mistakes when we post. After all, this is not a college course where we are being graded. Don't get me started on your spelling/grammar since you continually make more than one error. You know what she posted is correct; therefore, you make a pathetic attempt to find fault with her grammar/spelling. You are not sure what Obama's wife meant when she said that she has never been proud of America in her entire adult life until her husband ran for president? Let me explain .... her comments are racist and anti-America. Cherry picking? Isn't that what you do referring to McCain's health and age? You ignore every good point about him and zone in on age and appearance. Now you are angry, because I made a comment about the picture you posted on your profile. This happened because YOU deflected the debate from facts to appearance. Because YOU turned the discussion to health, I could not help but note that McCain looks younger than his years and is a vigorous looking man, whereas you, based on your photo in your profile, do not appear as well as McCain in those areas. Yes, I have listened to Obama's race speech and noted he ignored the central issue, which is why he sat in a pew for 17 years listening to hate-America rhetoric and not only stayed with the church, but also donated a huge amount of money to it. Our troops ... a timetable for withdrawal of US troops cannot be set. I cannot explain that to you since you are like a child wanting what you want here and now and do not care to listen to reason. Yes ..... Obama is scary to Republicans and Independents since he has shown he is one of the most liberal senators in the US Senate and is nothing but another Hillary. Incidentally, you keep inferring that I am racist since I started three threads on a man whose Liberal/Political agenda I am against. Consider the following, Obama says his white mother is a "typical white person in that she cringes when a black man crosses her path," the assumption being that she is alone and it is dark. If being afraid of a black man in the afore-mentioned scenario makes one a "typical white person" then is that what you would call Jesse Jackson? He said the same thing per the New York Times article by BOB HERBERT, published December 12, 1993. Here is part of the New York Times' lengthy article .... "Jesse Jackson is traveling the country with a tough anti-crime message that he is delivering to inner-city youngsters. In Chicago he said, 'There is nothing more painful to me (Jessie Jackson) at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery -- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.'" Your comments? I started three threads on Obama because he is defending Rev. Wright's political beliefs. Mnhiker, you need to know that as a conservative, it is what people do, or the way they present themselves politically that turns me against them wherein I do not want to vote for them and it has nothing to do with racism. This is why I am against Obama. As a last thought, you said you do not have cable TV; invest in it and watch FOX, CNN, MSNBC and other cable channels. It is good to watch/listen to liberal, conservative, and far right to get a good perspective. This is what you need; you are a man in a box that smacks of nothing but liberal left. |
Bush's Legacy
President Bush will leave one important legacy. Not the high gas prices or the blunder in Iraq. His mismanagement of this country has galvanized voters to vote. People who have never considered voting important, which in my eyes is ridiculous, are getting motivated to vote this election. Arizona is almost at 80 percent voters ready to vote this election. Elsewhere the registrations are up also. For once the system may work like it is supposed to work, for the people by the people ![]() You are absolutely right, except that you put a "mis" in front of "mismanagement." You mean "management." Oh, yes the voters are galvanized to vote Republican, John McCain. After all, who in the world wants to vote for Hillary or Obama?! Hillary and her "mistakes" about the sniper fire. And Obama and his not knowing about Rev. Wright's anti-American rants. Between the two of them, they will implode the Democratic Parlty what with the way they are tearing each other apart. And there is so much dirty laundry being aired by both of them. It is the Democratic debacle that will put John McCain in the White House. Oh yes, the voters are galvanized against the Democratics and for the Republicans. |
McCain on Foreign Policy
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Thu 03/27/08 04:45 AM
Thanks for initiating this thread since it gives all of us the opportunity to see that in addition to John McCain being the candidate who has the greatest knowledge of Foreign Policy, he has strength, integrity, solidity and dependability, important assets for a future president. Additionally, McCain is looking better and better as he tours Iraq and Israel, particularly as we look at Obama and Hillary tearing each other apart. These two Democrats are showing us that they are weak and not very honest what with all the dirt that's coming out on both of them. Thanks again for letting us see the difference between the three candidates. |
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Thu 03/27/08 04:14 AM
What is everyone's opinion on revenge? I mean if you knew that you couldn't get caught taking revenge on someone that you didn't like or someone that did a wrong (whether or not it was an ex). I should say getting even with someone! Would you or would you not? Michelle..... If you are talking about true revenge, which is a simple logical fallacy, of the same design as "two wrongs make a right," here is my opinion. True revenge requires that the person who did us wrong knows that we are taking revenge. However, one needs to wait a while before getting even. The reasoning is ...... "revenge is a dish best served cold." In other words wait and take your revenge when the person least expects it. It is also better not to rush since emotional detachment and planning ("cold blooded") are best for taking revenge. Additionally and most important, true revenge must echo the concept of justice since the goal is to force the one we are taking revenge on to suffer the same degree of pain that was inflicted on us. |
Possibly needs improvement
I don't know if it's my profile or just me. Let me know what you think. Okay, here is what I think. Omit "I 've had nothing but bad luck in relationships." We all have bad luck, but it is something one should not admit to since it implies that there is something wrong with you. Delete "Blah blah blah." You sound like a wiseguy. Good grief! Erase "I've never been attractive to most women I guess." You are a nice-looking guy. Saying that is a turn off since no woman wants a man who is not attractive to most women. Also leave out "It's not like I don't try but apparently everyone wants a little dude who is going to treat them wrong." You are complaining and making youself sound like a loser. Leave the rest of your essay as it is; it is great. |