Community > Posts By > Butterfly7

Butterfly7's photo
Mon 05/18/20 07:40 PM
58 degrees here with no wind. :)

Butterfly7's photo
Mon 05/18/20 07:31 PM
I honestly think he looks "bad" is because when can he SLEEP? its one problem after another, some virus and lots of Democrats. the hydro stuff he is taking is branded Plaquenil and is a very old malaria medicine. It has a lot of bad side effects like any med does. For 2 years my rheumatologist tried to make me take it for fibromyalgia pain. I refused. Finally she said it was important that I try it. I told her goodbye and to send all my records to my general practitioner. He said I made a wise choice because its basically for malaria....but FDA okayed it for other things too. I think our Prez is just worn out. I know I would be.

Butterfly7's photo
Mon 05/18/20 07:08 PM
Rock, i appreciate you feeding the ravens. Mom had one that dropped out af a nest. she babied it and fed it. Dad built a huge cage, and she taught the bird to talk just like a parrot. Had him about 4 years.

Butterfly7's photo
Mon 05/18/20 07:07 PM
I have 5 bird feeders and BUY feed. did you know the very worst thing is rice thrown at weddings? if birds eat it, when they drink the rice expands and kills the bird. !! I get sunflower seed for bluejays, blackbirds, cardinals etc. cracked corn and finch feed for the smaller birds, and suet for the woodpeckers. and grape jelly for orioles. I even have a robin eating the jelly this year. It's a great pastime... also i have to walk quite a ways to get to the feeders, so its exercise even on a winter day.

Butterfly7's photo
Sun 05/17/20 01:44 PM
I totally agree with the merchandise being lower quality. Sometimes you can tell by looking, but I like to feel/touch items before i buy them. See if they are sturdy or soft, etc. I do not buy online.

Butterfly7's photo
Fri 05/15/20 09:27 PM
I enjoy watching Benicio Del Toro - he usually has to play the bad guy, but who cares.

Butterfly7's photo
Fri 05/15/20 09:15 PM
Edited by Butterfly7 on Fri 05/15/20 09:18 PM

I had an opportunity to have that in person conversation with man #1. It was not as difficult as expected. He has no objection to circular dating as described here, with the understanding that he is my only intimate partner.

the following is not part of the quote, i dont know how to work it ---
Sorry, but this makes me laugh...LOL ...I personally see nothing wrong with having 2 activity partners, when the activity is without sex. But I do not believe that any man or woman is Okay with being "the only" intimate partner. Why wouldn't the man say he's ok with it... it leaves him free to have sex with however many women he wants to. and vice versa. The #2 and #3 have to be stupid to accept that the person they are taking on dates is having sex with his/her "favorite" and they get stuck with hamburgers and walks in the park.

I cannot see this working...

Butterfly7's photo
Fri 05/15/20 11:33 AM
you need a photo of your face.

Butterfly7's photo
Thu 05/14/20 08:17 PM
Edited by Butterfly7 on Thu 05/14/20 08:18 PM
I just have not seen Putin on the news for awhile.but there is a lot of news from the COUNTRY..
Coronavirus has become a cascading crisis for Putin. In March, oil prices collapsed after Saudi Arabia launched a price war against Russia, its onetime ally in energy markets.

The country is now ranked second in the world for confirmed cases, behind the US, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Moscow is the worst hit city in Russia, with 121,301 cases.

Add to that two different hospital fires , one last Saturday and one Tuesday May 12. people died. the fires were caused by faulty ventilators. the ventilators were manufactured in Russia. I'm still waiting to see a news conference by Vladimir himself In Person.

Butterfly7's photo
Thu 05/14/20 07:48 PM
216Marcus we are still waiting to hear yours !!

Butterfly7's photo
Thu 05/14/20 07:45 PM
I still like Old Spice on men. it reminds me of the boys in high school - on date night. Add that to some Brylcreem on the hair - "a little dab will do ya".

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 09:06 PM
I am retired from the state prison system. a "date" involves clothing and body searches, person to person SUPERVISED no touching visits, writing letters and putting money on his/her books. Weddings do take place. What are your thoughts or knowledge of how these "dates" (which sometimes last for years) eventually turn out.

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 08:47 PM
A man walks into the bar with a short-legged yellow dog on a leash. The bully at the bar says, "I have a dog that tears other dogs apart. He'd tear your short legged dog to 100 pieces". Man with yellow dog says "bet you a beer he can't". Short fierce fight ensues and Bully's dog is dead. "Man, what kind of dog you got Man? " Man replies "well, before I cut off his tail and painted him yellow he was an alligator. " ! ! !

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 08:38 PM
by the way - EVERY citizen's tax returns are protected information. Presidents aren’t required by law to release their tax returns. Nevertheless, between 1974 and 2012, every president but Gerald Ford has made a voluntary release of the tax returns they filed while in office.

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 08:34 PM
Thanks ladies -- i think so much time is spent on Kim Un of north korea, and we forgot all about Russia. After UK's Boris Johnson, the prime minister almost died of covid, i think about other leaders and what they face.

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 08:30 PM
maybwecan -- you are right spot on....with your thoughts on time spent. thumbs up !

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 08:29 PM
SEAMUS - I actually paid MONEY to see that movie. Steve Martin i think.

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 03:26 PM
I see that most of us have totally forgotten about the BIG Russian Collusion scam the Dems pulled. I can't get a single response on this thread and I consider that OK. There WAS no Russian collusion so we need to focus on our present difficulties. Here's hoping you all stay well.

Butterfly7's photo
Wed 05/13/20 03:23 PM
it always makes me irritated when Pelosi, Schumer and others berate the President for having money. They ALL have money. Why is it so important to see his tax returns. I nor any of you readers will ever have those huge bank accounts, so why should we care .... I am interested in what the politician is doing to help our country and our individuals. Action is the main interest for me.

Butterfly7's photo
Tue 05/12/20 08:40 PM
mystical - you said "we do not have the standing in the world we once had becouse of 1 person ... and a group to let him do it ..."
I assume you are talking about Obama and his cronies.