Community > Posts By > Hahvidcharlie93

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Wed 04/11/12 06:53 PM
It doesn't matter if he was a gang banger or what ever at the current time that zimmerman shot the kid he was doing nothing. If we shot everyone for being suspicious i would have been shot 25 times already....and if having tattoos at 17 means your trouble then me with strait A's and perfect attendance was trouble for having a lil ink. Get more sources of info Dont beleve whats just placed front of you

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 03/29/12 04:13 AM

The only reason why his buget is so bad is because bush waged 2 wars that shouldent have happened and he kept them off the books...obama put the war spending in the books which is why our budget is ****...

and you know this how?

good ole fashioned research. also the tax breaks for the wealthy didnt really help that much either....considering more then half of the united states isnt "wealthy". But oh well hopefully things will change and the economy gets stimulated some how

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Wed 03/28/12 07:40 PM
The only reason why his buget is so bad is because bush waged 2 wars that shouldent have happened and he kept them off the books...obama put the war spending in the books which is why our budget is ****...

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 06:38 PM
Same here....imust create a time machine

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 06:28 PM
I Dont like classical music as much Theres some peices i enjoy. I love manson i got his entire discography on my ipod. Dub is also amazing Ive only listed to a few people like Nero and Klaypex but its sexy

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:39 PM
Kesha is a pop singer and mick jaggers daughter. And i love some modern music like Deadmau5 and velvet revolver but IM just tired of havIng people play bruno mars and adell 56 thousands times a day on the radio

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:34 PM

Iran just did what iraq did before the bush invasion.
They won't allow the un to do inspections.
Wonder if our favorite crack head in dc will follow the bush and order an iran invasion?smokin
OMg you have to be jokeing my brother. Iraq had nothing at all and as stated in this article lets have a nuclear free middle east its fair and just, Israel to my knowledge has never submited or been asked to submit to inspections and they do have nuclear weapons. I think the end game should be just and fair to all parties.

Anyhow with all the sabre rattling how do you like the gas prices?

I am quite sure Obama and his green nazis are loving it..

Thats a fairly absurd statement, lets be realistic here, Obama wishes to be re elected high gas prices will only drag down the economy makeing it more difficult for him, a bad economy only helps the republicans but with the candidates they are running I dont think it will matter if unemployment is ten or even twenty percent, they are uneelctablelaugh

So based on your comments my opinion is quite plausible.

If he can't lose then gas can go to $12 a gallon and it won't matter.

The Enviro Nazis that support him want an end to fossil fuels and higher fuel and food prices help them with their depopulation agenda..

You can damn well bet they are very happy with this..

i think the fact this nation is focused on other parts of the world and not there own front door is pure douche-baggory by the us gov our total number of homeless is in the millions and the unemployment is probably triple that **** the middle east help your people i pay my taxes and i demand satisfaction by this bull **** government

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:25 PM

The only thing to do is talk it out with him.and see where things go from there. if u do go out then you will have a grown mature relationship with someone u like and respect and if not u both can still be great friends.

Ya we will always be great friends. I just like him so much. I can sit and listen to him all day. He has a great voice. He is not PC and has opinions on everything. He keeps up on all the current events of the day and understands things much better than I do. I just admire him as a man so much and I don't think he gets that. He has told me he doesn't feel he has much to offer when I feel he has everything to offer.

blindNess is just a speed bump there has been many people with physical problems and they still achieved look at fdr he had polio and he was still able to inspire and lead this country through a depression and war

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:21 PM

Anyone here a fan of good music from the 70s and getting tired of hearing about kesha and miley Cyrus



Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:18 PM
The only thing to do is talk it out with him.and see where things go from there. if u do go out then you will have a grown mature relationship with someone u like and respect and if not u both can still be great friends.

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:14 PM
Anyone here a fan of good music from the 70s and getting tired of hearing about kesha and miley Cyrus

Hahvidcharlie93's photo
Thu 02/23/12 05:04 PM

i bet i got the hottest profile here..:wink:

You overrate yourself.
