Community > Posts By > MariahsFantasy
A gentleman in my book simply means a man that is considerate towards a woman's needs and wants. ain't nobody got time for that Oh, ice ice baby. that's not in the song ice ice baby ![]() You burned me. I needed ice for it. ![]() |
Does it matter?
That's pretty funny! The answer doesn't assume that the occupation is illegal. Some people would not want to date a truck driver or a flight attendant because they are never around. Some construction workers smell like the workplace (so do some nail care places!). An embalmer is kinda gross and freaky. Most doctors are ********. Farmers work all the time. Politicians are not really human are they? ... and so on. ![]() Politicians are unfortunately human but they often smell like government cheese. Ask Liz Taylor from her grave how it felt to be married to one. |
Does it matter?
Most definitely! Won't get involved with a drug dealer, male prostitute, or any such methods of making a living. Honorably employed people, no matter how little they make are welcomed. Degree, no degree, honest hard working, honestly employed people are always welcomed! How much they make is of no consequence to me. I like this. ![]() |
Personal Answer
My problem with that particular answer if that I wonder if said person ever thinks for themselves and speaks from their own brain.
A gentleman in my book simply means a man that is considerate towards a woman's needs and wants. ain't nobody got time for that Oh, ice ice baby. |
Personal Answer
If they answer that way, I give them my best 'Spock' look, and say "but do you"? If I don't get a straight answer, I get out the stock prod. ![]() I think anyone who gives that answer is a puzzy. lol...I posted before seeing your answers....but I was expecting some sort of : "maybe the person lacks personality" ?.... ![]() Oh that too. But it's a presumptuous response nevertheless. |
Personal Answer
Doesn't count. You're expecting it now.
Personal Answer
Edited by
Fri 12/19/14 04:01 PM
yeah...and I have to admit...sometimes I even do that myself.... (the reasons depend on the context) Why do you do it for any reason? |
Personal Answer
If they answer that way, I give them my best 'Spock' look, and say "but do you"? If I don't get a straight answer, I get out the stock prod. ![]() I think anyone who gives that answer is a puzzy. |
Personal Answer
Do you ever while talking to someone ask them a question and they give the "everyone does this" answer instead of personally answering the question?
Does it matter?
Does it matter what the opposite sex does for a living when you're dating them?
I'm judging all of you right now. I judged you last night. And it felt all tingly. Something tingled. |
I'm judging all of you right now. I judged you last night. ![]() +1 |
Edited by
Fri 12/19/14 01:55 PM
Gentlemen: polite, courteous, respectful. It doesn't really change over time. I don't see it changing as I grow older. It has more value.
Ladies do you like these men? Would you put up with a man who wasn't?
Mingle Veterans
Edited by
Fri 12/19/14 11:31 AM
Yes....Which reminds me....We need to exchange info Audrey! ![]() ![]() Need to inform you about my change of plans. I've been on Facebook lately. ![]() |
casual thing
I also think that ppl who have been in 1 or more LTR are more afraid to commit again, and I actually think a lot of men don't really work through past relationships. (yes, there will be women who don't either, I know. But in general woman do) Yeah that's because we don't believe crying makes you weak. |
I just have one: passive aggressives need not apply.
Do you Judge a Man
Girth or length?
![]() |
Mingle Veterans
A question for y'all. Mingle oldies but goodies.
If the site wasn't around, would you stay in touch with your friends/acquaintances offline? |