Community > Posts By > millsdd

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:59 PM
You'd better check to make sure the house HAS corners! You know how you
always end up in those round rooms !!
"Big Snake in sleeping bag" ? Hmmmmm I might have that embroidered on
mine! I know a lot of women might just see that and actually be
interested in checking it out !! ROTFLMAO

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:49 PM
I've had the same thing happen, not about height but met women who had
obviously posted pics that were probably 10 or more years old! I try to
keep mine fairly current because I decided when I 1st got online and
started chatting that I'd love to meet some of my online friends in
person someday (which I have met quite a few) and the last thing I
wanted was for them to be thinking I was someone I wasn't. That's doubly
important in the dating sense of meeting someone!

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:44 PM
welcome Am, I'm fairly new here to but already have "met" some wonderful
friends. I'm sure you'll like it here.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:39 PM
nawww Mikes great to work for and has a good sense of humor (and is in
better health than me so his heart isn't a concern)
Steve thought it was a great joke so I have Mikes boss backing me up

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:38 PM
Don't know much about the story here Michael but 1 "back off" is all the
answer I EVER need. Let it go and move on dude. No matter what there's
never been a way found to make someone care for you who doesn't and if
they found one what sort of relationship would that be? I want someone
who wants me, not needs me and sure as hell wasn't forced to be with me.
If I'm not wanted I let it go because there are other people who do want
me as a friend and maybe I'll someday find the woman who wants me for
more but it's going to be her choice not mine.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:26 PM
Not really because my branch manager thought the Haloween prank I played
on my boss today thought it was hilarious too.
I own a couple of snakes... Betty an 8 foot redtail boa and Cuddles a 13
foot burmese python. On my way out to work this morning I noticed Betty
had done an almost complete shed this morning (1 piece). Unfortunately I
only managed to get about a 3 foot piece of it because they were
entangled in it but I got that and took it to work with me.
My boss keeps his office locked but we all have keys so I took the skin
in and laid it in his chair and pushed it back under his desk for him to
find Monday morning.
Then I told his boss (the branch mgr) that 1st thing Monday morning when
he hears a womans scream to just ignore it and told him what I was
doing. He thought it was hilarious.
Before I left for the day I wrote my boss an email.
the email said............

Keep your eyes open.
I brought Cuddles with me to work Sat to show Darren and the guys and
then we locked his bag in your office so no customers would get upset by
seeing the bag move.
But when we locked up to leave and I went to get him the bag was empty.
We searched all over the room but couldn't find him. I know he's still
in there because he's too big to get out under the door.
I'll get a rat 1st thing Monday morning and bring it in a carrier when I
come in at 9, he'll come out of his hiding place once he smells it.

Who wants to bet I get a call a LOT earlier than the 9 oclock I'm
supposed to go in at Monday?!? I'm supposed to be off but they're going
to be short handed and he asked me Friday if I'd come in and work 2 of
my days off for the mid mornings. Easy for him to ask since I'm still on
salary and don't get OT for it but now he may think about that twice

Gotta love Haloween ! ! !

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:35 PM
I sell truck parts for one of the big (Semitruck) manufactureres. I
moved to Colorado for a much better paying job as an outside salesman
selling our parts and service to fleets and repair shops (slightly
different than working the inside parts counter where I had been for 28+
years) but they screwed up the territory by not having anyone take care
of the customers for over 3 years! Now those people are happy with the
competition and not likely to switch to using us so they've brought me
inside to do what I've done since high school. It's easy work for me
since it's pretty much all I've known but it's more fun right now
because they were floored that from the 1st day inside I've pretty much
taken over the department like I've worked here all my life even though
their systems and operation are different than any I've used before LOL.
It's been fun to see the look of shock on my bosses faces daily just to
have found someone who knows what they're doing ROTF. Hey I told them
when they hired me I was the best in the business, now it's been
satisfying to be called into the office just so the boss can remind me I
said that and he wants to admit I wasn't exagerating ;) People outside
of "parts business" don't usually appreciate the skills it takes until
they've had to go back to NAPA for the right part 3 or 4 times.

millsdd's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:39 PM
Ya'll are in my prayers also

millsdd's photo
Wed 10/25/06 07:30 PM
I'm doing ok, 1st part of the week I have off and keep busy in the
evenings with bowling, pool leagues and darts

millsdd's photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:22 PM
Hey Morena,
My day was hectic but just in a busy way with not a lot of problems so
it went fast LOL

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/24/06 03:40 PM
A real friend might take your keys off of you, pour you another drink
but then in the end they're the ones who'll hold your hair out of the
toilet while you search for RAAALLLLLPPPPHHHHH ! !
I don't have many friends who are that real but since I don't have any
hair it's not a big deal right? ROTLMFAOPIMP

millsdd's photo
Tue 10/24/06 03:36 PM
I've been getting instant messages right and left from women who claim
to be from West Africa lately. I inform them politely that I'm not
really in the market for a bride from Europe or Africa, don't have the
money to bring one over if I were, that I DO NOT converse with people
who have blank profiles and that as of now I'm putting them on ignore
and reporting them to Yahoo as spam. My odd seem long on finding someone
to share my life with any where near me and I'm pretty sure they're even
longer finding someone real who just pops up on my IM from the other
side of the globe LOL. My self esteem isn't so low or my ego so large as
to believe these (purported) 20 or 30 somethings have actually seen my
profile and would be interested. Hell..... none of the women who I know
for a fact exist are interested but I'm still not quite that stupid. So
when they message me it's "G'bye dahling" and report the spam.

millsdd's photo
Mon 10/23/06 10:55 PM
thanks to all who responded to this, might not have been the proper
section but I do appreciate the replies

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/22/06 09:53 PM
As the darkness surrounds me and the shadows grow near
The cold grows bitter and deep within my soul
As despair of dawn comes upon me I have to ask why
And look to the heavens for the answer from high
In that moment I see the stars my friends
So distant yet bright, their words of support lessen my plight
She’s out there they tell me and to not give up hope
They’re the bright spots in my life in this time of need
Small points of light in darkness so vast
The hold and tell of promise of Dawns coming at last
Stars to me they are these friends of mine
And dawn she will be my Sun with the brightest of shine
To banish the night forever to end
Until dawn arrives with the love of my life
I'll take comfort in the stars my friends
I owe them my life

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/22/06 01:39 PM
thanks everyone

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/22/06 08:08 AM
Kiss her in front of my friends.
Trust her over everyone else.
Tell her she looks beautiful.
Look her in the eye when I talk to her.
Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.
Mess with her hair.
Just walk around with her.
Include her in things I do.
When she cries, I’ll do whatever necessary to make her smile.
Forgive her for her mistakes.
Look at her like she’s the only girl I see.
Tickle her even if she says stop.
Hold her hand even when we are around my friends.
Let her fall asleep in my arms.
Tease her and let her tease me back.
Stay up with her all night when she’s sick.
Watch her favorite movie.
Kiss her forehead.
Give her the world.
Write her letters.
When she’s sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she is important.
Kiss her in the rain and snow.
And when I fall in love with her, I’ll tell her.
And when I do tell her …
I’ll love her like I never loved before!

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 07:02 PM
SSSD (lately the days run together and it's not SSDD LOL )

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 06:53 PM
I'm doing a LOT better because of the friends I've made here. This
wasn't supposed to be a "downer" post but actually more of a request
from me to the good people here for a little help in making some IRL
friends here in Co. Greeley is a fairly large city but it's been
difficult to meet and make many friends is all.

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 06:26 PM
I might be new hear but it sounds like a heck of a good idea!

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/21/06 05:58 PM
Well I don't know how much you're wanting to lose Hon but I CAN tell you
how I lost my weight. The pic I have posted here is not too old and I go
about 210. 5 years ago I weighed 308 lbs!
I made 3 rules that I live by because at that time I was averaging 10-12
thousand calories a day (according to my Dr)

Rule#1 I don't eat unless I'm hungry.... if I've been ill with no
appetite I make sure I take in enough to not get sicker but after a
couple of years on these rules I can control myself pretty well.

Rule#2 Stop eating when I'm no longer hungry.
This was a tough one as the oldest of 5 kids who was raised to clean his
plate. Also I had to learn to eat a little slower (being 1 of 5 you
condition to eat FAST or you might not get enough! LOL)

Rule#3 is the easiest..... I don't let myself get too hungry so I don't

Some days I may eat 2 or 3 small meals, some days only 1 but I pretty
much eat anything I want and can splurge on a big meal sometimes without

I have a couple of pics of me at 308 I could post, I wasn't "FAT" but
people told me I was "FLUFFY" because I carried the extra all over
including my face.