Single Mothers
I'm a single mother to a 5 yr old lovely little boy. And it's honestly BOYS like you, that made me give up on the dating thing. They view a child,; which is one of the biggest blessings you could ever have in my eyes, as "baggage". There is no greater thing then the love of a child. And I feel like it's even more so when that child is not yours and they love and accept you like you are their parent. Unfortunately I chose a guy who did not stick around. Did I think he was going to do that? Heck no. But he did. And it actually was for the better. Looking back, the relationship was toxic. Why would I make my child endure that? I wouldn't and won't. I have a full time career, my own house, my own car and I pay all my bills BY MYSELF. and on top of that, I'm raising a little MAN by myself. Yes, there are some moms that fall short of their duties, but you can not simple lump ALL single moms into a "bad mom" Category based off of a few. I know plenty of single momst hat get **** done and hold down the fort on there own; myself included. Maybe you're just threatened by the fact that we don't NEED a man? good luck to you sir.