Community > Posts By > Stargazzer250
Must be a secret...
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Now why would you do that?
![]() You're just trying to make us piston heads green with envy aren't yah? ![]() |
Name A Song A-Z - part 14
Stay, Shakesphere's Sister
Name A Song A-Z - part 14
Hotel California, Eagles
Older Woman
"My profile just got viewed by a self-proclaimed 231-year-old woman. ..." Uh, divide by 7 and you get 33. Why 7? Simple that's dog years. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Skipping along requires both feet to be on the ground, just not always at the same time.
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Next you'll be doing "Superbowl Commercials", then we can all say, " We like knew her when she had had both feet on the ground ".
Great job. |
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 29 > § 599 § 599. Promise of appointment by candidate Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. This is sort of vague, the final four (so to speak) are actually Vying for a parties endorsement to become a candidate. If this Title, Part and Chapter were understood the way you believe them to be, then president Obama (there were others no doubt) who have violate this Elections and activities code. Usually being the Chief of Staff, Press Secretary, Senior advisor to name a few. Axelrod, Gibbs and Rahman Emanuel. I'm sure you get the picture. |
What an Idiot!!! The day after Palin's endorsment, in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Gingrich "promised" to give Palin a presidential appointment. Tried, tried, and tried again...can't find the video if in fact there was one...hold your shorts, I'm not doubting you, just the reliability of another MSM comp. |
Hotel Bill
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Football, in heaven!!
And if it takes off in the US some gov't agency will find a way to add substance screening to it! But that won't become public knowledge until long after it's in use! I' sooner think, they'd try to figure out how to turn them into voting machines. ![]() |
"..."At first, we thought it would really be only young people who would like this...But . . . we're seeing this phenomenonwhere people are enjoying playing with it, regardless of age," ..." Public masterbation...line to the left. This like sooooo wrong. |
There was this young guy who was walking to the next town. The old guy told him that he was walking the wrong way to get there. The young guy said that the earth was round and for the old guy not to worry about it as he would get there. ![]() ROUND!! ![]() And when did that happen? ![]() This isn't a good thing, is it? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'll have to answer you in a couple of days as I've been putting off doing the dishes, laundry, sharpening the pencils and...
I hope you understand. ![]() |
Wow I had no idea how many misinformed people we have in this country.........I blame the usual suspect, Fox news. Care to explain in clear plain English (forget suggestive or code). I don't know if I understand exactly what you're saying, meaning or eluding to. Thank you for clearing that up for me. |
Why can't everyone just out right acknowledge we're wrong, we've become so SECULAR it sucks... The whole freaking problem over there is nothing but RELIGION. Always was, is and will continue to be till the plug gets pulled on this materialistic world. People, wake up, pick up a BIBLE and read. It is after all the oldest story in print, just has (basically) 2 separate interpretations right, King James and The Kuran. We all profess to be so smart, spew words like "no such thing as religion, Atheist, Agnostic, PC or what ever". Refuse to pick up the bible claim it to be void, then in the same breath we reference news reports, professors and people we let lead us by the ring in our nose for we elected them, after all if we fail to be PC ourselves we are saying "We have no idea what we are doing, in other words...WE ARE WRONG." And no one likes being wrong, do we? Of course I could be wrong here, but I think not. |
the perfect christmas party
Sorry to inform everyone that on Nov. 7, 2010 we (the ACLU) had sued the company for giving you, the employees ONLY the Afternoon off with pay.
We managed to tie up the company in the courts for over a year, with us ( the ACLU) winning a judgement against the company. After our charges to represent you please note each employee owes $175.00 to cover our expenses. Enclosed please find address where you should forward a MONEY ORDER ( other than U.S.P.S. for obvious reasons as they're worse off than Hogan's Goat ) or Certified Check (hopefully from the 1st Bank of the Grand Caman's ), note we will not accept cash due to the value of the dollar compared to the Yuan. By the time the award was given the company had filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy due to extensive legal fees. I'm sure by now all employees with 26 weeks or better of employment with the company have managed to file for unemployment benefits. We (the ACLU) have been informed the unemployment checks should be forth coming as soon as the states budget gets passed. So hang in there, we at the ACLU are in your corner. |
"...are they trying to get me with an asian woman? i doubt it." Now that is a word picture. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There you go, classic example of what happens when you don't have a plan, come up with a plan only to have said plan fail BIG TIME. (check out the link and watch the video) Plan for the worst hope for the best...yet way to many, wearing rose colored glasses I dare think...Hope for the best and just don't want to plan for anything. |