look dog she knows you will stay if she say that tell her piss off and duce out that peace if she do it bye bye if not same thing its all hood
why? oh why?
look this what you got to do is keep ya head held high fu ck um all if they dont like you. then why try or care i mean i have had no truble wit gettin girls but i know this. from livein in baltimore when you a gangsta or "gangbager" every one eather scared of you or looks down at you but what you do is ceep on movein forward take the pain it gives and use it to make you strong and never let your self fall caricror comes from pain and respect comes never backing down to any one or any thing i mean in my life i have been shot,stabed,beat and i never lost a fight yet i jus stood my ground and store pain,death, and life in the eye with no fear thas what you gotta do homie take it from me