Dating your age mate
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Fri 01/09/15 05:37 PM
what we date, always, be most like our self.
but the self blind will refuse to believe such. and why these have blocked any changes for them self, ever. for who loves what is not like it self? if you like it, more if ya thought you loved it, it is very very very similar to one self, to a very very very much same degree. then humans have illumination. to know thy self. which be what one self is minus all outside praises to bolster it's own belief in it's own good self. the worst of one self. is true. then, happiness everlasting. |
welcome to the real earth... where all sea others through but their own agenda. |
it's that cussed 777 you have to look out for! ![]() That pays double at the right slot machines. sum look at what pays off for them self most, and lose. |
Simply bored?
such can only result if one is surrounding one self with "yessers", or only those on earth one can find who adore one self... to never feel bored... surround one self with those who have a different perspective than one self, and then wisdom grows exponentially, and these do not have to feel the miserable feeling of boredom. |
what do you think of words
for since mankind it self made up all of it's own words, and all grew up into a pre-existing environment speaking them, humankind has yet to grasp even the slightest magnanimous power of words to effect and control all the actions of others.
what u hate most and why
love that haters, for truly i see most as not true haters...
just having fun the word hate made up by humans... but them moment one hates not, what it hates, is the very first moment one's own brain is freed to tell how to keep what one hates from EVER happening again, with a solution that CAN'T fail. peace to all the lovely beautiful haters. ![]() |
oh yeah. ha. scientific fact. |
Edited by
Fri 01/09/15 04:44 PM
All numbers are included within zero. you are so wise stay the same, pick the same. |
Zee's Pub! - part 6
just for the record, you guys are all great! most of us belong in the looney bin... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and i'll be there when you need your get out of jail free card professionally stamped... smiles. |
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() if 666 is equal, so than are all other numbers... for is 111 bad, or 222, or 333, or 444, when each one of these has psecial meanings. for the wise use not just their left brain, or right brain, as better, to decide such ignorant small minded meanings as 666 as evil, but some use both sides of their brain as equal, and sea all as equal in value, yes, and even all numbers as equal in value. you forgot 000. ![]() indeed... one of my favorite brains seen the beginning was not included... sum yawn, those live half alive. sum sea more, live 100% content and alive. |
wtf - part 5
Davidben looks a lil like Mick Jagger ![]() hehehe... been told that... and tommy lee jones, and kurt russel, and harrison ford... blah blah blah... we all look a little like many... hope life is good Romeo. even though i know it ain't. but that can be fixed. once one is committed to something bestirred bedsides it's own blinking on and off meandering wants. sum sea, and sum just live everyday with the feeling they know there has got to be more. and there is. for those who r willing to go the xtra mile. |
those that follow lust of course will never follow love.
connect your right and left brain as one or you will be left behind.
only blind eye's make not all numbers as equal, and as coming from the gods brains of all human's as equals, as equal parts of the total sum of all knowledge. it's 999 I tell's ya! ![]() if 666 is equal, so than are all other numbers... for is 111 bad, or 222, or 333, or 444, when each one of these has psecial meanings. for the wise use not just their left brain, or right brain, as better, to decide such ignorant small minded meanings as 666 as evil, but some use both sides of their brain as equal, and sea all as equal in value, yes, and even all numbers as equal in value. |
Man Law 2
those that decided to love the laws of man law, wonder why they have no beautiful fe's bring them beers BECAUSE THEY WANT TO, not because they told to, or have to, to get something in exchange.
but all have their comfy blanket. |
Beautiful Minds Thread
for if what one believe be beautiful does not create beautiful for the whole world, what good was it. David ![]() Individuality in itself is beautiful... beauty doesn't need to cater to the worlds definition of beautiful, only to the individual. What good was it? VERY Good! Peace some r content with striving for a beautiful life for them self... some sea that a beautiful life for all, be the only beautiful life for one self. since what was at our neighbors door yesterday, will to tomorrow be at our own. and there is nothing that cannot be changed in the world, once the changers of heart sea they must change it for all, not just for 1. or some, for it it be last. |
The Problem with putting others first, teaches them that you come second. a wise women who sea into the controlling menacing self wants as greater who promoted such sayings as truth. but nothing can conquer those whom sea equality be only simply 2 peoples want be equal. and since want is a flashing light on and off... then only synchronized same time 2 people equal want, be of true truer truest good, that teach and lead to all bliss. |
![]() and what she wanted her self for her self caused her to be used and abused and thrown away by her handlers. |
Random things that annoy you
That sudden ringing or itch in the ear in ancient times, of the Eqyptian pyramids day, and many others human days, it was deemed those who heard such was a sign one was hearing from the gods more clearly and loudly... and from your poetry, i would say it is so. |
Edited by
Fri 01/09/15 04:00 PM
Women are easily carried away with love and care when you show them these they start comparing you with their man so I think competition is allowed tru tru... but if they compare you, how many with more than one self r there to compare to... ??? so than... whoever fall into "prey" with one that compares one self to others... god hasten the wise eyes own departure from those who seek but the "best' for it self... 4 will not there always be a better best evolving somewhere someplace... so fo sure it ain't love of a another as the self getters love 2 declare, but rather the love of gettin da best fo one self no matter what the cost to others be the ultimate goal these unloving souls. beware beware, for only the gullible r easily decieved. and the gullible r those who love to hear what they wished for when they were a child. |