Community > Posts By > yantraimages

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:35 PM
Ya, once we went to a bar at a hotel and there was a pool just outside the windows of a busy bar,but the lights were off on the pool and on in the bar, thease two girls suggested that me and my friend go skinny dipping with them so we did. The manager finally came out and said " The pool is Closed, you are not allowed to swim" then he muttered under his breath "Naked" We got out, he was cool.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:59 PM
I would notice and miss you, I left for a couple of months, did you notice?

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:54 PM
I had 3,but I just sold them on e-bay to some guy named Luke.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:49 PM

I always get a kick how Americans (Not saying all of you do, but the only people I've heard say it, are in fact American) say "on" accident, instead of "by" accident. :smile:

I thought you were going to say "use toilet paper instead of a beday."

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:46 PM

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:37 PM
I'm sorry but I have totally done away with my ego. It was right around the time I mastered humility. This all went down just before I reached enlightenment (it's not all it's cracked up to be) I do understand why so many people want to reach enlightenment, it's because they want to be like me! For your sake I hope that few reach my high level of evolvement or there be no extra egos around.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:55 AM

How do I overcome it? There's a guy I rather like... how do I fake confidence? LOL
You can't fake confidence. Go do things that you are good at, to build your confidence. Self assured confidence is very sexy, and attractive.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:48 AM


It goes both ways, I have helped a few women to be better, and vise versa. I am seeing somebody right now and it's sorta funny. I have rearranged my life to be pretty stress free, my bills are minimal, and I have my 40mpg car and my 80mpg motorcycle so I don't have to make much money at all, and I don't, I have gotten kinda lazy. I am seeing somebody who is a surgeons assistant at one hospital and in charge of the ER at another hospital and is the single mom of 6 kids. (only 2 kids are at home) I asked her "Why me?" She said she had something to learn from me, I think she is realising that all the money, the incredible house, the Land Cruiser ect. ect. isn't worth the stress! See what I mean? It's kinda backwards.
80 mpg????? holy crap what are you riding a moped or a huffy????laugh laugh laugh
Bmw gs 650 Dakar It's amazing!

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:37 AM
I suggest Meth Amphetamines, or crack might work. Work your way to the bottom, and you will realize what a wonderful place you are in right now.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:33 AM
I only have one pair of panties, they ended up at my house someway, I have no clue who left them here. I keep them on my bedside table with a pair of handcuffs and spurs, My Mamaw always said "Have a place for everything and keep everything in it's place"

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 09:29 AM
Garden, Trying to make an incredible Victorian garden out of 5 acres of high mountain desert. Actually though, I spend most of my time taking care of a large family of gophers.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:54 AM
Go out about 20 ft. survey the whole situation, and decide if you want to go back or not.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:04 AM

It goes both ways, I have helped a few women to be better, and vise versa. I am seeing somebody right now and it's sorta funny. I have rearranged my life to be pretty stress free, my bills are minimal, and I have my 40mpg car and my 80mpg motorcycle so I don't have to make much money at all, and I don't, I have gotten kinda lazy. I am seeing somebody who is a surgeons assistant at one hospital and in charge of the ER at another hospital and is the single mom of 6 kids. (only 2 kids are at home) I asked her "Why me?" She said she had something to learn from me, I think she is realising that all the money, the incredible house, the Land Cruiser ect. ect. isn't worth the stress! See what I mean? It's kinda backwards.
Not really backwards. Money doesn't make you happy - you may have a better life than she has. I am working like a slave to support my house and starting to wonder why I think it's worth it.
Exactly, she sees that I have a better stress free life, but there is probably a happy balance, I have probably taken it to the other extreame.

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:57 AM
One of my best friends cracks me up. We would walk into a bar or restaurant, he would pick out the cutest girl in the place, pick a chair that he would sometimes pull out from the table and point at her, sit down with his legs spread wide open, and shoot her a big smile. I would almost laugh out loud..."You wanna be a little more obvious?"

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:47 AM
It goes both ways, I have helped a few women to be better, and vise versa. I am seeing somebody right now and it's sorta funny. I have rearranged my life to be pretty stress free, my bills are minimal, and I have my 40mpg car and my 80mpg motorcycle so I don't have to make much money at all, and I don't, I have gotten kinda lazy. I am seeing somebody who is a surgeons assistant at one hospital and in charge of the ER at another hospital and is the single mom of 6 kids. (only 2 kids are at home) I asked her "Why me?" She said she had something to learn from me, I think she is realising that all the money, the incredible house, the Land Cruiser ect. ect. isn't worth the stress! See what I mean? It's kinda backwards.

yantraimages's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:10 PM
<-------Doesn't Smoke Pot, or do drugs, Believes Love is the ultimate power to change the world, models his life after Jesus, believes he is the ultimate example of the way to be, is a creator of art, music, poetry, and a sculptor of words,and is a hippie! If you want to label me.

yantraimages's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:46 PM
No names, be nice...too many rules!

yantraimages's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:43 PM
I'm still thinking about cranking up the wood stove

yantraimages's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:29 PM
ohwell indifferent huh yawn

yantraimages's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:11 AM
The Bike! Damn that's a nice hog! It's hardly even damaged, so I...