Community > Posts By > SkepticalBrian
I don't think he's made a new one since he left 22 minutes. I loved the original cast of 22 minutes, but I just don't find the new cast of 22 minutes, nor the mercer report, very good.
30 days of night
meh, it's ok.
A "scientific" question
I think you have a very skewed view of what science is. Science looks at things skeptically. Something has to be peer reviewed, criticized and debated before it can be considered a theory. In religion, in this example catholicism, if the pope declares something to be true than it automatically is considered such. No skeptical inquiry, no peer review, just acceptance.
Let me put it this way, to be more direct with your question. If God or Jesus were to come down from heaven, perform a bunch of miracles and did so in a way would leave no possible way that it were trickery, I would convert to Christianity on the spot. Your scenarios are implausible. The first one, god actively coming down from heaven and providing evidence of the miracles, is the more plausible as god would be taking an active part in proving his existence. If god came down from heaven and provided undeniable proof of his miracles, any true skeptic would convert to christianity as the evidence would be clear and undeniable. The second scenario would be impossible with our level of technology, how the hell would we see a bible on another planet. These would be undeniable evidence of the existence of god, and science, by it's nature, would accept the fact that god exists if this evidence were to come around. However, since it hasn't, there is no well founded reason to assume that god exists nor mix god in with science. |
Should we call Ron Paul out?
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Fri 02/01/08 09:00 AM
Ron Paul never had a chance. I have no idea why libertarians like him so much, he's not a libertarian, he's a paleoconservative. The reason I used to hope he would win is because he talked about ending the war on drugs and that his first act as president would be to release all non violent drug offenders, including Canadian marijuana activist Marc Emery who the DEA pulled out of Canada, clearly getting involved in another nation's affairs which it has no business in (well, not yet, the extradition hearing is still going on but his own lawyer has said it's next to impossible for him to win after the extradition act of canada was passed.) However, some of his other positions are just too much. |
already addressed this on your other post but, if a draft was called, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go over well with the public, probably escalate to Vietnam level protests or worse. I don't think it would be possible to call a draft at this point, there's too much opposition from both sides of the political spectrum.
If John Mcain or any other Republican wins the presidency do you think that there will be a military draft? If they tried to pull off a draft at this point in the Iraq war, I imagine all hell would break loose, think Vietnam protests, perhaps much worse. All the candidates know this and I'm fairly sure none of them is stupid enough to call a draft. |
Boxers or Pajamas
I don't bother with any of that, I sleep in my jeans
Profile Ratings
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Wed 01/30/08 04:02 PM
was reluctant to ask at first, but people in this thread seem to responses so....
please rate my profile 1 - 10 ![]() |
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Wed 01/30/08 03:25 PM
Maybe I'm just way too cynical, but to quote Al Pachino in the Devil's Advocate "love is no different from eating large quantities of chocolate." or something along those lines. Don't get me wrong, I understand the human need for love, obviously because I'm on this website, but I don't believe in the notion of a one true love.
Ah, don't mind me, I'm just over thinking this post of yours. |
cloverfield....yes or no????
I thought it was pretty good. My friend who I saw it with said he almost threw up but I was eating popcorn the whole time and was fine.
MY BAIL IS..... $465
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Wed 01/30/08 03:02 PM
wow, I feel like such a goody goody nerd. I only have to pay $55.
lol, I deleted my myspace page months ago, use facebook instead now.
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Tue 01/29/08 09:36 PM
She is FAR FAR WORSE than any of the republican candidates!! She's a liar, a cheater and a theif!! After Bill's term was up and they left the white house, they stole some White House furniture that BELONGED in the white you didn't hear about that one did ya!! Nope, as a matter of fact I didn't. I don't know, the one republican I was at first hoping would win was Ron Paul, but further research caused me to realize he was a total nut case, and makes some dishonest claims such as never voting for an earmark, which on the surface is true, but he doesn't tell the whole story, he added earmarks at times and then voted against them knowing the bills would pass anyway, and other stuff of the like. (hope there's not many Ron Paul supporters reading this, I'm probably going to get an earful for that statement.) I guess what I forget sometimes is that actions are more important than what the candidates say. After I made my post, I remembered that she was a strong supporter of Bill's bombings on Iraq. But still, she is what she is, a dirty politician. Oh and for the Ron Paul supporters who take offense to what I say, because I'm sure there's at least one, here's a couple articles critical of him, just so you can't say I made that stuff up. |
While I am not American and thus cannot vote in this election, I am following it with interest because it does affect the world. While I don't like Hilary at all, in fact there's a lot of issues I disagree with her on, I still think she's better than any of the republican candidates. But then again, I don't see much difference between either party though that's just my opinion.
YEAH!!!!!! I just watched that. If I was an American, and a cartoon, I'd vote for him for sure.
special need kids
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Tue 01/29/08 08:22 PM
while I don't have kids, Personally, I was diagnosed with ADD, which I probably do have, and a so called "non verbal learning disability" which, looking back, I don't really have that, I just saw an incompetent psychologist.
I do have a friend with genuinely diagnosed aspergers though, he's a nice guy, but you can tell |
People can be so rude
I wouldn't worry about it, if he did that he wasn't worth your time anyway.
Anonymous vs Scientology
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Tue 01/29/08 09:39 AM
Anonymous vs Scientology
Anonymous is a legion Anonymous never forgives Anonymous never forgets don't take it seriously. they're just doing it for the lulz Yeah, Many people consider them to be cult like, leeching on federal money claiming themselves as a religious organizatin for tax breaks, and generally something they don't want influencing their neighborhoods/cities. I'd love to explain this to you but then I'd have to break rules one and two, which is something I'm not willing to do. |
Anonymous vs Scientology
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Mon 01/28/08 08:04 PM
Anonymous is a legion
Anonymous never forgives Anonymous never forgets don't take it seriously. they're just doing it for the lulz |