Topic: Shot down in flames...
Alterego1961's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:16 PM
After the debacle with my "ONE MILLION" post I have had to check myself into my own Intensive Care Unit for life support. I am told I will be fine in a few minutes, but my already small ego may take a while to recover. I am told I may even need an ego transplant. If anyone has an ego to spare you can reach me here at JSH. The procedure is painless for you, but may cause intense humbling for me. blushing laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ouch!!!! bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:21 PM

After the debacle with my "ONE MILLION" post I have had to check myself into my own Intensive Care Unit for life support. I am told I will be fine in a few minutes, but my already small ego may take a while to recover. I am told I may even need an ego transplant. If anyone has an ego to spare you can reach me here at JSH. The procedure is painless for you, but may cause intense humbling for me. blushing laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ouch!!!! bigsmile
flowerforyou At least you arnt suffering from rectal buffalo wingism like meohwell

CleanBathroom's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:23 PM
I've got enough ego to go around.

Just ask me; I'll tell ya.'

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:30 PM
You should find lots of ego donors here.... but I know I can't name names!!! laugh laugh laugh

yantraimages's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:37 PM
I'm sorry but I have totally done away with my ego. It was right around the time I mastered humility. This all went down just before I reached enlightenment (it's not all it's cracked up to be) I do understand why so many people want to reach enlightenment, it's because they want to be like me! For your sake I hope that few reach my high level of evolvement or there be no extra egos around.

CleanBathroom's photo
Sun 06/01/08 06:06 PM

I'm sorry but I have totally done away with my ego. It was right around the time I mastered humility. This all went down just before I reached enlightenment (it's not all it's cracked up to be) I do understand why so many people want to reach enlightenment, it's because they want to be like me! For your sake I hope that few reach my high level of evolvement or there be no extra egos around.

laugh smokin

Go forth Abraham Maslow and seek self-actualization. drinker