Be all you can be
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Off Beat String
Thank you, sometimes I feel like I am marching to a different drum beat. And I can't ever seem to sing in tune. Took it to the heart.
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Invisibly Invincible
Edited by
Tue 02/19/08 08:26 PM
Awakening with hope,
I arise for the day. Good morning God, Lets take a moment to pray. Arise and shine each child of mine. A gentle nudge here, a smile for a sign. As they all awake with much to my dismay. Not one, not two, not three have anything to say. Invisibly Invincible, this will not bother me. Kiss each one and I too was a teen to be. Sometimes inside I wish for a different outcome. That someone would take notice of who I've become. That each person has value, importance and needs. That loving eachother is as easy as planting seeds. Well, I guess after all the years of Invisibly Invincible I have learned to except that God love is the most sensible. While the human inside craves attention, and desire. The spirit watches the world with aspiration that won't tire. There aren't a lot of true friends that we count until the end. Though, I was sure that I was here for someone, maybe a heavens send. Invisibly, that a brave way to say. That most of the time I wonder if I make a difference in each day. Invincible is the key that keeps my heart going strong. Sometimes I know its not man that keeps me here, but for God I do belong. Feeling Invisible today (Night) TAB |
Open Desire
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Devils advocate "What if she was planted by someone else and its Obama following procedures... Just wondering..
What if its a ploy from another politician... Its not like Clinton wasn't messing around years before Monica, and so she kept the dress.. common. We don't know. TAB |
Ticket To Knowhere
I tried to stay here today, but lost about 11 am. I like this poem, or actually I like the hope of this place.
Nice writing everyone. |
The Broken In Hope
Well I'm looking up to the walls of Jerico right now. Hopefully someone will blow a horn soon. Nice job Faded...
Ticket To Knowhere
Night everyone...
Have a nice Presidents day.. |
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Church Casino?
When I was a child we would play bingo in chuch for money. Was that gambling. I never thought much of it, but now that I help run a senior center where they play Bingo, maybe it was a path that was set before me. Just a thought.
Purpose.... Life
Nicely written.... purpose appreciate.
Thank You
nicely expresssed friendship.. so much what it should be in appreciation.
Nice write. TAB |
Ticket to Knowhere
I posted this on poems, but I thought it fit in religion and philosophy too. Have a good night everyone.
As the day passes through moments in time. I look for a meaning, through the sublime. A ticket to Knowhere was the thought of the day. That's the place to go, that the place to stay. Knowhere's a land that is exceptional bright. Knowhere's a land that one can sleep through the night Knowhere's a question that has just one truth. Knowhere's a place where silence to the ears will sooth. Momentarily I am transported from here to Knowhere. No need to question how, just imagine your there. Quietly we adjust our minds and forget the wrongs. We embellish on the best of love in all of the songs. Knowhere's a place where good is the gold of life. Knowhere's the value of happiness, over the value of strife. Knowhere's a time when innocence was an actual commodity. Knowhere's a land where things are just the way the outta be. Out of this dream, and into this land. The Know is about how to lend an unselfish hand. The Where is the place that you should already know. Knowhere can truly exist if you'll let your love grow. Open up your eyes, take a good look inside. You can't be in Knowhere if your life you must hide. Express the blessings that love can bring forward. Knowhere's the place that we want to move toward. For Knowhere to exist right here and right now. We have to live ethics, values and with a respectful vow. For Tolerance, truth and mercy without a fuss. For Knowhere to exist the justice is not about us. I expect that Knowhere is a heavenly view. A Utophia that is a philosopher dream come true. Ignited by the fire of the Holy Ghost. I think I might find Knowhere on earth now better than Most. For a better world. TAB 2/17/2008 |
Ticket To Knowhere
As the day passes through moments in time.
I look for a meaning, through the sublime. A ticket to Knowhere was the thought of the day. That's the place to go, that the place to stay. Knowhere's a land that is exceptional bright. Knowhere's a land that one can sleep through the night Knowhere's a question that has just one truth. Knowhere's a place where silence to the ears will sooth. Momentarily I am transported from here to Knowhere. No need to question how, just imagine your there. Quietly we adjust our minds and forget the wrongs. We embellish on the best of love in all of the songs. Knowhere's a place where good is the gold of life. Knowhere's the value of happiness, over the value of strife. Knowhere's a time when innocence was an actual commodity. Knowhere's a land where things are just the way the outta be. Out of this dream, and into this land. The Know is about how to lend an unselfish hand. The Where is the place that you should already know. Knowhere can truly exist if you'll let your love grow. Open up your eyes, take a good look inside. You can't be in Knowhere if your life you must hide. Express the blessings that love can bring forward. Knowhere's the place that we want to move toward. For Knowhere to exist right here and right now. We have to live ethics, values and with a respectful vow. For Tolerance, truth and mercy without a fuss. For Knowhere to exist the justice is not about us. I expect that Knowhere is a heavenly view. A Utophia that is a philosopher dream come true. Ignited by the fire of the Holy Ghost. I think I might find Knowhere on earth now better than Most. For a better world. TAB 2/17/2008 |
The Meaning Of Over
Over is such a final feeling. Do you believe it truly exsist, or do we intuitively carry a rememberance of friends, lovers and family members with our hearts in hopes of future connections?
It's a feeling of letting go. It's not remembering who said so. Nice write... well directed. TAB |
The One that Got Away - Kenny Loggins..
Have any of you heard of plays pretty good music similar to your style of favorite artist. TAB |
Need to KNOW - Night
It is our need to know that seems to create the quest to find God or deny God. My own personal experience, I would love to know Him, so I choose to look and work towards His Kingdom with assurance that He's on my side through the good and bad. Now is just a walk of Faith. I don't have so many questions but love to think about the philosophy.
I believe its intrinsic in our souls to want to figure it out, and feel comfortable with our choices. TAB |
Possible... witchcraft is of ancient times. The Greeks acknowledge witchcraft, and the Bible and it seems could be a good or evil dark force.
Harry Potter series has changed the pop culture of witchcraft. However, Christian especially fund-mentalist burned witches, I believe wrongly in Salem. I would look for information and see if you can trace any family history. Wiccan is a large cult this decade, I am not sure if its growing, but there probably is a belief/traditon of ability and practice of witchcraft, along with potions, spells and darkness. I still wonder if there is such things as Good Witches, and can they work for the Kingdom of God for his good. I sometimes think it might go that way or pray.. Becareful of what you let the world make of you. When I was child, this was often pushed in my direction, I became familiar with this darkside- as a child we often looked towards seeing the beyond. I learned that its as real to some, as God is real to me. NIght. TAB |
Did God create evil?
So Christ could crush the head of the serpent in the future.
A philosophy... The coming of the 2nd Adam that was perfect. Jesus Christ. TAB |
Did God create evil?
God allowed evil.... The knowledge of evil had to be of an omnipresense God, but not part of God Nature. Therefore when he created man he knew man was able to make decisions for good or bad. But, it was in our will that we made evil, and not God Will, he then takes our bad choices and uses it for His Glory. Oh, boy this is a huge subject. God created eden, and all that it was. God is all that is good, pure and perfect. Along the lines of something I hope I can grasp someday, I use JOB in the bible one of the older books. Maybe I should have taken a lollipop.. NIght TAB This might include the angels and demons. ( I believe ) He is the Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End. Was ALWAYS there. I don't know that Christ is a religion as much as a relationship. Its man that seems to create the religion in order to maintain sanctification and tradition for God's Honor. You might be right about having similar conversations over and over, but I believe that it might just help those who are looking for a personal relationship with and All Mighty God. Its never not worth talking about. |